It has been years since I played ARMA 2 with Daizy releases, I got back about two months ago starting with halek's Daizy 2018. Now I see Namalsk finally getting an update! this map is my number one favorite, it gives me the stalker feeling whenever I play it "tho' I have stalker CoP and I play it more than any other game".
I will try this releases and see if it works fine as intended. One question though, does it have the self-bloodbag feature? that feature is a must in such a gigantic solo survival game. If I find the script missing I'll just add it in and add the bloodbags to the hospitals loot table :p |
Hi mp5Ing !
This mod add lot of features from vanilla dayz versions but it still the v1.7.6.1 "core", I work on it for my "personnal" gameplay to add what I wish to update on this mod Theres a lot of "deep" modifications, and some are merged to Namalsk map but not the "Building system" There is a self-bloodbag feature in this mod, merged with the "Blood test kit" from the original Dayz version You need to find this test kit before doing a self-bloodbag action Loot tables include all blood types and rhesus, bloodbags are also findable in empty vehicles. - the "pitch tent" script will be updated soon (minor update to keep the "tent flashing" cycle) - I work actually on Bloodsukers behaviour on player and ai's survivors/bandits (the way how bloodsucker find his victims on a determinated area) |
I've been playing for a few hours now and everything seems to be good.
The way loot spawns seems ok. Except when it's not. If that makes sense. ![]() ********************************** I'm not sure you remember when I reported this... ... and I said I didn't know why it appeared? Well, I discovered how it's coming up. If I press "g" to access my gear and then press TAB 4 times, this error will appear. <shakes head> Don't ask me why (or why I'm pressing TAB) but there it is - I'd like to see if it happens to you or anyone else. *********************************** Noticed very few cars spawning beside road - all the "usual" spots had nothing - not a problem but an observation. *********************************** Tents - are these random spawns now because the 2 "usual" ones (on the east coastline) weren't there. *********************************** I've included my RPT for reference. There's some strange stuff in there and the mention of save corruption is a worry...? Lastly, good work "tidying up" the A2 area below ground - it was noticed when you did it and I forgot to say "good job". So, good job! Same with the "smoke" problem - I've used smoke and have it in my gear without any problems. Arma2oa_RPT.rar |
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by looking at thoses codes, it seems a very complex system to detect cheaters by checking player inventory maybe iam wrong but it seems to work without problems in this SP mod I dont understand how codes work exactly about detecting roads, but this range is setted to not be outside 30m from the center of the road, so its ok it work ) Tents script use random numbers to choice the number of tents who will be created for each markers positions (determinated by me), and this number can be near 0(zero), so no tent spawn Ive done a lot of tests to choice spawn parameters I wanted, the possibility of tent spawn is ~70% I think Saving undefined enum value -1 / 10, context /Vehicles/InvisibleFar/Vehicles/Item57.targetSide Maybe this kind of lines ? vehicles.. targetside... maybe the vehiclepatrol script... IDK... I spend long time to discover where the ObjectA2 objects was created by "Sumrak", multiplayer conditions blinded this part of all the work sadly, then Ive "updated" all those things to match with this mod, in next version the radio can "play" sound/music, just for the little detail :) So good news about this reply Eric thanks again for your feeback ! The new bloodsucker script is ready, I would find another type of animation... its not really important but the code structure work nicely now The crossbow need to be updated about the aiming, thats about I will work now before the next version release TentPitch diag_tickTime OK Bloodsucker behaviour OK Radio sound in ObjectA2 OK NamalskSpecialNAC loot table minor fix OK CrossBow Ballistic WIP |
