RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 3.0.2 [20/01/2014 UPDATED w/ Car Patrols]

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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

Will BAF start come into this version too ?
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

In reply to this post by mp5lng
mp5lng wrote
God damn those zombies !  >: [  yhey never stop chasing me i had to restart the game just to not destroy the keyboard ! How the heck they keep chasing me through bushes !  XD  i hate the guy who gave that idea ! Pretty much sure he was Rocket !
Oh, come on! You've been playin' 2017, you should be used to it! ^^

ataribaby wrote
Will BAF start come into this version too ?
Sure! I'll upload one tonight or tomorrow ;)
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

Haleks wrote
mp5lng wrote
God damn those zombies !  >: [  yhey never stop chasing me i had to restart the game just to not destroy the keyboard ! How the heck they keep chasing me through bushes !  XD  i hate the guy who gave that idea ! Pretty much sure he was Rocket !
Oh, come on! You've been playin' 2017, you should be used to it! ^^
3 knock downs in a row !  never had this in 2017
although 2017 is meant to be extremly hard when ever i play it i already know my path but normal's just a new game style i guess !

okay i'll do it the 2017 way !  
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

In reply to this post by Haleks
Nice I will wait for BAF, my favorite :)
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey Haleks. Great release! Altho I don't agree with some changes the DayZ 177 introduced, I enjoy the fixes that came with it.

Is there any chance you'll implement ESP as seen in Aboves' Breakingpoint? I find it to be a useful feature, whenever I for the life of me cannot find a single bandit.
Even though your update which brought bandit squads was pure genius.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

you know what's the most funny thing i found in this mission ??? ""zombies"" patrolling buildings XD

No more hide in a house anymore !
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Havoc
Havoc wrote
Hey Haleks. Great release! Altho I don't agree with some changes the DayZ 177 introduced, I enjoy the fixes that came with it.

Is there any chance you'll implement ESP as seen in Aboves' Breakingpoint? I find it to be a useful feature, whenever I for the life of me cannot find a single bandit.
Even though your update which brought bandit squads was pure genius.
I dunno about ESP (will check what it is exactly first), but if you have some difficulties hunting bandits, you can turn on the extended infos on your map (have a look at the difficulty options) - of course you'll have to find a map first :P

About the bandit squads - it's nice to have them indeed!
But I'm thinking about re-writting the bandit spawns : right now the squads only spawn at some specified locations and is always composed of three units. What would be nice is to have a chance of finding them everywhere, including small settlements - and, also, a random number of units. Two men teams are more frequent in DayZ.

I might try it on the BAF mission and see how it works.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

Any chance of you adding Auto-refuel? Or make a tutorial how to add it :D
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

In reply to this post by Cactus
Cactus wrote

If you can spare the time, I appreciate if you list down all the AI Enhancement modules from CoWar that you are currently using.

I have ASR as my main enhancement mixed with some modules from SLX...such as SLX_dodge.  I'm not sure if mixing and matching will cause any conflicts with AI behavior.

Haven't actually seen AI searching buildings.  Do they do this on every enterable building they pass or they just do this if they detect a target within ?
Here it is :
glt_opa_backpacks4all (included)
They work fine all together; I wouldn't use any others : they're either useless or glitchy.
And about AI entering buildings with ASR, it seems to be pretty rare - but I did found a survivor capping Zeds from a roof while playing 2017.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

Is there any way to incorporate a shorter like 3/4 hour day-night cycle? I sometimes wish there was a way to make the day to night transition without cheating or using the time accelerate.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

astocky wrote
Is there any way to incorporate a shorter like 3/4 hour day-night cycle? I sometimes wish there was a way to make the day to night transition without cheating or using the time accelerate.

There's a timecycle file in BreakingPoint (I'm not forcing you to play it). But unpack the mission, take the timecycle file, and copy the exec line for it from the init.sqf!

If you need more help, just ask.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2 [06/13 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Can you make a version that has no AI?
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

In reply to this post by Above
Above wrote
astocky wrote
Is there any way to incorporate a shorter like 3/4 hour day-night cycle? I sometimes wish there was a way to make the day to night transition without cheating or using the time accelerate.

There's a timecycle file in BreakingPoint (I'm not forcing you to play it). But unpack the mission, take the timecycle file, and copy the exec line for it from the init.sqf!

If you need more help, just ask.
I have BreakingPoint as well. That is what made me wonder. I will try unpacking and copying the script over tonight.
Thanks Above
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

astocky wrote
Above wrote
astocky wrote
Is there any way to incorporate a shorter like 3/4 hour day-night cycle? I sometimes wish there was a way to make the day to night transition without cheating or using the time accelerate.

There's a timecycle file in BreakingPoint (I'm not forcing you to play it). But unpack the mission, take the timecycle file, and copy the exec line for it from the init.sqf!

