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In reply to this post by Oliv82
Thank you @JN and @mp5lng
![]() ![]() I love reading about peoples experiences and their stories as much as I like sharing mine. And it also helps when people have the same issues... ... and now I know I'm not going mad or doing something wrong. :D And I guess Oliv82 enjoys and appreciates it too... ;P Thanks for the fixes Oliv82! :D I will be able to visit this place a little more leisurely now which will help the loot spawn properly... I'll need 2 Urals for the loots!!! bwwaahahahahaha.... <cough> I was going to ask how we refueled these as the option never seemed to come up - all good. That would be great! It's such a small thing, game play wise, but it really breaks the immersion for me. It's a weird one because as I was playing yesterday and thinking about it, we use that addAction for so many actions in the game other than the singular problems I'd experienced. @Rachel - in the top right hand corner of a post is an "edit" button - this will help you edit your existing post instead of double posting... ![]() ![]() |
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If you look at the picture below you'll see where I have highlighted the "quote" button.
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In reply to this post by Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
NP oliv82, just two more things, bloodbags can be found in almost any vehicle, it's rather strange tbh, they should appear only in hospitals and ambulances. I come across two bloodbags in almost any vehicle I find. The second thing is the good condition Truck, is it a random or a fixed spawn? in both ways no vehicle should be fully functional, most vehicles I came across were missing parts which is logical and challenging enough. Finding a fully working vehicle which needs only gas can be a game killer, I've been driving the truck I mentioned for hours now, the journey I was supposed to do in days is summed up in few hours...Now I'm considering a new game after your next update.
There is an exploit in the game which gives a boost in cash easily. Object A2's bunker where the traders are, you can pick weapons right under their feet and sell them xD you can get 6+ weapons from the bunker and generate cash super easy. It would be good removing weapons from the loot table of the bunker, the upper barrack should keep them, it would give the idea that the military guys are settling down and don't like going up, so we get to pick those guns and sell them down. This is just my opinion for a better game :) @Eric the Viking, namalsk has given me the most wonderful gameplay back in the days when Haleks released it, and I'm dead sure oliv's release will be much better since he's constantly updating it. Sharing the Dayz experience is something we all love to do, I share my stalker experience with my fellow stalker fans in fb and ModDb as well :D |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Way to change zeds speed? cant find the control file in dayz_code
In reply to this post by mp5lng
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In reply to this post by ayylmaooo
Look in the mission file - see picture below; ![]() Make all "forcespeed" values "2" as shown in picture. That's it for this mod. Don't forget to save when you've made the changes. I do find myself agreeing with you with some of these things but ultimately it's about player choice and how the player wants to "role play" within the game. Yes, that Ural is always 100% with zero fuel - but I don't have to use it. Yes, I can "farm" the loot spawns - but I don't have to. Yes, the vehicle have BB's in them - but 90% of them are useless to the player. In terms of role playing, consider this for a moment: this world existed before you washed up on the shore; That nearly completely repaired vehicle was done by a survivor like yourself whom finally succumbed to the zombie apocalypse - probably died from an infected blood bag he found in the hospital ;) The rest of them are in the gear of the vehicle. Use them - if you dare.... While I see your point, I see some of these things as adding to the atmosphere of a "lived in world". Anyway, seems to me that as a "Stalker" like you wouldn't be taking advantage of any of these things, would you mp5lng...? ;) I thought that you'd be playing hardcore "Dead is Dead" :) It's an unique map in terms of atmosphere and Oliv82 has only added to a great experience. I've played Stalker originally and started a game in Stalker: COC but still ultimately still find it disappointing. |
Oh don't worry, my current run is nothing more than a test, just getting the hang of things and see if all works fine, once the game is running smooth I'll restart, I always do this when it comes to Daizy mission :D How can we find bugs if we don't push the game? :> And I do get it with your role play, the moment I found that ural I gave myself that same explanation, a dead survivors. CoC isn't much of a thing to enjoy, it's a platform for modders, you could try Misery 2.2, and since I'm an MDT member "Misery Dev Team" I can assist you if it comes to it :) Misery is meant to make the game challenging. You can also try CoM which is a mix between Misery and CoC's maps, but CoM isn't from us MDT, so anything unsatisfying or broken about it may not be our fault. |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
@Oliv82 thank you for the welcome!
