In the regular mission file when I play I still get bandits. Is this how it's suppose to be or is it just me. From what I read I took it as every AI would shoot zombies not me.
thanks ray but i cleared all of it and redone it.... no i dont have a single option lol??? can you help me there??
In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
That's great, thanks dude! Now I just need to get my copy of Arma back... *fumes*
In reply to this post by Put Zeds To Bed
It's supposed to be like this : some AI will shoot at both Zeds and the player, while some will only kill zeds (and bandits) and possibly join the player. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
how do i heal friendly AI
Can you not save your game? If not, then that should be added into the mod. P.S. I lost A LOT when I tried to revert to my save
In reply to this post by Haleks
I have a problem with downloading the Factions file. It stoppes at 80% and says that the download has been stopped, and asks me if i want to start the download from the beginning. I've tried starting all over Again but it keeps stopping at 80%. Please help.
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and to iTrungChemxX Download loki's lost key, and spawn medic unit, then heal your squad member. |
Jesus not loki's key again, anyways thanks for the help, i do appreciate this any ways
btw can anyone do anything about the debug screen
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by iTrungChemxX
Seems like you cant heal friendly ai, neither do they need to eat or drink. You can interact with them in two ways:1)press space to see available commands for ai, (hover mouse over objects to see additional options). Also tactical mode(press delete on numpad) helps a lot when you want to be a gunner in helicopter while ai is riding it,because when you sit on either side your camera view is restricted to half of the view, so just press del on numpad and then press space to see commands. 2)open your map and go to units tab, from there you can change their gear, i usually do it when they are in vehicle because while on foot you can only drop their gear.
P.S.: there seems to be an item dupe glitch(or it was supposed to be so, idk). You need to have at least 3 magazines of any ammo of same type that can be recharged(i.e. making 1 full magazine from 2 half-empty by right clicking on one of them),except for quivers, i guess. Put only 1 magazine into your active invertory and the rest,up to 6 for heavy mashine guns, 8 for pistols or 12 for any other weapon into ai active invertory. Then just go to ai invertory, press recharge and you will have those 6,8 or 12 magazines in your invertory despite even the invertory limit,it will not cancel out any items that you already have. Thus just have at least 1 mag in your invertory, at least 1 ai friend somewhere in vehicle full of ammo, go to any place(distance doesnt matter), transfer ammo to ai from vehicle, recharge...profit. |
thanks for your help but AI healing problem was solved by kilroyole, my current question is how to bring the debug screen back and how to move it to top-left of the screen
In reply to this post by astocky
Loving it so far.
But my character keeps complaining that he's injured after a self blood bag. Is it limb damage that's causing it? |
In reply to this post by Kadis
I accidentally found out that you can actually heal your ai friends. Press any button from f2 to lets say f4,if you have 3 ai recruits, where each key selects corresponding unit in your squad(spacebar selects whole squad and thus some options will not be available). Then press 6 and you shall see available options for healing, also healing doesnt require ai to have any specific items, though it requires you to have bloodbag if you decide to use it on ai.
P.S.:One of my 3 recruits was shot and had broken leg, after self-healing he could run again. I fond those commands to be really useful. For example if you press 2, it will give you list of !visible/seen! targets by player or ai friend and their relative direction, thus you can easily find out if bandit is near you even if you didnt notice him yet. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Listen to those already updates cough because it can not play with those bandit
but again no bandit would not it just says it's very hard... |
In reply to this post by Kadis
wow that's really awesome mate
hey man, in the cheat menu, can you replace the delete loot 20 to
600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 because when you're loot everywhere the loot stay every time, :/ Or put a time to "reboot" the loot |
Yeah, i ran into some loot issues as well. Firstly i noticed that your dropped loot does not dissappear from map(never), and the more loot you gather in one place(literally, like in one pile, or in some region) it will prevent the loot from spawning on greater distances. So i had to bother myself to be extra carefull(as i actually didnt use any cheats on my "main" playthrough), and to hide unneeded loot into rabbits'(just set landscape quality to lowest and you should see no grass, thus you will see a lot of careless little fluffy things:), zombies', bots' bodies or campfires. Secondly i gathered 2 trucks(those with 50/200/8 slots) full of loot, and 10! helicopters(those patrolling helicopters need about 10-15 dmr shots in the hull for ai to actually land or just wait till its fuel is used up, just dont shoot the pilot for obvious reasons) in the center of cherno. Besides the fact that game slowed down dramatically, the loot in cherno stopped to respawn as well, which leads me to think that either a high concentration of vehicles in one spot affects loot, or high quantity of loot in those 2 trucks was the reason. So, i would suggest to add ability to clean loot on whole map(not a big deal just wait for a few minutes and it will be respawned) and to delete/respawn vehicles(because in my ~72 hour gameplay i found 3(of course if i would search the whole map, there would be much more) ai helicopters just standing on ground(2 in woods) because they were out of fuel).
The OP says you could build your own base.
How do I build a base, I can't find this option in the menu when I double press 0. |
For me that build menu was quite random option when i scrolled mouse wheel. The option is colored in blue. I suppose you must have at least 1 building item, like nails, in your invertory, though i didnt give it much attention and probably thats not the case, but you still can try.
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