- zeds and loot spawn system code fix - zeds/ai behaviours scripts minor fixes - zeds/loot spawn and zeds/ai behaviours scripts are sliced by 2 scripts - fn_unitDropMoney.sqf fixed - carsNearRoads.sqf minor fix - "Soldiers" zeds loot: fixed wrong loot name - syntax error in loots positions arrays of "land_marsh2", fixed |
- added "dayz_skinStealth" + "dayz_skinArmor" vars for each types of clothes - player_checkStealth.sqf updated (better stealth in buildings + snow surface detection with "snow camos" types) - fn_damageHandler.sqf updated |
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I've been giving the newest version a spin with some mixed results I'm afraid.
I've included my RPT so the sequence should be follow my description. Start a new game and everything stops at the red writing "loading" screen, so I ALT-F4. Restart, get to the character selection screen and the then appear on the shore - so an improvement on previous versions there. I head to Vortuka , end up getting killed by a bandit and so select "restart". Again hit the loading screen and have to ALT-F4. Restart and make character selection but I get a script error (see line 1611 to 1630ish in my RPT) and get dropped back to the loading screen again so I ALT-F4. Restart and I'm on the shore and getting spammed hard by script error (see line 2162 onwards). I'm pretty sure if I start a new game following shutting Arma 2 down and restarting from scratch I think it will work again, as I first described. Anyway, I'm gonna test that theory, restart and play some more. Uh, I mean more testing ![]() Arma2oa_RPT.zip EDIT Well, so much for that theory ![]() Pretty much exactly as I described above except after the RPT spam, I resumed the game and everything is back to "normal". Here's a brand new RPT of this run. Arma2oa_RPT_2.zip |
I played some hours, and all is ok for me now,
but as you said theres this "loading" screen problem Each time I restarted a game, if the "loading" screen appeared, I pressed some times "enter" key and wait the wait time is about 10s ~ 30s but the game still worked I checked your rpt files and thoses errors are caused by switching applications I need to check thoses lines: "[NAC AII CLIENT] :: AII client INIT." "[NAC AII SERVER] :: AII Server INIT." "[NAC AII SERVER] :: AII objects has been spawned." Namalsk mod add "isServer" conditions and I think the problem is here I search the file who active that.. |
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- spawn_aii.sqf: server conditions removed - moved vanilla Namalsk Bunker's objects in ObjectA2_poi.sqf with some fixes - fn_dropLoot.sqf: fix for "SpecialWeaponsBox" object in ObjectA2 - removed additionnals zeds for bandits count variable - loot spawn player building prox. fix (new syntax: obj distance obj) - carsNearRoads.sqf: added angle/road limiter (-+18°) - variables1761.sqf: dayz_skinArmor default var setted to 1 (instead of zero divider) |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
Yes, once you get past this initial game start things play very well. I'll give the new version ago. I'll also try being more patient at the loading screen... ;P EDIT: Alright, looking good! :D Game started without any of the previous problems; the following did pop up... ...but the continued without problem. The only problem at the moment is smoke grenades. Picking up / using / or maybe just being in your inventory results in the RPT being spammed with; There's 40,000 line of that in the RPT but I can't see why? Not a problem for now, I just will avoid them. |
my game start 100x faster with this new code even with a old hdd :)
"bis_fnc_init" function must be placed very later in init sequence, this function isnt necessary in SP but Ill check that 40000 lines ? witch weapon you used ? |
Well, after a few hours of playing (testing) that's the only fault I've found. Ive saved, exited and restarted to test that too and all was well
The RPT spam about the smoke grenade was in a previous game - I'd found a couple, used one but kept the other in my inventory. I played for say 30mins before exiting - and found a 5 megabyte RPT - it was (in Notepad++) 46,000 odd lines and 40k of them where what I posted above endlessly. The smoke was the normal white smoke - but this has happened with any type (colour). You have done a fantastic job Oliv82, great work mate! ![]() ![]() |
A quick update for a couple of things;
Line 10100 in attached RPT appeared after fully repairing (adding the last wheel to 100%) a vehicle; The vehicle seems fine so not sure what the problem is. The second appears at line 10150 and occured when an AI helicopter crashed into some trees; There's quite a bit of spam from other things going on in the back ground but the game experience seems uneffected. Arma2oa_RPT.zip |
Thanks Eric,
About the "smokeShell" item, there is something who check very fast the player inventory, I dont know where is this code for the moment, I searched long time this morning but no succes.. :( I tested the same item in Chernarus 1987mod and its ok, this mysterious code isnt present in Chernarus For the repair script error, I think Ive found the problem, I will test a new code Do you remember the type of the vehicle ? It should help me because iam not 100% sure of the problem AirDestructionStage2.sqf: I will check that but it will be hard to reproduce a heli crash.. :/ |
Hey mate,
They (smoke) are handy against zeds but I can live without them. It's very bizarre... The vehicle type was a UH-1 I think - the typical AI spawn with pilot and gunners. I've had two helicopters crash and both occasions it has been at Object A2 - the surrounding mountains and AI piloting skills are an amusing combination... ![]() ![]() I'm not sure if it would work because the problem might be related to the AI but you could try spawning in a heli, fly it around and then jump out - see want happens when the heli hits the ground? |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
So, I have downloaded and followed all the instructions of it, aswell as a few guides and fixes on various forums to try and get it working, but it seems that there are a few main things stopping me. One: It tends to have the good ol' 'Bad Module Info' crash, which still doesnt want to go away. Two: When I do manage to get to the missions without bad module info killing it, it gives me a error of missing or deleted data, involving Chernobyl at the end for some reason.