@Eric thank you also! An observation I remember in 10b I think was that a Little bird lost fuel, all green repaired, despite being on the ground shut off completely. I think that mechanics was a higher fuel consumtion when engine was damaged? Or is the mechanics of the game loosing fuel despite fully repaired? I might be confused remembering wrong, but I haven´t had the time to read the thread fully yet :) Looking forward to give 10d a whirl now. |
In reply to this post by mp5lng
AI's bandits behaviour on vehicles is far to be logic and smart if you see the scene from far Namaslk map is a custom world and I think this not optimized well as Chernarus about vehicles trajectories on roads.. My code isnt very optimized too, quick wrote to avoid majors bugs and its all so dont be surprised to see abandonned vehicles with perfect condition, I consider bandits squads have their own life and consider they have already do the job to repair the vehicle, a sort of way to explain you is it not necessary to slow down FPS of the game with heavy additionnals codes :p ai's trajectories are very random when they drive, and even a small thing on the road force bandits to leave the vehicle, but I needed to do a choice in my code: player shot on the vehicle to try to steal it or the vehicle can pass just at 2m of the player and they dont react.. weird behaviour for me So I decided to take the priority to the 1rst choice, with the speed of vehicle as main condition in code Sadly ai's are not the best drivers of the world and they dont drive a M1 Abrams too, they prefer leave the vehicle, weapons in hands and do a patrol around it in a certain range (100m if I remember) trying to kill you... By compensation, my damage system will force you soon or later to find repair parts even your vehicle is found without damages There is an exploit in ObjectA2, yes, its easy to fix it in the code, but ObjectA2 have a special loot table, there isnt NPC's in original Namalsk thats why its weird to find good stuff at NPC's feet For me, ObjectA2 must be the NAC base.. a friendly base with friendlies NPC's, its a bit not conventionnal but I keep this illogical thing in mind, consider their loots is your loot, Its not really shocking for me but I noted this in my "to do" notepad, but not priority for the moment I will work on a update in trade extra items buy/sell menu and I will see what I do with the loots in ObectA2 About bloodbags in vehicles, you can imagine long time ago, in this isolated island, people realized they was attacked by wild creatures called zombies and trying to kill them, people lost blood by zeds attacks and panic, try to escape in their vehicles, stealing bloodbags, trying to survive, wished to stop their infection with blood of differents types |
In reply to this post by JN
fuel consumtion is tweaked, scripted with values who increase consumtion (I added fuelconsumtion var in Cfg.vehicles config for each vehicles playable in this mod), once again, this force player to land more often to refuel and fight on ground, I dont remember where is this script, this feature is present since long time in this mod, this feature dont interfer with damages parts scripts, and its probably easy to remove this feature if you really want to fly without this extra fuel consumtion, I dont know your scripting knowleges, I should add this parameter in init.sqf gameplay variables configurations |
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I have small updates to come but I wish to know if addAction bugs are fixed, for me nothing have changed with those updates, but 10d new version is a bit back closer to original codes of about selfActions structures
fixes in standby: - added "s_moving_AI" handler (while {1==1} do {...) for "s_player_mvSafePos_AI" addAction command - doMoveSafePosAI.sqf: Force recruted survivor to move without aiming/shoting zeds (_selectedUnit disableAI TARGET/AUTOTARGET/WEAPONAIM, _selectedUnit allowDamage false/true) - ppEffect: radiations grainSize/intensity effects are now linked with the type of player clothes ((dayz_zoneRadLvl + dayz_evrRadLvl)*0.02)/(202 + dayz_radProt), //ppEffectAdjust arg. 0 ((dayz_zoneRadLvl + dayz_evrRadLvl)*4.00)/(442 + dayz_radProt), //ppEffectAdjust arg. 2 - player_wearClothes.sqf: female character init condition fix - Selection gender menu: female type identity fix (added "Lisa_Doe" in description.ext) - wrong magazine name "ItemAntimet" replaced by "ItemAntiRad2" (cfgLoot.hpp) - added some quivers/bolts entries in loot tables - Weapons trader: added "Radio" and "Geiger counter" items |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Oh my scripting knowledge are equal to zero :)
I just enjoy the efforts you make Oliv and it´s ok with the fuel, I just got the answer from you and work for the time in the sky add to the experience ;). Thanks for the clarification! |
I totally understand oliv82, I know the feeling of working on a mod/game, it's frigging frustrating and tiring fixing things and doing constant updates.
