RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 3.0.2 [20/01/2014 UPDATED w/ Car Patrols]

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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

Ultrazen wrote
Cheese wrote
Quelqu'un peux m'aider ? Je suis français et je ne pige rien a l'anglais....

Que veux tu savoir ?



Thank you for this fantastic mod

Duke wrote
Im not sure if its just me or not however I used to see units on map to include my party,enemy, and zeds. Now when i bring up map its completely empty with the exception of the city. Is this now by design? I used to be able to target enemy and have my party attack and now im having trouble finding the direction and location.
+1 for the nextUpdate :)
Salut, j'aimerais savoir si il y des hélico, si tous les IA sont ennemis, et si il y a des armes, Ah et aussi est-ce qu'il y a pas mal de véhicules ou c'est très rare ?
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

Cheese wrote
Salut, j'aimerais savoir si il y des hélico, si tous les IA sont ennemis, et si il y a des armes, Ah et aussi est-ce qu'il y a pas mal de véhicules ou c'est très rare ?
T'as réussi à lancer le mod finalement?
Pour tes questions : il y a des hélicos qui patrouillent Chernarus, ainsi que des helicrash qui contiennent du loot. La plupart des IA sont hostiles, d'autres sont des friendlies que tu peux recruter (l'option apparaîtra dès que tu es assez proche d'eux).
Et, bien entendu, il y a des armes à looter (t'as déjà joué à DayZ? C'est exactement pareil : tu commences à poil et doit fouiller pour trouver de l'équipement); et il y a des véhicules répartis sur toute la map - mais généralement dans un sale état. Tu devras trouver du matos pour les réparer.

Et sinon, comment t'as fait pour te faire bannir aussi vite de CPC?? o_O
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Nice, I enjoy it. Still so much love for Chernarus.
But I admit I put a cheat menu into the mission :-)

Haleks, do you know where the AI spawn is defined? In which (de-pboed) mission files? I'd like to maybe even increase the number of bandits and decrease friendly. Or maybe make it pretty random, I'll see...
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Bonsoir Haleks,

Tu est français ? :)

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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

Ultrazen wrote
Bonsoir Haleks,

Tu est français ? :)
Bah ouais! ^^

saprykheid wrote
Haleks, do you know where the AI spawn is defined? In which (de-pboed) mission files? I'd like to maybe even increase the number of bandits and decrease friendly. Or maybe make it pretty random, I'll see...
Have a look at the files located here : "scripts\mission\fnc".
The important line is this one : for "_i" from 0 to 2 do {
Otherwise, you can also copy & paste some triggers in the editor.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

c'est bonnn ça :)

voila qui va m'aider..
j'ai passé une partie de l'aprem sur ce mod " mission walking d"  vraiment pas mal :) Merci pour ton travail , tout a l'air de fonctionner... croisés et abattus plusieurs patrouilles heli , les crash sites sont suis également tombé sur un camp avec un misérable garde une tente et un trouve un bon équilibre  IA me donnent du fil a retordre.

j'ai fait quelques  modif pour mon confort perso mais j'ai essayé en vain d'installer ceci :

plutot simple a priori, j'ai pas de messages d'erreur mais ça ne fonctionne pas :(

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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

Et moi qui me fait chier a parler anglais :o
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Ultrazen
This is very kind Haleks. Can you tell which files are called in which cases? There are a couple of files which seem to be responsible for spawning Bandits/Survivors/Bandit groups...
And when are they called? Regularly like a cron job?


BTW, haven't seen choppers patrolling yet. Do they appear rarely?
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
Easier said than done :/
Every wreck & roadblock are listed in a config file, and there's no way to know if there're on a road or not.
And of course, you can't see them on the Editor map...
Never said it would be easy. :)
Though yeah that might be more trouble than it is worth if each is separate and exact location unknown.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
@Haleks Is it possible to use scripts to spawn in vehicles? I'm thinking of doing an RP that involves flying in with a helicopter.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

Nathan I suggest you get lokis lost key, you can spawn anything plus more.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Ultrazen
Ultrazen wrote
c'est bonnn ça :)

voila qui va m'aider..
j'ai passé une partie de l'aprem sur ce mod " mission walking d"  vraiment pas mal :) Merci pour ton travail , tout a l'air de fonctionner... croisés et abattus plusieurs patrouilles heli , les crash sites sont suis également tombé sur un camp avec un misérable garde une tente et un trouve un bon équilibre  IA me donnent du fil a retordre.