I've been playing Subnautica - you access the "inventory" via TAB - so in Arma I've been pressing TAB to access my gear, "ah doesn't work", hit G. Then try closing gear with TAB, banging on the key "why won't you close" .... "ah, wrong key". So we'll call this user error on my part I think. I need to avoid the Caps Lock key too because pressing that kills my character. I liked that there was less cars TBH. But it was probably just how the possibilities and probabilities worked out in this particular game. (like the matches ;)) Hmm, now that's very interesting that you should mention that. I've never seen (ever) that error before. But in my recent play through I did something I've never done before... I was in Vortuka and an AI vehicle patrol came along - I engaged the AI. Thanks to potato aim I missed them but they abandoned their vehicle (probably to flank me) and I took this opportunity to steal their vehicle - so that AI never died and perhaps the vehicle status is messed up? |
My vehiclepatrol script use a loop and I dont realy like use loops instead "eventhandlers" commands, it should be maybe more "elegant" to use "eventHandlers" When you see bandits leave the vehicle, this loop is still active and I think the problem is here about your save bug in your rpt... but its "my theory" Game status after loading a save is a dark side of my scripting knowledge... and I still not understand those spam of rpt errors, and it include all others kinds of spam errors Ill try to re-code this part with eventHandlers commands only but I admit the "while" command is much easier to use |
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- TentPitch fix - Bloodsucker new behaviour parameters - Radio sound in ObjectA2 - NamalskSpecialNAC loot table minor fix - CrossBow aiming+ballistic fix (+ extra muzzles removed + scoped version:(zoom fix) + removed zeroing) - Zeroing is also removed on all weapons exept PSCO-1 weapons, ACOG weapons, LRR's, NVG/Ti weapons, RPK, PKM, M240 classes I tried to re-code the carPatrol script but I havent see any problems/errors, all is ok I dont touch the code But this loop part is now a script and is compiled, now work with "call" command, I dont know if it will change anything about the save states... |
Nice! :) I'm not familiar with the PSCO-1 scope (the AK equipped variant) - is it supposed to have no cross-hair? Well, I suspect we're right about why that error came up. During some game play yesterday, that vehicle was destroyed - along with all my gear in it. I watched impotently as it burned to the ground. <sigh> Anyway, I continued on and later left the game - I plan to reload this save game and see if the vehicles destruction made any difference just for interests sake. Will the Gauss rifle spawn now....? ;P |
I mean PSO-1 scope, Iam not sure all weapons have the zeroing in real life, I dont thrust Arma2 about this.. When I did my military service (in France), the Famas didnt have this feature, ofcourse it was the very basic version, but I think its the same for all russians weapons like ak-74 47 series, and its pretty hard to have infos on internet I didnt removed the cross-hair (icon var in cfgWeapons), but it removable in Arma2 difficulty options Cross-hair isnt very accurate but you already know this :) I even dont know if high-end scopes have this thing irl... but I let the functionnality About crossbow, I tried to set real bolts speeds but the airFriction parameter was impossible to set because of too slow speed values, and doing weird trajectories :/, so I decided to up thoses speed to fit to the airFriction factor but near the limit of this factor ! the trajectories are realistics now but not the bolt velocity and you cant see the difference between 100m/s and 400m/s ! Mmm, If vehicle was destroyed, its a script logic bug... ... ... // GETOUT ACTION ----------------------------- if (speed _veh < 2) then { if ((_inAngle && ((typeOf _veh) in carsArr)) || (_veh distance player < 20) || (_cntZedsN > 2)) then{ { _x reveal player; _x action ["GetOut", _veh]; } forEach [_driver,_Gunner1]; _hasLeft = true; [_eastGrpCP, _vehPos, 100, radZones] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; }; }; ... ... The first condition of this loop is: if (!(alive _driver) || _hasLeft) exitWith {}; so just after the _hasLeft = true; For me the code dont have logic error... I dont understand... but I keep an eye on it I just removed the SVD with the NVG sight Gauss riffle is still in loot table but not where you expect to find it... This weapon is probably located in frozzen and irradiated place :p |
Thanks for the input Oliv82!
