Eh? How can you do that? Anubis |
Select one of your units, and press '6' to check the available actions ;) |
In reply to this post by master bates
Mmm... I just updated my game to the latest beta patch, tried both Factions mods with a new game, and didn't have any errors... :/ Did anyone else experience the same issues as master Bates? And, if so, could you guys provide me with the exact error message? |
In reply to this post by Anubis
Hi there
It is playing very interesting recently. It is a lot of fun. Thank you! But was wondering. My colleague was injured I could have treated this?? Two people injured ... I do not want to hear groans. But not too hard to meet survivors. |
Hi! There're currently two ways to heal survivors : you can find some "medic" survivor and order him to heal the others; or go in town and find a field hospital : your units will be able to heal themselves in there (just like in Arma 2). Both actions are available via the 'action squad' menu (press '6'). Also, the JSRS mod has a file wich deactivate the moanings ;) EDIT : Also, the loot taking too much time to spawn should be fixed when I update this to 1.7.7. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Thanks Haleks! For some odd reason I have never seen it, that's really useful! Anubis |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Here the 2 logs , small error in the mission file (fixed them in the 1 i play with)
But as u can see the new beta does weird things , also in the fixed mission file from me where as in the 103419beta there aint no errors , hence the gameflow is just smooth |
Looks like I have to register to 4shared if I want to download your log files :/ Could you mail me them please? | These should be dl-able without any hassle |
Damn, that's odd... It also complains about a lot of dayz files & command lines (eventhough there're correctly written). According to that log, pretty much everything is broken °_°' And yet everything works fine for me, no error messages, no broken features... I don't know what to do about it, to be honest : to me it seems that this is an issue with the beta itself, rather than the mission file. I will take a deeper look at it, but I seriously doubt that all of those command lines are broken : it would mean that pretty much 90% of the game would be broken (some of the listed functions/lines are quite common)... |
That was my thought to , coz with the elder beta all is fine just 1 error but thats during the init
and doesnt affect the missionfile or gameplay in general But with the newer beta it just kicked me specialy with the stuttering , now u see why i said i stick with the older beta patch Btw the newer also makes loot appear realy late and cars getting auto repair And as i said i fixed some things but with the new betapatch its all error So for me i stick with the 103419beta , and bring havok to any bandito or chopper altho i just down those , and fly of into the sun |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Now that 1.7.7 has been released are you going to want any help testing the Factions SP update? I'm not sure what I can do, but I would be happy to help if you need any. |
Thanks Astocky! I'm working on it right now - but it seems that there's a looot of work before having something playable... >_<' |
I am so addicted to 2.1 at the moment that I would rather you take your time and be happy with it then rush it out when you're not ready. I can't believe the satisfaction you have when you fight some AI bandits and actually manage to live. |
Some news : I have the 1.7.7 code working in single player.
I have plenty of things to test, but right now zeds & loot spawn fine, and the new damage handling (such as Zeds tackling the player) as well as the new GUI are working. Also, we might have a working respawn system, along with a persistant environment. ![]() |
Yes me doing finaly fine now on MP server got the BaseBuilding 1.2 working bloodbags for the EPO or Lance Armwrong-method and NPC (borrowed a bit from u guys but i messed up a bit so they start shooting anything that moves even the bunnies :D )
Anyways beeing busy for a while and those Uber zombies just run and keep running for some stairs Then shoot his big puppie eyes , he want to kiss(french) but toothpaste is kinda rare And Haleks go get them m8 ') |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Thats amazing news Haleks, I can't wait to see how it turns out. Remember, don't rush it and don't burn yourself out. Its probably worth testing out the new "Viral" zeds and the new melee weapon dropping to make sure that functions. Maybe also test the new blood bag and food stack delays. I think those are all the big features. Thanks again |
In reply to this post by Haleks
I experience alot of lag issues not really bad, but bad enough to where it gets annoying any suggestions? i never experience this problem playing online. help plz
In reply to this post by jst2fst
You can drag bodies (wounded or dead) of survivors/bandits if you enabled SLX_Wounds in CoWarMod.
However, you cannot drag dead zombies. |
In reply to this post by Tony
That is because when you are playing online the server and other people are handling most of the workload for the game world. On SP your PC is doing it all. The changes in this forum post will probably also help: |
Free forum by Nabble | Edit this page |