Hi shurik !
You play the good mod :) I check that compile checkHUD.sqf ??? Check fatigue limits, check Chernarus version, check compile, check var on TEST_OBJECT.sqf Fatigue is linked with the sleep timer, in fact its the same variable, I began to write a code for effects but I abandonned this project for multiple reasons... I try to fix all those things ! thanks for the repports, theres a lot of things I missed because I didnt play longer than you :) I desactivated music to be more focused on the gameplay bugs, but yeah I like the ambiance of this music too ) |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
Thx so much. The stuff removing the altitude in buildings sounds really good. Really think the game is played the best with the current (punching) weather system generally. So a set like that should be perfect. This has to be the way to go. Only changing that value.
I will test this in my main v6.11c version. And letting the settings in v6.11b stay as is (shown picture). Thanks for the effort and Merry Christmas. ![]() The feel, bunker up in an "office" regaining health slowly. Waiting minding your next move. If you can make it there, or if you should heading there instead of. Like a survival road movie. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I tested various codes trying to fix the music "playlist" ongame, changed the musics too
It's not my musics choices, they are already present in Sumrak mod, so nothing to do, just copy/paste song names ) Thoses "new" musics are selected to fit a survival/horror ambiance during the player gameplay At the moment the music list play better than older versions, because they have a "fadeout", the code is updated too but nothing great, I still no understand perfectly how the musics are played in the code, Ive verified all eventual conflicts in loops but nothing, the new code is ok but there is something i dont understand, seems to be 90% fixed... Same for the "main menu" musics, for some reasons theres something strange i cant modify, I let the actual code for the next update, I tried 3 types of codes without sucess :/, something broke the cutscenes, weird About "Fatigue", the code wasnt fully updated from Chernarus mod, that was easy to fix The "checkHUD" function is now moved in the "player_spawn_1.sqf" loop to be compiled with it, I don't know if it fix the shurik's problem, but I'am pretty sure his PC will not explose at least :p Merry Christmas ) |
- New gameplay musics - CheckHUD in "player_spawn_1.sqf" - Fatigue timer fixed in "player_sleep.sqf" - "playerstats_Epeen.sqf" updated |
Merry Christmas!
Thanks for your effort Oliv! I think there was some miscommunication about the music. the music just works fine, when u start a new game. After some playtime ~1h, don't know what triggers it, the following happens. When a music track starts to play, it only plays for about 3 seconds, then it skips to the next track, this track again only plays 3 seconds and skips to the next track, and so on... fatigue -> so at a certain amount the player has to sleep now in v6.11d? Any other effects (I'm fine with just resting at a tent :) )? i played in total about 30 hours this version of namalsk , i did not encounter a blowout yet. I'm also playing the hell out of your version of chern 1987 :) |
I checked all eventual conflicts loops linked to the music scripts, all scripts are ok in all previous versions, a lot of musics doesnt have a fadeout end, thats explains the weird "cut" About the 3 seconds, i really dont know why, all looks ok in scripts :/ Fatigue works now, you can check it in epeen monitor, no effects, just allow player to sleep By my last test, it should be ok about timer, fatigue increase with the weight loadout of the player If you really want test the sleep feature, open cheat menu > utilities > Recover Uncons. the Fatigue value change to 2500, just enough to sleep ) You can change this value at every time, to back to the original value, open: missions\cheats\TEST_OBJECT.sqf line 14: dayz_sleepTimer = 2500; // change value here and execute "Recover Uncons." Blowouts are linked with the weather, if the forecast of the HUD show -- with bad weather, theres a chance to income, if you play since 30h with a nice weather, its normal to dont have blowout In fact, the "weather change" script use probabilities to have good or bad weather If you play often with rain, the EMP will income more quickly Also if blowouts have rarely frequences, its because they are very annoying for the player :p Maybe if you really want to see an EMP, place this line in TEST_OBJECT.sqf execVM "scripts\blowout_client.sqf"; |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hello there.
Just checking are the Ai bandits actually working? ive been playing for about 4 to 5 hours now, spawned a heli and went around the map and still yet to see 1. Also is there a way to make the zombies easier to kill? I understand why you have made it harder but id proffer them be a little easier. Thanks for the top mod |
Ps another issue i found which is strange no one else has reported or maybe it just happens to me is spawning in i start with very low health. i found where to change to start with more blood but i think its also the cold. keep going uncon for the first few mins then its fine.
Spawning in with low health is intended behavour - only through good management and a bit of good luck will you survive the intial phase of life on Namalsk...
![]() Namalsk is a small island so you might reconnize where you spawn in. If it's near the main city you can probably find food somewhere in the city. If you spawn near a military installation you might food or a gun - the AI and zombies do carry food and drink. And yes, AI can been hard to find (they are usually patrols) so don't be overly concerned if you don't immediately encounter them - I believe their appearance is based on a probabilty not a set value. |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
I have couple of question does this have a crafting menu or diary to ? And how do i use the bloodbag and is there a way to avoid low health spawn? It makes na games hard
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(I or J) shows that old school crafting for traps, health care etc. Also you find tools and materials, then it shows up, what you can build/craft (quite rich consider being a survival mod). After finding a blood test kit you can self blood.
There's a Cheat Menu if you type (0) two times in a row (double klick 0). Restoring health and temperature, Cheat inventory (medicals), heath packs, and Cheat, restore health back and forth until you get full health/blood and decent temperature. Save. Good luck. ![]() Should say, on tools and materials. It shows up, you interacting with an object or right mouse clicking on a tool, material or item in your gear. |
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