I've played around a little, funny enough, I haven't encountered a single NPC :p only zeds. Here is what I found rather complicating: Radiation level on many locations are over the charts, we simply can't go in. I have been playing stalker for so long, I don't know what was the approach for the heavy radiation in Namalsk but in stalker games you can go through many locations without being boiled down by radiation. This makes it impossible "at least for me" to get into certain places, maybe this is possible if we find some gazmask? I don't know if such a thing exist yet. When I played the original Halex's Namalsk it was easy to navigate, than again, there was no radiation :c Second thing which is quite a killer, literally! it's the start up health condition. I had to restart five times, on the fifth I forcefully had to use the cheat menu and restore health after a zed ate my poor character, right after spawning he passed out, woke up just to pass out after 10 seconds, woke up again, passed out again, and while waiting in anger for him to wake up I saw a zed running fast towards the poor character, than started eating him alive :( Can we possibly have a normal start up? I mean normal health. I like the walking zeds a lot, so I hex edited the pbo and made them walkers :) |
I plan to add hazmat suits for radiations but for the future, I dont know how I will do for the gameplay
I recommand to just avoid radiations zones for the moment NPC's are relativly rare, but the chance to npc's spawn is increased in towns and military locations, but npc's dont follow you when they spawn they move to random positions around you You can desactivate the startup lost blood function, but you need to restart a game after modification fixes\player_switchModel.sqf (line 200) by add // ... ... //execVM "scripts\fn_setInitBloodLost.sqf"; ... ... Good hunting stalker :) |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Tease. ;) You'll find the reason you're passing out is you are very cold. Once your temp fails below 36C you'll be shaking uncontrollably and will randomly pass out. You can either use the cheat menu to spawn yourself some heat packs or change your starting load-out in fn_playerLoadout.sqf. If you are going to have walking zombies then I do suggest keeping the low blood conditions when starting because it really is a challenge to get up to 12000 blood. ;) Although you might want to check what a blood bag now gives you.... (in the mission file). |
For now I'll just keep wandering around familiarizing myself with the good old Namalsk, once a new update is out I'll restart and make sure I get a proper run :) knowing the self bloodbag is present is quite encouraging! so I won't need to use the cheat menu, I'll rely on hunting animals since it's my favorite health restoration approach.
Man that hazmat suit is much needed! |
- GSC Stalkers models (merged with inherit "Survivor2_DZ" class), 5 models active ingame. - Hazmat outfits (green and orange models) (Orange: radProtection: 360, Green: radProtection: 320) - NAC Experimental Outfit (radProtection: 272) - NST Military Outfit (+ white version) (radProtection: 132) - Hazmats and NAC exp.outfit are only buyable at weapons trader NST Military Outfits included in loot tables (very rare) Stealth, armors and radProtection parameters Weapons Trader display updated for cfg>>pictures Items descriptions updated |
I suppose downloading the "fix" is all that's needed right? It's wonderful finally having proper rad protection :)
In reply to this post by Oliv82
I've been playing this version for a few hours now, it's been a pretty good experience.
I got together enough cash for a hazmat suit; ![]() There was an option to "take" the item from the chest but there's nothing actually there and nothing appears in my gear. Here's the RPT for good measure. Arma2oa_RPT.rar |
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Sorry Eric for this :/
Ive totaly forgot to add parameters in this script: 1987FACTIONS_Namalsk_v610a.namalsk\client\systems\gunStore\buyGuns.sqf Line 95: ... ... if(_class in attachList) then { ... ... replace by: if(_class in attachList || (_class in ["Skin_Survivor32_DZ","Skin_Survivor31_DZ","Skin_Survivor33_DZ"])) then { This script isnt compiled so you can resume your game after modification I dont know if you lost your money, if its the case use the cheat menu 1987FACTIONS_Namalsk_v610a.namalsk\cheats\TEST_OBJECT.sqf This script is normaly used to "recover unconscious" function (cheat menu >> Utilities >> Recover Unconscious) Line 87: r_player_money = 10000; replace by: r_player_money = r_player_money + 8180; // 8180 for the Hazmat cost Cheats scripts arent compiled so you can modify what you need "ingame" and avoid to restart the game Another questions: Did you encountered bloodsucker ? Have you got any lost of FPS ? |
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No worries, I'm glad it's a simple fix! :)
