Hi Halecks,
I traveled over the week-end and I when I came back I found a brand new release with cars, that's great :-) !!! Thanks a lot again - I have d/l and tried it immediately. The Zombies are easier to loose, they do not track you until the end of world, it is the old "loose the sight loose the prey" behavior. Did you change them? Still trying, will report any problem. Anubis |
Hey guys busy installing this at the moment cannot wait to try.
Does this mod have a cheat menu? Thanks! |
In reply to this post by Anubis
Yep, the new dayz code is based on v1.7.6.1 and didn't make any changes to their behaviour. I may fiddle with that again if this version proves to be stable. Nope, not right now. :/ But if you want to be all geared up from the beginning, you can try the BAF mission. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Possible bug.
Spawned at Otmel, walked over to elektro. Did the normal looting run, while looting the 2nd fire station i had a patrol car shooting at me. (pick-up with the machine gun on the back) Shot both the gunner and the driver, got on the gunner seat out of curiosity. After that, while heading along the coast towards cherno nothing would spawn. No loot nor zombies. Closing the game and starting again in the hope the script would kick in again did not work. Saw a bandit in the hills near the gas station, not sure if it already spawned in or just did. Did me getting in the car/gunner seat did anything with the spawn script? Running the latest version: 3.0.1 and playing the walking zeds - patrol cars mission. Thank you. |
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In reply to this post by saprykheid
@saprykheid I used to have trouble with all .50 cal. weapons doing no damage (because of weapons ban?), yet now they work for me though I have not had a chance to try them in ver. 2.9 - 3.0.1. Also I would just jump in the turret and see if it works with you controlling it. When doing the above I would try the same type of HMMV but with the M240, or another vehicle with the .50 or any vehicle with the DShKM (12.7mm, Russian .50 cal) and see if you get the same results.
@Haleks How hard should it be to find survivors? Starting with the 2.8 I could not find really any survivors. 10+ hours of play and only 1 survivor found. Now i load up 3.0.1 and within the first 10 min I found 2 survivors running together. Could this have been because of what Siaubakas mentioned about invisible survivors? Tried the BAF mission and you should tell people though how much the squad hates each other. No trouble really until I hit the first multiple street sized town. Hit the middle of it next thing I know I am down to 2 survivors (Medic and Rifleman) from everyone trying to kill the running zombies. Loved it other than that. Sadly that was more my fault for being tired and not actively managing them, and Arma's ai which has no concept of muzzle discipline and clear line of fire. Like how you get dropped in total darkness with only a few weapon mounted flashlights. Is there any plot to this one or is it survival also? Just a thought but what about combining some of the other missions with this like a BAF/Walking Zed/Car Patrol or a BAF/Car Patrol? |
In reply to this post by nrc00
Same here. I am facing again the "No Zombies No Loot" behavior. I found a tent in Elektro and pitched it near the Church and went to sleep for one hour. Waking up, the town was 100% empty. No Zombies and no loot. I left Elektro, moved West along the coast to the lighthouse, found the bike and used it to go to Cherno. In Cherno nothing as well: no Zombies and no loot. Bandits and survivors yes. There is something that kicks in at a certain time and stops the Zombies and loot generation. Anubis |
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Not saying it isn't happening though I have not seen the no zombie, no loot bug yet. How long do you play before it happens? Worst I have seen is a min or so waiting for spawns. Though as Sarc mentioned waiting for an hour with no spawn sound not like you have a delayed spawn but just no spawn at all. Going to list how I set up Arma2 to see if someone missed something as I reaally do not have any issues with spawns rate and the whole of Factions seems to run a bit faster for me since 3.0.1 (2 hours in so far on foot with 2 survivors), been a while so if I miss something let me know.
1. Arma OA + beta Steam install (with Addons copied from Arma 2 to OA) 2. Run Arma 2 then OA + other addons 3. Update Arma 2 with DayZCommander + install Dayz 4. Create @Factions folder, copy dayZ addons to @Factions, then copy and replace from Factions download 5. Move missions wanted to missions folder 6. Run OA, add mod in expansions menu, restart, then play. 7. Updates to Factions: (see #4,5,6) delete all files in @Factions/addons + missions from the missions folder, recopy addons from DayZ, rewrite from Factions download, add missions, then play new game Also you can delete old save games in My Documents/arma2/saved/missions |
i cannot pick up any backpacks in this
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey Haleks, my loot and zombie spawning problem has been fixed apparently in the latest patch. Thanks man!
This post was updated on .
I am noticing that there is less loot than 2.7 ( but I like it as before within 20 minutes my pack and inventory was stuffed with food, meds, and drink. Though that was usually spawned near a town of a couple streets or more in size.
I will second this request |
In reply to this post by Stormforge
Game runs fine otherwise, 2 hours in and everything is fine.
The only thing that worried me was the interaction with the bandit car and if that had anything to do with the spawn script. I'll post again when i have my hands on a bandit car again. |
In reply to this post by Stormforge
im playing the walking zed + car mission and killed a goat took the meat and made a fireplace and i couldnt cook my meat ive had this bug b4 in releases so just fig i let it be know thanks
In reply to this post by Haleks
is there any way to have the cheats menu/version?
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In reply to this post by Haleks
I've updated the dayz_code for those having issues with the zeds spawns.
Make sure it says "Factions 3.0.2" on the right corner of the main screen and restart/launch a new game. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hi I have this problem where I spawn in the plains with no model and can't move anywhere
In reply to this post by Haleks
Thx for update haleks, I tested version 3.01 and everything is ok for me,I respawn zed and AI.. but I have not seen Survivor. I sleep in a tent on the road and then I went back into town and have good loot and respawn as Z... |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Problem with the m107_dz: Zeroing with pgup/pgdown does not work... Which config files are you refering to? |
It's in the dayz_code : there is a folder called "Configs", and inside is another one : "CfgWeapons".
Everything is in there. ;) |
In reply to this post by Ultrazen
Just so you guys don't bother for nothing : chances to find survivors on the coast are pretty much zero. You'll have to wander inside the country, or go to Skalisty Island : it's rather small and should make it easier to find one (look for the radio tower). |
In reply to this post by Haleks
halesk if i travel with a vehicle fast the loot don't spawn, and zeds to only survivors and bandits spawns..
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