"Bad Module Info" ? what is that ?? Ive never encountered this kind of error This message happen at arma2 menu ? Have you followed the install order ? (1: main file, 2: update, 3: hotfix) I dont think its the cause, just in case... weird error once again :/ I tried to fix the smokeShell bug once again no results... So I decided to work on Namalsk NPC's a little, talks are restored for Tamira, but not for 4 others guys hided in Object2, idk why.. Once this done, I worked on "speedDamagedVeh.sqf", this old script was disabled in previous versions for some reasons. - "air" vehicle class is updated for the moment, better maths for sin/cos trajectories - Engine and hull damages values are calculated in real time to "simulate" a slow decrease of engine performance while the plane(or heli) is flying - A very damaged engine will increase the hull damage - A damaged hull will increase the fuel consumption - A very damaged hull break front glasses and electronic part - And ofcourse, some damaged vehicle parts reduce the max speed |
The joys of Windows 10. Many gamers are reporting this fault with games and 10 At least with Seven I have the illusion that my PC is actually mine... If you're still looking to have heli crashes, spend some time at Object A2. In the 2 hours I was there I had about five (individually) buzzing me. ***************************** Some feedback: Selling a SVD at the traders nets you $30 - pretty sure that's missing $970? * Loot: There's still something strange happening with loot - I have had loot literally disappear while I watch it - the loot in that entire building disappears completely. * Now for some weirdness: ![]() ![]() Please excuse the nightvision. I've seen this in a couple of play throughs - these all parachuted to this spot. * In the picture above I'm wearing "warm clothes" and I've just ran from A2 but my temp is 36.46 - should that be higher? I have tried reaching the mountain milatary post but it's just too cold. And we are definitely going to need radiation suits. 10000 units of DOOM left me radiated and glowing for quite some time after... ;) |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
I have done the order of install right, even double checked it and the launch order, However one thing I did notice was that the hotfix @Namalsk file had a different name, specifically, the folder of it had a series of numbers at the end of it, I dont know if thats intentional or not, but I deleted said numbers to add in the file to my main arma 2 OA folder. I dont know if that might be the cause of the mission error or not, but just checking in to see if it might be. Cheers.
