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![]() I've now converted Napf, to work with DayZ. Leave feedback below. I haven't added that much to the map. And I had big problems unlocking 1.7.7, but Haleks let me use his unlock, and basically saved this whole project! The hunger/thirst now works 100%. (As of v1.6) Check the changelog for additional changes! -------------------------------------------------------- DaiZy Napf v2.2 Mirror #1 <----> DaiZy Napf v2.2 Mirror #2. Userconfig error fix! Put it in your OA folder. Picture of where to find stuff!
![]() INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Download DayZ Napf. 2. Add @Napf to your ArmA OA directory. 3. Move any of the missions to your mission folder. 4. Make a shortcut from the beta patch and add -mod=@Napf to the launchparameters. CREDITS: AboveDayZ, Fedus_87, Haleks, Niceonegunit, DayZ_SP, Unknown, and ZedHunter. |
every time it gets to 1.2 gigs... 403 error
still, im looking forward to the new map |
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In reply to this post by Above
Quite interesting.
Does it have your awesome BreakingPoint loot system where loot spawns around wrecks? I loved that. Anyway downloading now... Depositfiles is a massive pain in the ass so... fingers crossed I'll make sometime in 5~6 hours. Is this completely original work? For one that'd be amazing, but then I hope you'll upload coming updates in patch format. 1.6 GB with depositfiles crappy 200KB/s will break me. XD |
In reply to this post by Above
looks nice are you going to add asc weapons to this like bpsp?
I would upload one mirror to mediafire if Above gives permission. Ontopic: Good job on the release, very enjoyable release. |
I don't mind at all, but ASC messed up skins in BreakingPoint, does it work in 1.7.7? After testing this mission, I realized that I still kinda have to fix some stuff. Spawns for one. Also guys, I could re-upload this to any other site that allows 2 gig files. And yes, all updates will be small mediafire links, just like BreakingPoint. |
I just playtested a bit, mainly to find out if I can repair the Huey in your version(I can't, must be a DayZ bug). It's a great change of scenery for one.
Although I'm curious why you chose the map Napf to convert to DayZ, I've seen your thread where you listed the possible choices. Napf for one is still very much in beta (only 50% finished according to the creator) and it really shows with many of the custom buildings being very raw and plain. Are you maybe planning to create the other half of the island yourself? That would be very ambitious and something to look forward to. -Player spawns put you quite far into the wilderness every now and again, that could use some tweaking. -Bandit/Survivor spawns are excellent, I had lots of killing to do. -I was unable to find a single industrial loot within the starting areas, making it quite impossible to fix up a vehicle. Maybe I'm just too bad at this, but 80% of the buildings do not appear to spawn any loot. Looking forward to seeing this become more playable with more loot and wrecks and shit. |
Thanks for the feedback, I'll check about the UH-1H, that's shit if you can't repair it. I picked Napf because, even as a half map, it was way better than the other maps (in my opinion), and even the top half is enough of a map really. And yes, I was planning to complete the other half myself. The player spawns could be way better, so that is something I'm fixing in the small update. All the buildings I tested spawned loot, except one. (It got all Celle coords for buildings). The killhouse buildings are bugged, and needs new classes to spawn loot. (The ugly gray buildings). Other than that, every building should spawn loot. But this is also something I'm looking into for the update, to perfectionize (that is a word now) the loot, spawns and add some more villages along the road. Also maybe add an industrial compund. But I like the idea of having to fight for a vehicle. Also about the 80% buildings without loot, I noticed that many buildings were empty, even tho their kind of building does spawn loot. This is most likely because of the rare loot in 1.7.7. Again, thank you so much for the feedback, and I'll do my damn best with the update! :D |
Hey, no problem!