j'ai fait quelques  modif pour mon confort perso mais j'ai essayé en vain d'installer ceci :

plutot simple a priori, j'ai pas de messages d'erreur mais ça ne fonctionne pas :(
Sans doute parce que tu as modifié le fichier selfActions qui se trouve dans le dayz code. J'en utilise une version éditée qui se situe dans le fichier mission : tu y trouveras un dossier "dayz_code" qui contient la plupart des modifs que j'ai faites.
Idem pour le fichier compile.sqf : modifie plutôt celui qui se situe dans le dossier mission.
J'espère t'avoir aidé! ;)
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Mencey
I've tried this but I dont know the option to spawn vehicles.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by saprykheid
saprykheid wrote
This is very kind Haleks. Can you tell which files are called in which cases? There are a couple of files which seem to be responsible for spawning Bandits/Survivors/Bandit groups...
And when are they called? Regularly like a cron job?


BTW, haven't seen choppers patrolling yet. Do they appear rarely?
Yes, those are the files - except RandSurvivor, I don't use it.
They are called each time you walk in a trigger zone : those are the blue circles you'll see in the editor.
As for the choppers, they only spawn after some time, and further than previously. They also patrol a larger area; so it's quite random. But I'm sure you'll spot one eventually; tip : you can hear them from pretty far if you play with the JSRS mod.

nathan00107 wrote
I've tried this but I dont know the option to spawn vehicles.
You can try Kron'Support Call, it's easier to use. But don't use the 'change uniform' feature, it will break many things.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
How to I spawn AI and command them to get in vehicles using Loki's Lost Key?
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
@Haleks Do helicopter crashes respawn when you sleep in a tent or relog in the game or something?
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

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Open loki's lost key and open the Work tab on the left side. To spawn troops after opening the work tab look on the right side and you will see spawn-o-matic under that is the Recruit Center. Open one of the drop down menus and click on units. It will create a list just to the left with the units you can spawn. May take a little to populate the list so be patient. Highlight one then either click request or map click.

In this same window go to the Vehicle Creator and this will open a new window so you can look at the vehicles, then choose the one you want with the bottom create at player. Think the top says create at player start but part is hidden and it doesn't seem to work anyway.

Troops created this way should have a weapon though I think only the survivors are unarmed due to them not having set weapons. Some of the things in loki's lost key I have figured out by trial and error. Like the artillery option. Click on artillery choose what you want then click on the map above. A circle or oval should appear. This is the area of effect and make sure you are not in it or at its edge. (Concussion can kill just as well as shrapnel) You can teleport around too with the map in there. Still do not know what all of it does and mess around mostly in the 1st work tab.

You command them the same way as a survivor. ~ that key selects all troops or use the F1-9 keys to select certain units. Next or before you select the unit(s) press one of the regular number keys to bring up different commands. You also have limited commands in the mouse wheel menu when you select a unit and depending at what you are pointing at. Like the 2 key will bring up targets, the 4 key will bring up vehicles, and the 6 key actions. Others deal with stance and formation, etc.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

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In reply to this post by Haleks
I wasn't aware I can use the de-pboed mission in the editor - how can I achieve this? I thought the Editor only shows user missions from the user directory, and AFAIK they have another structure.

Haleks wrote
Yes, those are the files - except RandSurvivor, I don't use it.
They are called each time you walk in a trigger zone : those are the blue circles you'll see in the editor.
EDIT: Can you also tell which file spawns the friendly AI survivors?
EDIT2: Ah you say u don't use randsurvivor, so I think it's doSomething_survivor.sqf
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In Chernogorsk, there were like 6 survivors, I took a friendly one to my squad. Hold Fire worked, but he didn't follow me, maybe because there was shooting going on. I couldn't make him follow me.
Also, he sees zombies through the walls and shoots into walls.
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Re: RELEASE : DaiZy FACTIONS 2.8.1 [08/01/2014 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Re Haleks ,

Merci pour l'indication , mais je m'en suis aperçus et j'ai bien modifiés les fichiers que tu indiques :(  . Je suis têtu et j'ai cherché cherché mais rien n'y fait... Je me demandais si le fait que tu ais désactivé le craft n'y est pas pour quelque chose ? C'est dommage il me plais bien ce mod ,c'est pas trop cheaté il faut des pièces pour crafter (moteur , rotor, scrape..) En tout cas tu m'as rassuré sur le fait que j'ai modifié les bon fichiers.
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