Also, I have a question about something that happened when I unpacked dayz_code.pbo yesterday. It worked all fine and shit, and I was able to repackage it and load up the game, but it kept giving me an error about z\dayz_code\gui\loadingscreen.paa or something like that. It's like it deleted the loading screen during the unpacking/repacking process. What's with that? Lol.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
Can't believe I forgot this, but no matter how far away I walk, how long I wait at different distances, and how many times I run back and forth between them, I just can't get the fucking firestations in Luzern to spawn any goddamn loot.
Ok, well, I lied. I got ONE of them to spawn loot. That loot was a single empty tin can. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. All the other buildings in the city are spawning loot just fine, and I just recently noticed the Killhouses, so I'm just farming military loot right now... but god damn the firestations aren't spawning ANYTHING. UPDATE: THIS JUST IN, WE HAVE BREAKING NEWS ABOUT THE SAD STORY OF THE HOMELESS PANDA'S INABILITY TO HAVE LOOT SPAWN IN THE FIRESTATIONS! Here's our interview: Anchor: Good afternoon, Mr. Hobo Panda. So, tell me, what's the story on the firestations and loot not spawning? Mr. Hobo: Well, I've been playing DaiZy Napf all day, and no matter what I do, no loot is spawning in the firestations. All I had found was an empty tin can! Anchor: You said had? What's new?! Mr. Hobo: I found something else... Want to know what it is? Anchor: I believe we all do! Mr. Hobo: I FOUND AN EMPTY SODA CAN!!! Anchor: *facepalms*
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Above
Well, so far Napf has been amazing. But I guess this is the end of the road for me.
![]() I mean, what else is there to do? What else is there to look for? To find? I've done it - I've beaten DaiZy Napf. Hobo - 1, World - 0
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
Wow, I have 0 clue. :S I've gotten many errors before, but this is one of the many I've never ever seen in my life. The loading screen that I made is packed in the mission. In the img folder. And just a thingy, if anyone got some PS skills and wants THEIR loading screen in the official mission, feel free to send examples! I know that it can be done better. :D |
Ah, ok, I see. Also, about the Jerry Cans not working, apparently it's an issue with DayZ 1.7.7/, not with Napf :p
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
Tell me about it..... I just found an MP5 in there, so it does work. And it's coded to work. But damn, I've NEVER seen anything in there until now.... I think this is because there are so many damn buildings spawning loot in there. I've also noticed that either A: Superstores can't be lootcycled with the scripts. Or 2: They just take ages to spawn new loot. I think it's B. And I hope so. Otherwise we're gonna have a real apocolypse without food, soon. I'll just start hunting, though. When I run out of supermarkets. Hahaha. :D
What can I say.... The Luzern government hates us! Ha! What do you think about the killhouse-base I made there? Not the best base, but I reckon I made it decent with the containers etc. And BTW! That firestation outside the killhouses, that's the one I'm fighting with, too! That's where I found the MP5!
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
Yes, this is the most serious issue posted so far. I'll have to re-balance the loot table. One does not simply beat the system in 1 day! About the skin, good or bad? |
I LOVE THE SKIN :D And lol, ikr? Dude, we should talk on Skype or TS or something, I'm bored... xD
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Ok, so, I found a way around the lack-of-Auto-Refuel and the Jerry Cans not working, but it requires Loki's Lost Key. No, it's not the "Repair" feature under Work > Magick.
So, go to the gas station you want to "Auto-Refuel" at, and go to Work > Vehicle Creator > Truck > MTVR (Fuel), then choose the second "Create at player" button/option (The top button doesn't work for me, idk about you guys. The second/bottom button spawns it anywhere between 10m-30m in front of you, so it works great). Now, just get in it, and park it alongside the gas pumps. Get in your vehicle you want to refuel, and drive up alongside it, and refuel! :D
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Wait, LOL! There's a refuel/repair script in the cheat menu! Hahaha! And I got TS/skype/RC/Vent. But I'm going out for an hour or two now. Gotta meet up with a broski. |
I'm aware of the cheat that does it, but that also repairs your vehicle. I'm providing a solution that doesn't fix your vehicle, but still refuels it :p And ok, cool. Maybe we'll talk when you get back? Have fun :3 Btw, I just changed into a new skin (Undercover Soldier outfit), and it insta-killed me, so something is up with that lol .-. LUCKILY, I had recently saved, so I should still have everything EDIT: Yeah, I have to start over again ._. fuck me lol xD
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Where did you chance skin? I literally change skin all the time, and I never die. :S |
In reply to this post by Above
Hi Above!
Just wondering if you are planning on uploading your big 1.41GB Napf 1.7.7 download to another site? Only asking this because I've tried 3 different browsers through 3 different operating systems on 4 separate computers... and simply cannot download through (From what I have experienced and read, unfortunately appears to be absolutely rubbish for myself, has anyone else actually been able to use this site?) If I find a site that will allow a 1.41GB file to be uploaded to, I will let you know! |
Yes, I'll re-upload it now to another site! :D *EDIT: Actually, I can't download it now apparantly. I don't have the files on my computer either. :( I'll have to try later. |
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
Yea I found 2 5l cans and one jerry yet I left it because I thought auto refuel was on -_- I cant seem to find the jerry again. And R3F is not all about transport I like the base building it allows as well. Nothing is better than a base where zombies can not get you. And the 5l jerrys do work you have to fuel them up on the big tube gas tanks.
I'm glad it's working at least. And yes, I'll take a look at R3F. I'll also make another mission with refuel. |
Above, do you still have the glitch where some vehicles would magically repair themselves?
I think I just found a fix : it doesn't occur if you use the "object_spawnDamvehicles" file from dayz! ;) You only need that file to damage the vehicles. |
In reply to this post by Above
Sweet thanks dude! Been looking forward to playing this mainly as I kinda know Chernarus now. It's still fun playing in Chernarus, but having the options like Napf and Namalsk... and playing without looking at a map until I find one in the game, gives that massive sense of "Where am I and where should I head to now?" kinda thing :) |
In reply to this post by Haleks
It's not a glitch. You just have to add the damagehandlers for each new vehicle to the vehicle script in !scripts. I've added most, if not all vehicles to that file. :D |
In reply to this post by Above
I changed skins behind a building, at least 5m from any building/object. It killed me instantly and I fell over. Maybe add the respawn script to Napf? I would love if you did that :D
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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