If you need more help, just ask.
I have BreakingPoint as well. That is what made me wonder. I will try unpacking and copying the script over tonight.
Thanks Above
The reason why I don't use the timecycle script is because it skips an hour every x minutes, so you'll experience some kinda stuttering with the clouds. I don't know if it's possible to actually accelerate time in Arma... Most of the servers wich deal with that matter just change the mission time at each reboot (dusk>dawn>dusk and so on).
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

In reply to this post by TheLegendDevil
TheLegendDevil wrote
Any chance of you adding Auto-refuel? Or make a tutorial how to add it :D
Here's a quick tuto :
Open the mission file, and inside of it create a text file called "kh_actions.sqf".
Copy/paste the following code in it :
private ["_vehicle", "_vehicle_refuel_id"];

_vehicle = objNull;

diag_log "Running ""kh_actions"".";

while {true} do
        if (!isNull player) then
                private "_currentVehicle";

                _currentVehicle = vehicle player;

                if (_vehicle != _currentVehicle) then
                        if (!isNull _vehicle) then
                                _vehicle removeAction _vehicle_refuel_id;
                                _vehicle = objNull;

                        if (_currentVehicle != player) then
                                _vehicle = _currentVehicle;

                                _vehicle_refuel_id = _vehicle addAction ["Refuel", "kh_vehicle_refuel.sqf", [], -1, false, false, "",
                                  "vehicle _this == _target && local _target"];

        sleep 2;
Save and create another sqf file called "kh_vehicle_refuel.sqf"; copy/paste the following code :
private ["_target", "_caller", "_id", "_isNearFeed"];

_target = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;

if (isNil "ib_refueling_in_progress") then { ib_refueling_in_progress = false; };

if (!ib_refueling_in_progress) then
        _isNearFeed = count ((position _caller) nearObjects ["Land_A_FuelStation_Feed", 10]) > 0;

        if (!_isNearFeed) then
                titleText ["You must be near a fuel station pump.", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
                titleFadeOut 3;
                ib_refueling_in_progress = true;

                titleText ["Refueling", "PLAIN", 3];

                while {(vehicle _caller == _target) and (local _target)} do
                        private ["_velocity", "_fuel"];
                        _velocity = velocity _target;
                        _fuel = fuel _target;

                        if ((_velocity select 0 > 1) or (_velocity select 1 > 1) or (_velocity select 2 > 1)) exitWith { };
                        if (_fuel >= 1.0) exitWith { };

                        sleep 0.5;
                        _fuel = _fuel + 0.005;

                        if (_fuel >= 1.0) then { _fuel = 1.0; };

                        _target setFuel _fuel;

                titleFadeOut 1;

                ib_refueling_in_progress = false;
And, finally, open the init.sqf file and add this line :
if (!isDedicated) then {
        [] execVM "kh_actions.sqf";
Repack your mission and you should be good! I don't know who wrote the script so I cannot give proper credit to it, but I think it comes from a Taviana dayz mod.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
The reason why I don't use the timecycle script is because it skips an hour every x minutes, so you'll experience some kinda stuttering with the clouds. I don't know if it's possible to actually accelerate time in Arma... Most of the servers wich deal with that matter just change the mission time at each reboot (dusk>dawn>dusk and so on).
I have found that using the plus/equals and minus/underscore keys next to the backspace will accelerate time. But you need to be careful because it speeds up everything (walking, running, gunfire and zombies). Good for fast travel though. I have never really left it on long enough to see if it becomes night though.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

In reply to this post by astocky
astocky wrote
Above wrote
astocky wrote
Is there any way to incorporate a shorter like 3/4 hour day-night cycle? I sometimes wish there was a way to make the day to night transition without cheating or using the time accelerate.

There's a timecycle file in BreakingPoint (I'm not forcing you to play it). But unpack the mission, take the timecycle file, and copy the exec line for it from the init.sqf!

If you need more help, just ask.
I have BreakingPoint as well. That is what made me wonder. I will try unpacking and copying the script over tonight.
Thanks Above
No worries, I hope it works out. =)
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

In reply to this post by astocky
astocky wrote
Haleks wrote
The reason why I don't use the timecycle script is because it skips an hour every x minutes, so you'll experience some kinda stuttering with the clouds. I don't know if it's possible to actually accelerate time in Arma... Most of the servers wich deal with that matter just change the mission time at each reboot (dusk>dawn>dusk and so on).
I have found that using the plus/equals and minus/underscore keys next to the backspace will accelerate time. But you need to be careful because it speeds up everything (walking, running, gunfire and zombies). Good for fast travel though. I have never really left it on long enough to see if it becomes night though.
The mission starts at 4 a.m; so you would have to leave it to 4x for something like 3 or 4 hours before it's night again. I'm gonna have a look into that function (if I manage to find it) and see if I can edit and make an addon.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

zombies still won't attack after save. maybe i judged 1.7.7 to quickly cause i took my time and it worked out better. i just got used to running into town and grabbing loot and running out north
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy Chernarus 1.7.7 FACTIONS 2.2

mike wrote
zombies still won't attack after save. maybe i judged 1.7.7 to quickly cause i took my time and it worked out better. i just got used to running into town and grabbing loot and running out north
Did you restart a game after updating?
I did a few save & reload, and the only problem I've noticed so far is some Zeds not moving (but still hitting you if you get too close), wich also happens in MP.
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