There are too less guns and supplys spawning !!! Always the rust M14 ! Does it has sniper guns?? where ? I can't find them even the US airport !!
In reply to this post by Haleks
There are too less guns and supplys spawning !!! Always the rust M14 ! Does it has sniper guns?? where ? I can't find them even the US airport !!
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey Haleks i was wondering if there are gear in Cars that you find and are there patrolling cars?
when is etttttttttttttt im young an impatient
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hello Haleks, ive been a big fan of dayz and have been waiting for a single player with ai to come out. i checked out your 2018 mod which is amazing. you stated in the quote above. that u can increase the value at which zeds can react to ai gun fire. if by chance u don't increase it. how can i increase it on my own? i prefer the ai to have the same distance that i, the "player" has. because when i get into a firefight with bandits in a town. a good number of zombies run towards me, forcing me to fall back and hide in some kind of shelter. while the ai bandit can fire as many rounds as we wants and can flank me without any zeds attacking him. i would prefer that everything is the same, even if its hard to keep ai alive at that point. i figured it should be hard in a zed infested world. cuss otherwise they survive easily with no repercussion for firing off a loud gun, cuss at this point its like the zeds dont react to the gunfire at all. so if its possible to turn up the gun shot range, please let me know. thank you |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey Haleks, any news on this? Really looking forward on your Arma3 project!!!
Hi Alechr!
I've been quite busy as usual! ^^ I was waiting for BIS to fix some command scripts and functions related to control of spawned agents (entities with a very basic AI routine) - those were very much needed to improve the way zombies are handled (until recently, each spawned zed needed its own group, wich could be a problem for mission making regarding the group limit per side). I've partially re-worked the radiation system (and fixed quite a few bugs) but it is still WIP. I'll probably wait after the initial release to finish it : it will most likely require a lot of time & experimentations, but I already have a basic system working. Right now I am in the middle of changing a few things to make future development as smooth as possible. As some of you guys may know, it has not been so long since I started modding on Arma, and this is quite an ambitious project so things take more time than I thought. But I'll do my best to release it before/around christmas. ;) |
Oh Jesus!
I have half a mind to wait for this to come out before releasing the mod : CUP mod video Those guys are working on porting every possible content from Arma 2 + DLC (not only the weapons), upgraded to Arma3 standards. <3 |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Was heading from the NE airfield down south towards Berezino and came across this guy just standing in the woods. I watched for a minute, he kneeled down, made a few movements, then started walking away. I approached him and he just stopped, i circled around and came closer, but he never did anything. I then shot him once in the face and he fell to the ground, he had a watch, map, radio, and compass on him. Been playing 2018 for about 6 months now and have not encountered this before, is this the dreaded Ghoul? or just some poor fellow lost in the woods? anyways, thought it was interesting!
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In reply to this post by Haleks
Thanks for the update Haleks! And thanks for putting CUP on my radar, that's an awesome project! But it also looks like it's going to take some time to get done, there is a lot of content. You sure you want to wait for it before releasing your mod?
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In reply to this post by Haleks
Up for another replay of 2018 I like that SP lone wander type of immersive experience kind of like Stalker. The new Steam update DayZ 1.8.3 seems to have affected 2018 via z_Villager2 missing? So I rolled back to DayZ
In reply to this post by darren0306
From the pic I am guessing right up the hill from you was a large bandit camp with a crashed C-130? There are a few neutral NPCs in the camp that you cannot interact with. Though there is one you can recruit if you can clear out the bandits. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Can someone please help me with the cleanup script by DMZ? I notice that after playing a while, things begin to slow down, menus don't open as fast, same thing with the icons on the side, i am thinking this script may help that out. I tried reading the instructions but i don't quite understand what they mean, when it comes to scripting in A2 or daizy i am completely hopeless.
Can anyone simplify it for me? |
I believe there is a clean up script already in 2018. Set up a tent and sleep.
In reply to this post by alechr
It's already out! ^^ But I'll probably wait a few updates & bug fixes before implementing in "Ravage" (Yes, the mod has a name now!). Anyway, while I'm waiting on a few authorizations (since I'm using assets from DayZ mod, wich is supposed to be Arma2 only) I kept working on some stuff : mission makers won't need to hand-place vehicles anymore! Well, not all of them : civilian vehicles will be spawned all over the map at mission start (in a logical way) and will be dynamically cached, allowing to spawn a lot of them without impacting performances. I just need to modify the function to include addon vehicles if they are detected and test its peformances in extreme situations. But it simplifies mission making a great deal and makes it ridiculously fast & easy to set up your own missions on any map you want : just create a playable unit, run a code line and you have it all - zombies, bandits (wheeled or on foot), survivors and wrecked (but most of the time fixable) vehicles. (It still have to figure something out for the loot spawn system, right now it requires quite some fiddling.) |
In reply to this post by Haleks
sir may i ask for help? i am new here, and i am always a dayz fan, but unfortunately don't have enough money to buy the original game and play in steam.
so here's my question sir how to install the game? can you give me step by step tutorial? what versions of arma 2 do i need?(im currently downloading arma 2 CO with OA) hoping for your quick response sir, i am glad you made this awesome mod for single player Dayz thousand thumbs up for you sir. |
Hi! Here's a link to a video tutorial made some time ago by Astocky : You'll need Arma 2 CO indeed, as well as dayz (not the latest version!). You should also find all informations you may need in the first post. Don't hesitate to post back if you need more infos! Hope you'll enjoy the mod! ;) |
tnx sir, already playing it now :3 but there are to many zombies, and less weapons and food, and also there's no bandints to kill :3 can u change the code? or can u help me change the codes?
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Haleks
Oooh, I really wouldn't do that. Rocket ain't going to let you use DayZ stuff in ArmA III end of story. It would very certainly hurt the sales of DayZ standalone. We all know what happened to Zoombies!... EDIT: Then again, the kid that 'made' Zoombies! was a shitbag. Although R4Z0R or whatever the hell the guy is named is effectively the head of the team on the mod, Rocket still 'owns' DayZ, does he not?
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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