Regarding the UH-1H, don't know if you've checked the last 2 pages in the Factions 177 thread. Basically it can be fully repaired except for the hull. When trying to use scrap metal to repair the hull it prompts: "You need a to repair this". Even with 3 scrap in the inventory. Scrap can be however used to repair VRotor and Avionics, so I don't think anything has changed regarding the class of the scrap itself. It can also be used to repair the body of ground vehicles. Maybe just replace all the UH-1H with VTOLS or Mi-8's, or any other helo. :P Most prominent empty buildings were the new custom super markets (Yldi and Brutto... funny German mockups) and some Arma2 apartment buildings. Especially the stores you'd expect to be quite loot-licious. Looking forward to seeing how you'll evolve this map. gl&hf Cheers~ |
Yeah, I read abit about it. It's strange, though. But I've added alot of new vehicles (the ones from Origins). I reckon the Praga Copter would be more attractive. Also, those buildings does spawn loot, as for code-wise. It all gets down to luck and how long you wait. I'll start on a smaller update now, where I add loot to the buildings that got none at all. (The ugly kill house buildings, and that one house that I found). I will also see if I can do some mapping and add more buildings, aswell as fixing the spawns. The reason the spawns are so shit is because yesterday, they wouldn't work at all. So I had to start over again, so I just popped them in there to see if they worked at all. And thanks, it will be fun building on the map, hopefully the empty places on the map got decent ground to build on. |
One more thing: Every time I spawn in my temperature drops as if I were swimming during a stormy winter night. That usually leads to me being infected before I reach the first building at which point I struggle to get a weapon and hunt survivors for AntiBiotics. It's kinda intense and puts a sense of urgency into the gameplay, but not sure if that's intended or not.
Also some of the new models don't have death animations? I've killed a BlackOp and a UrbanGhuille and both just died standing up, didn't fall over. It's confusing at times. That's all so far, having much better luck with loot this time round, I'll let you know if I come across more bugs. |
In reply to this post by Above
thank you so much. I have a problem, the music often only plays a few seconds, then skips to the next track, anyone else? Happens with both pbo's. I load Napf with: BAF;@PMC;@CBA_CO;@JSRS;@mapPlus;@st_map_auto_brightness;@DaiZyNapf;@KRON_SupportCall;@LandTex |
In reply to this post by Above
I actually finally found a Pragacopter and... please don't add those. They are to balancing what a crowbar is to a kneecap. 900 weapons and 9000 items in what is a wheelhouse and six barrels held together with duck-tape? Right. I mean, it's up to you, but I don't get what people see in origins vehicles... @_@ They are so Mad-Max, and MM is Post-Nuclear Apocalypse, not Zombie Apocalypse. I find them over-the-top and extremely out of place in DayZ. But that's just my humble opinion. Make sure to add rocket launchers to the loot table so I can drive around blowing them up :P |
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Haha! Those inventory changes aren't final. It's just what I've messed with during the time I've worked on Napf. Most vehicles got the same kind if inventory. This is something I'll balance right now actually. I've updated the spawns (some spawns just excist without excisting, the one down south west for instance). But the spawns I can mod, are fixed. I also added loot to EVERY building. The Killhouses are still bugged, but the ones I've placed spawns military loot, so you should check them anyways. I also added zeds to heli crashes (didn't see any before). And about the temprature, it's not meant to be that intence. But in 1.7.7, temp + hunger + thirst is dropping so damn fast for some reason. Give the update a try, it might be fixed. Otherwise I'll replace it with the regular weather. (I will look into this bug regardless). |
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Okay... I got bad news, and I got good news, and more good news.
Bad news: It'll have to be a bigger upload than the updates I will upload in the future (because I had to fix the inventories for the Origins vehicles). Good news: The upload will only be 300 mb. The Origins vehicles are more balanced now. Thirst/hunger/temprature is working properly. Every building got loot spawning now. Heli crashes should have zeds. Player spawns greatly improved. |
300 mb is ok :P That's not so bad. But that's what you get for using Origins vehicles! Instant karma!
Looking forward to testing it. I've spent hours trying to find a single scrap metal in this attempt. No such luck I'm afraid. Hopefully the improved loot will help me out this time. |
Well, you will wanna focus on the huge cities, that's where shit goes down. Alot of industrial etc. (That's also one of the bigger reasons for me using Napf instead of the other maps, it has EVERY lootable building properly setup e.g hospitals, industrial etc etc). You also gotta keep in mind that the map is new, finding THE places for loot will probably take a while as you get used to the map. :D I'll just get the mission ready and then upload it! :) EDIT* The map is actually about 70% done. It's not much down south, but they're perfect landscape-places. With just some houses here and there, giving you that farmer-place type environment. |
In reply to this post by Above
Wow! I played for a while early this morning and found it incredibly difficult to survive long enough to find a weapon. So many zombies running around... And the AI may be bugged as I had one seemingly spawn with in 30m of me. But it is truly a struggle to survive now.
In reply to this post by Above
Yeah! So you managed to fix the hunger & thirst rates on start up?^^ |
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