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- Lights in ObjectA2 (+add night time condition)
- check hunger in "air" class - Ai's spawn outside radZones - Ai's heli patrols near ObjectA2 - Ai's heli patrols crashes explosions sequences - fn_temperatur.sqf (check clothes) - zeds close to player and vehicle behaviour - building loot still disappear near player - speedDamagedVeh.sqf WIP - smokeShell in player mag bug - No thermal sight on Namalsk map ? => "L85A2_CWS_DZ" replaced by "FNFAL_ANPVS4_DZ" - "T" key switchTeam still active @Eric: Could you compare the loot section code in your "missions\1987FACTIONS_Namalsk_v607b.namalsk\dayz_code\compile\player_spawnCheck.sqf" Particulary on thoses lines: my code is actualy this one: //Loot Spawn v3.1 if ((_x distance player) > 60) then { _looted = _x getVariable ["looted",false]; if (!_lootDelayOK and !_looted) then { _hdlLoot = _x spawn building_spawnLoot; waitUntil{scriptDone _hdlLoot}; _x setVariable["looted",true]; }; if (_lootDelayOK and _looted) then { {deleteVehicle _x} count nearestObjects [(getPosATL _x),dayz_grdHolders,(sizeOf _typeB)+5]; _x setVariable["looted",false]; }; }; About the weapons prices, the script is updated, I had totaly forgot to finish this script some time ago when Ive released another version without updating this script, now it seems to be ok - carsNearRoads.sqf and tentsNearMarkers.sqf used old bad codes, now they are updated @maarek94: I recognize its a bit tricky to install this mod because Ive changed the folders names, my fault but its better for me to work At final, you must have 2 main folders installed in your Arma2OA folder: (this mod work with 2 folders) - a folder for .pbo's files (actualy mine is called "@DaiZy_1987d", it's the "mod" configuration) - a folder for the mission file (mine is called "1987FACTIONS_Namalsk_v607b.namalsk") I usualy dont compress the mission file when I upload files on Mediafire. But all .pbo's in "@DaiZy_1987d" are compressed. To change the mission file name dont have any effect, sorry if I change the name folder, files updates are allways at the same place, once you have set your folder names, keep them For each updates downloaded at Mediafire, the rar/zip structure is generaly divided by 2 folders updates - files updated for mod folder - files updated for mission folder |
I have set them up as such, the main addons are in the @Dayz_Namalsk_SP folder, while the missions for it are in the Missions folder. As far as I can see, I have done as is needed to download and set it all up, but it still doesnt seem intent on working sadly.
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Sure, here's my current; You've spotted the difference immediately I guess. I've changed mine to 60, do you think I'll need to start a new game to see a difference? ************************************* Error report: Not sure if you this one; It appeared after fixing a heli to 100% ************************************* Can't remember what I was doing for this one; ************************* Question regarding AI vehicle patrols - I've been around Object A2 for quite some time and have been dealing with many bandits. Aside from the many helicopters and near endless foot patrols, there's been 5 vehicle patrols - their vehicles litter the landscape now. I destroyed 3 thinking they might de-spawn but no... is this sort of thing going to lead to a problems with longer games? ************************* @maarek94 Your install should look something like this; ![]() Note that I copied my Arma 2 install into a directory called DayZ_Oliv82. Your short cut / launch parameters would be like this; And the game should show in the top right hand corner; ![]() Post a screen shot or note any messages and I'm sure get there :) |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
![]() Heres the error is shows up when i try and enter the mission. Guess I might be missing files or is there something off with how ive done things? |
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I list all .pbo's required in "@DayZ_Namalsk_SP405" mod config folder:
community_crossbow.pbo csj_gyroac.pbo dayz.pbo dayz_anim.pbo dayz_code.pbo dayz_communityassets.pbo dayz_communityweapons.pbo dayz_equip.pbo dayz_factions.pbo dayz_sfx.pbo dayz_vehicles.pbo dayz_weapons.pbo fnc_scopes_pso_m.pbo namalsk.pbo ns.pbo ns_anims.pbo ns_dayz.pbo ns_fraction.pbo ns_modules.pbo ns_music.pbo ns_mutants.pbo ns_plants.pbo ns_rocks.pbo ns_sounds.pbo ns_ui.pbo ns2.pbo st_collision.pbo st_evasive.pbo zero_buildings.pbo Tell me if one of them are missed in your files, i can upload in Mediafire Btw an update is soon in few days, and a lot of thoses pbo's files will be updated @Eric: Thanks, so we have the same version of this code, except the minimal radius 60, but its not important This script is compiled at start of the game, so you must restart a game if you want to see any difference I tested this code a lot of time before the release, its an important code for the gameplay thats why But after this release, I saw the same problem of you, the loot is deleted even player is near from the loot This bug appear rarely, but its present, I will do tests before next version release About repair bug, once gain, I will ask you to compare another code ! in "scripts\repair.sqf" (of your missions folder) my version is: ... ... ... //Fix the part _selection = getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _type >> "HitPoints" >> _hitpoint >> "name"); dayzSetFix = [_vehicle,_selection,0.02]; dayzSetFix call object_setFixServer; _vehicle setvelocity [0,0,1]; ... ... ... //at the end: ... .. // No damage if repaired if (_allFixed) then { _vehicle setDamage 0; dayzSetFix = [_vehicle,_selection,0.02]; dayzSetFix call object_setFixServer; }; For _dofilter error, it seems mysterious, I checked quickly, idk for the moment.. Ive already played a long time ago on previous versions at ObjectA2 and I had the same feeling of too much spawn of bandits/helis patrols and cars too, I actualy work on it |
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