Banned User
i don't know how to open missionfiles and i just tried it with cpbo, but it says extraction failed if i click on the shortcut i made. i followed the instructions here: which tool do you use for this? |
In reply to this post by Haleks
you sure it cant be done? i know that dayz rp has it and it works.
In reply to this post by Nabu
you can use Pbo manager.... |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hi Haleks, Still some feedback about 2.0: - it seems definitively to me there are less bandits around in general. I have finally met a bandit squad however - the ammo reload trick sometimes does not work: I have seen at least a couple of time survivors going full auto and quickly ending up with just one magazine left (and the orange indicator on the squad menu). Maybe the delay has to be shortened even more Cheers, Anubis |
in both factions,. |
I just checked, and the only thing I did between v1.9 & v2.0 was to fix/move some triggers wich were activated over & over... I don't know; would you guys want to see more of them (I think there're already plenty!)?
And I will keep toying with the ammo fix for 1.7.7. @Nabu : as mp5lng suggested, PBO manager works fine (it's the one I use). |
Banned User
cool thank you mp5! i just installed PBOManager and i am curious to get into that a bit more.
About the bandits... i cant say there are to fiew bandits... at least in my missions i meet enough to be well entertained. In towns i close to always hear some fighting near or far of me. I get sometimes 2 helis, last time in the additional mission. they are a bit annoying to get down or rid of them. but bandits i get a good number, also bandit groups. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hi Haleks, I personally would like to see more bandits appearing in general, but once an area has been cleared of bandits, I do not want them appearing over and over. If I leave the area then it is fine to re-populate it, it makes sense. The individual bandits in 1.8 were perfect to me: you were always on the edge traveling. The bandit squads of 1.8 were not because they kept re-appearing in an endless wave, it was almost a nightmare. Cheers, Anubis |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Haleks
ok it works perfectly, and i found the fnc folder. so the sqf i can open with for example word pad? and in which of them do i have to add the line? thx in advance
The sqf files can be opened with any basic text editor. You'll have to modify the following ones : doSomething_bandits.sqf, doSomething_banditSquad.sqf, doSomething_banditstwo.sqf and doSomething_survivor.sqf (as well as the "respawn_survivor" file!). Now add this line : under this line : Note that the banditsquad sequence uses several units : unit, unit1 and unit2. Don't forget to modify the new line accordingly. You'll also want to modify the doSomething_helis file if you want to add the death flies to the choppers' crew as well. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Can you find me a good one, pleassssse
![]() |
bandit spawn rat are good for me ! they're well prepared for any kind of engagments, for me it's enough triggers,.
Anytime man,. |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Haleks
ok, that sounds all still not too much for me^^ but if i open with word pad, change the files and save them the line won't get saved. what am i doing wrong pls?
You can't make the changes "inside" PBO manager; you have to move the files elsewhere first (like on your desktop), make your changes & save, and them put them back in the mission file. |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Haleks
ok, so extracting and editing/saving works, but i cant manage to put it back to the pbo... may i open a extra tread for it or do you think i will understand this soon?^^
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Here's how i edit files in a pbo archive.... 1- i open the pbo archive (let's say the mission file). 2-copy the (let's take the init.sqf) file to desktop. 3-edit the init file in the desktop and save it. 4-copy the edited init file and past it in the right folder wher it's presented in the pbo file (mission archive) [ you need to select the main folder that holds the init file,. Hope that helps even it's not that clear :-p |
In reply to this post by Above
Okay above...! Do you want to have that heli and all the bandits loot at the same time ??? ![]() |
Or just simply fire at the main rotor should take at least 5 hit with DMR
Then the pilot will try to safe land (unless he drops it on a small house) do that while its heading towards you and when it overshoots you And with a open field its then a small firefight with the 2 gunners And presto u have to kill the pilot and u are the new owner of a slightly damaged chopper |
It would be cooler if you could just trickshot the pilot in the head and watch the explosion, and then collect the gear. :< I know how to fix it now, though. I just had to think about it. :D I'll post a comment here on how to do it when I've tested it. :D It will kick the "player" out of the heli when killed. |
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