I will keep roaming around checking what's there to report, once the game is fully functioning I'll sink my fingers into a new play and do it as I always do in STALKER, sneaking around and looting as much as I can with no vehicles to ride :D Another thing I forgot to mention, I used the female character " 'cause why not? :p". I found a militia outfit "or whatever it's called", once worn I got a message error saying something about a missing female mesh/model. I forgot to take a screenshot for that. It still changed my character, but it turned into a dude xD I guess female characters with different outfits isn't implemented yet? |
I dont force to play with my gameplay settings, DayzSP isnt protected and you can set what you want by checking/adjust values in scripts or configs, it's relativly easy to understand even if your scripting knowledges are nul :) (but create your own script from scratch is another story) @mp5lng: Mmm ... if I remember in Arma2 forums, (a very old topic) a guy wanted to add female characters, the next reply of another guy answered something like: "Arma2 is a war game, women are not supposed to have guns/weapons thats why women dont have weapons and I think its not the Arma2 devs priorities..." You can check the official list of A2OA characters in this link: You will find 2~3 female characters potentialy addable in "Dayz like" mods, thats confirm his reply :p However, "Sumrak", author of the official Namalsk mod, was abble to add an extra female NPC If you check olders posts in this topic, I talk about "Tamika Maclemar" (restored talk abilities fix) I didnt played solo missions of the Sumrak's Namalsk mod, but I think all NPC's added have an active role, a story for each... For respect of his work on his missions, I avoid to add "Tamika Maclemar" in this mod, this character seems to be unique for sure, she have her own name, specs... etc etc Well, by my experience, adding female characters seems to be possible, but I dont have 3D tools/knowledges and motivation to mod something like that Maybe I could add clothes item to "transform" the "basic women Survivor" to Tamika skin, its a possibility My player_wearClothes.sqf script is an updated version of regular Dayz version, and nothing was done for female charaters until now Ahh .. and thanks a lot for the bug repport, this script is already fixed for the next update :) |
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Arma 3 hasn't done female models and I doubt Arma 4 will either.
The Arma series is a MilSim in a very niche market, dominated by males - but I don't think that's the reason why there aren't many female models. The model itself is relatively easy to create - the hard part is modifying all the clothing to correctly fit the female body mesh - the waist and bust being the most obvious areas. And then there's the weapons which will look a bit "off" because the female model is likely to be smaller. It's quite tricky to do well, especially in Arma 3 because there's hundreds of clothing options. Iit would nice to see some other options available if possible. Anyways, speaking of clothes, be sure you save your game prior to changing clothes - I bought one of the hazmat suits walked outside to a large open area (near the smoke stack) and changed clothes... I was suddenly 100 meters in air and fell to my death. I load the save, bought the suit again but this time I went into the workshop/service area and changed clothes normally. I don't think this is a mod issue just "Arma being Arma" but something to aware of. I'm sure all of us has broken our legs at least once while changing clothes.... Looking forward to v.10d will give it a spin soon. |
Cheers Oliv82, and don't worry about it, I just got tired of using male character in all video games, and wanted another reason not to go head first in fire fight when using a female character xD Apparently I'll just wear the first outfit I find and get back to the normal gender we all use :D
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