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In reply to this post by Oliv82
Yo dude,why is there no ai? whats the problem why cant u add it? is there any way i can add it or maybe links to other missions that works with this mod or smth i dunno? i just really want ai on dat mission
In reply to this post by JSnake
headshots, axe to the head.
Shotgun in the face works ... Not really any "harder" than vanilla zeds , just body hits do way less damage to them. If I remember right, some of the "military zombies" with helmets might need two shot sto the head ... I can't recall if that was this mod or another though. You can edit two files in the dayz code , I forget which ones atm ... but setting thier speed to 2 should make them "walk" , makes the zeds much easier, not swarmed so much anyways. -------------------------- Olive - what constitutes as "warm clothes" in arma2 OA ? This isn't like Arma3 or Origins where you got craploads of clothing options, all clothes are "skins" in arma2. I'm confused why or how some would be "warmer" than others ... Also, I'd like a way in game to turn off some of those weather features myself. The wind gusting around, actually eats away my FPS worse than being in cherno full of zombies and players. Too much dynamic fog also. ------------------------------- Rachel - Epoch COULD have been a great game if it wasn't used as a glorified battle royale. More of a RP style, would have worked GREAT! Epoch's greatness , was ruined by the "military included" objects and assets, it made PvP combat too easy to get into, to easy to attain. But ... it's BEST feature was indeed base building. You could make a spot, relatively "safe" in a very unsafe world. A place you could stash some things. It did take effort to "build" anything , took time ... at least before admins started giving out "starting kits" ( bribes to play thier server), and tweaking the mod/traders to make it easier to base build. Overpoch was made specifically for PvP. Overwatch being a pure PvP oriented mod for dayz. Vanilla has it's appeal for sure. But it was always lacking stuff as well. |
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- fuel barrels/tanks/veh refuel/fill logics fixes (siphon2.sqf, jerry_fill.sqf, jerry_refuel.sqf) - player can now use jerrycans for "Land_fuelstation_w" - added player action for check fuel quantity of all tanks - fn_selfActions.sqf fixes - crafted crate distance is now reduced to 1m instead of 2.5m (craftingCrate.sqf) - player can now sleep in tent object of ObjectA2 - fatigue (delay for sleep in tent) locVar added to playerstats_Epeen.sqf (round(time*100/10800)) My last big game was ruined by a player action bug using jerrycans :/ In fact I realized I didnt finished completly all my refuel/fill scripts ! (missed a lot of logics) I hope all is ok now but I continue tests :p @benevolentdevil skins and clothes are the same, just 2 diff words... at least in my mod The functionnality of skins (or clothes) are linked to temperature calc. in this mod by checking the type of "skin" of the player every second, each "skin" have their own temp factors About weather effects, all you search is in ...1987FACTIONS_Namalsk_v610e.namalsk/fixes/player_spawn_1.sqf |
Hi Oliv82,
This mod has seen quite a few fixes over the months which is great... have these fixes been applied to the Chenarus mod? Namalsk has been a nice change but it's time to revisit Cherno... ;) |
Hi Eric
Ive played a lot of Namalsk those last time, and adjusted some things , I admit Namalsk is very particular about survival gameplay and it was very interresting to work on it Of course i dont forget Chernarus, and all my fixes "notes" are writted to help me to update this map too ) I worked some hours to update Chernarus, not really enough time to update all the features but only the "critical things" are fixed, like jerrycans and others little "accessories" features |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
In reply to this post by Oliv82
this is cool , but i have a problem , it seems that the HUD keeps dissapearing everytime i quit the game not only that , the epeen monitor seems to freeze as well , can you tell me how to fix this
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
- updated GUI: nutrition + temp. arrows (from Chernarus mod) - player_igniteFire.sqf updated for matches (from Chernarus mod) - matches new classes (from Chernarus mod) - "Attachment_Sup556" added for G36 weapon - loot tables updated for "Attachment_Sup556" - fn_unitDropMoney.sqf updated (now money spawn with randomized value for each killed units) - wipes.sqf updated (from Chernarus mod) - player_useMeds.sqf updated - loot chance code for ai's updated for jerrycans and matchboxes classes - carsNearRoads.sqf updated (larger radius from the closest road) - spawned backpacks on ground have loot + chance for rockets/Strela - spawned vehicles have loot chance for rockets/Strela - fn_selfActions.sqf updated (fixed s_player_flipveh error) - new code for sell/buy weapons at A2 bunker (+ detailed value of total transaction) - added "nsw_er7mm" ammo class in gunStore of A2 bunker - removed loot for medium level of A2 bunker (where NPC's are) - "HeliCrashNamalsk" loot table updated - removed "fog by altitude" code (regular fog is still active by "DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf") - "behAiZedCk" function added in "player_spawn_2.sqf" (removed @ "player_switchModel.sqf") - "player_breath" updated (now player emit breath particles at 100m altitude, at all weather conditions) - "dayz_altPlyr" calculated @ "fn_temperatur.sqf" - snow fall function updated (snow intensity calculated with player altitude) |
As usual, nice work mate!
![]() ![]() |
hi Eric :)
nice update!
In reply to this post by Oliv82
hey whenever i continue my save game, i had this error
"You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.ca_mission_acr, woodland_acr, bootcamp_acr, mountains_acr |
And i also cannot ignite fire at all. its show some error code
'...- getNumber (ConfigFile >> "cfgweapons" |#|>> _item >> "matches");
_itemNew - "It..." Error >>: Type Object, expected string File missions\1987FACTIONS_Namalsk_v611a.namalsk\dayz_code\actions\player_ignitefire.sqf. Time 36 thats the error i get anyway those missing dlc file already figure our, install those BAF and PMC DLC, go to those two file, copy each addon folder content, and paste it on Arma 2 OA |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
And why i cant find any trader on Namalsk map?
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In reply to this post by daspanzer275
hey daspanzer275,
you cant continue to play after install a new version of this mod Savegame are linked to only 1 version of the game, and sadly you need to restart another game if you want to play on v6.11a (for each version by the way, you will need to restart game) To play with a non compatible savegame will create lot of errors, missing variables etc etc... Careful to ***_acr files, this mod dont use those configs, I suggest you to check your start parameters, "DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v6.11a" mod just use 1 config file. It should be good if you check your startup parameters even if you use DLC's or something like that. Just dont add any files in "@DayZ_Namalsk_SP407" folder. startup line for my mod: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@DayZ_Namalsk_SP407" -nosplash -showscripterrors "@DayZ_Namalsk_SP407" is the name of the config folder |
After I do exactly as you said, i still get this error when ever i tried to ignite campfire
'...- getNumber (ConfigFile >> "cfgweapons" |#|>> _item >> "matches"); _itemNew - "It..." Error >>: Type Object, expected string File missions\1987FACTIONS_Namalsk_v611a.namalsk\dayz_code\actions\player_ignitefire.sqf. Time 36 and im already assured that in shortcut, one config file only. |
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