Ah, TBH I set bloodsuckers to "false" in the mission init.sqf - but for the sake of testing I'll start again with the above fix and enable them. You may have noticed in my screen shots I have the grass disabled so with that in mind I've found the FPS to be really good. Vortuka, as you might guess, is definitely a little slower but only by a small margin. The lost money dosen't concern me - I noticed the AI have more money on them and I'm guessing that's no accident...? ;) I was in the industrial area Norinsk filling a jerrycan and it took about 10 seconds for the "fill jerrycan" option to appear - but really, I'm just picking faults here. ;) One thing however; For v6.10a I started fresh (Base v6.00 => 6.09a => 6.10a) with no "GTA" style game play with NPC vehicles but there are some odd entries in the RPT. This only seems to have started with .09a versions. *************************************************** EDIT Alright, started a new game, gave myself everything I needed and headed to the North Army Base. Took a little while but - everything froze for a second and then there was the familiar and terrifying snarl of the creature. He got a couple of swipes in before I started running backwards and when he appeared I emptied the PKM into him. He "died" and dropped money - but ran away - there was a building in the way and he just kept running on the spot against it. I emptied another mag into him but it made no difference. I could loot his "body". These guys are pretty nasty. I reckon they should have rare loot making them a dangerous but valuable foe. Pretty disappointing to survive their attack, expend all that precious ammo (and medical supplies) to be rewarded with a Lee Enfield mag and a bandage... PS: I loaded Fraps with this game; looking out into the forest, 60 FPS, looking into the Army Base, 54 FPS. |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
every time i start the mission my player is near death and goes unconscious
- never mind this i didnt read through the previous posts |
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In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
dzn_ns_bloodsucker var is used in player_spawn_1.sqf for the ai's spawns (bloodsucker section) It took me a lot of philosophosics questions about where to place this variable lol Players dont care about this var and play as default settings with blodsuckers ??, or players who know scripting basics and can modify the gameplay with init.sqf ?? This maybe my paranoiac feeling to optimize the mod, this var must be placed at a specific place just to gain 0.001 second :p Well.. thats all for the little story, but I know now where to place this var :) I have seen so much weird errors by scripting/testing, almost are by my fault, syntax errors, bad logics etc etc ... but for each release I wondered if it will work on Eric pc ?? lol If you dont have heavy lost lost of FPS, all my scripts seems to be nicely coded so good news :) Personnaly I have the same performance ~50 fps in Vorkuta, the only location I see FPS slight slow down is Tara Hospital Iam forced to use a global variable instead of the old version with "elegant setVariable" command.. IDK why but I dont really like this way to code for some reasons... just a question of scripting logic To explain simply: to see the illogic code, you must kill 2 ai's (or more) with 1 bullet, both corpses will have the same amount of money, weird... "evMoney" object dont like "setVariable" command... why ?? IDK The new version fix the way how the random amount of money I wanted to be parameted Namalsk map objects can be long to detect by cursorTarget, thoses kinds of objects seems to not be "priorities" targets IDK exactly what cause thoses "new" .rpt errors.. Its seems to be from new Namaslk npc's, something bug in config files... total mystery, the last time I tried to modify entries in npc's config files, the repair system and damages on vehicles was simply removed !, you can imagine my panic :p, thats why I redone the mod from the v6.00 !!! The 1 second freeze is because spawns scripts arent compiled, debuging script ingame is more usefull for me instead of restart a new game, thats why I asked you if you encountered bloodsuckers, I prefer wait for possible bugs before release a version with compiled spawns scripts It took me 1 day to avoid this bug grrr, why it happen to you ?? idk once again :/ Its not a critical bug but its strange to see run this "died" bloodsucker I think its the damage script.. PKM have a lot of firepower... all my test was done with ak-74 or FN-fal Original mod dont add any stuff on bloodsucker body, nothing, nada, this feature have been added by me I admit its unfair to dont be awarded more, I thinked to add "extra" missions delivered by ObjectA2 npc's like: "omg, a bloodsucker is near xxx location, please kill him and Ill pay you 2000 dollars" Original mod was scripted like a fatality, when a bloodsucker spawned, you knew you will spend a very bad time for your blood level (I played a lot of time in Namalsk multiplayer and its was the feeling you had), same for EVR's, no way to survive on some hard gameplay servers New version avoid this fatality feeling about bloodsucker behaviour, find a stash to hide from bs. and you will survive My new code "punish" player if he take too much risks, try to hide in building before doing something with bs but the player can survive thrust me The new version fix the names/descriptions of new outfits from stalker game, better immersion Weapons trader buyGuns.sqf script fix ofcourse Bloodsucker spawn conditions fix (no more spawn in towns) dzn_ns_bloodsucker var player_spawn_1.sqf position updated @ayylmaooo Hi ! I recommand you to quick use your heatpack once your player spawn near shore A low T° of the player increase the chances to fall unconscious, particulary at beggining of the game And run as possible to warm the player :) (and find a building to loot :)) Also you should wait for the new version comming soon |
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