Hi man I am not sure if you are still active here I am new on this forum but I have got one quick question. Is there any way in this release to refill a Jerry can? Cuz when I played it for first time I was able to refill at Elektro gas station and now I managed to fix myself an URAL truck which took like 3 days and I cant get the jerry cans refilled and I have got like 6 of them. I even tried the other places like the one at Cherno and still no option to refill a Jerry can. But still man a great release
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In reply to this post by Haleks
It should be fine as long as you don't profit off of it, I can't swear, though. But it should legally be fine. At it doesn't seem like anyone owns DayZ, since apparantly BI can't grant you permission to use it. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
I played for hours and loved it, the only problem I found is when I resume my game I get a "arma has stopped working" when I try to access my gear, both when I press "G" and when I try it from the map... any ideas
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In reply to this post by Haleks
Hey Haleks,
When I load up the game, the credits roll, but the black screen remains, and I die after a few seconds. What is happening? It said "z/addons/dayz_code/compile/player_countmagazines.sqf not found" Any idea what I screwed up? Edit: I fixed it, one of my other SP missions was messing it up. |
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In reply to this post by Flourisher
Hi try to close in to a tank in diffrent sides, and u should see if you scroll middle mouse button, option to refill jerycans
Edit: Oh this is 2018 mod, i've generaly some isues with options that doesn't pop up in this mod, rapairing car was pain in the ass really, but i think its because your PC isn't good enought. I haven't checked it yet in my new Pc but i'll update it if i'll find some free time ;) I sugest to try daizy namalsk(if u haven't yet) its far the best optimized daizy mod in my opinion ;) chears Palikot Lolka |
In reply to this post by Haleks
hi im having trouble refilling jerry cans dont know if anyone else is having this problem i go to the tanks you normally would but no refill jerry can comes up
EDIT: can you only syphen (not how you spell) fuel out of other cars |
In reply to this post by Haleks
I cant command the units. All of the commands such as hold fire are unselectable
In reply to this post by Haleks
I'm going to upload a video of this in a few hours. i'm going to make a non cheating series. but i'm at school atm and i couldn't film. but i got lots of good stuff! :D finally food and coke!
the only thing i'm not the biggest fan of is that i found a gun before i found food. i also lost my Remington shotgun when i tried putting it in my backpack xD what i do like is the walking zeds thanks Helaks for this mod it's actually really fun :D great job! |
In reply to this post by Haleks
In reply to this post by Haleks
How about adding the option of taking wheels off the car so you can attach them to other one?
Sadly I'm no longer working on the DaiZy releases, I have been focusing on other projects lately. I don't know if I'm going to go back at it : there have been words of a single-player mode in DayZ StandAlone, as well as mod support being planned. Until then I will most likely keep modding on Arma3. :) |
Yes indeed, that ArmA 3 project of yours surely got me interested and I installed ArmA 3 again (doing campaign all over again while I wait for the mod). DayZ standalone SP was announced on E3 mate, but who knows when will it be released since you know for how long standalone is being developed. Anyhow, what's some approximate ETA on that ArmA 3 Ravage Mod? Do you have some approximate release date or "it'll be done when it's done" type of framework? In any case, I wish you best of luck with that ravage mod project and do make haste ![]() ![]() |
In reply to this post by Haleks
REP parts is clearly not enough . Something like four wheels dug . And the Urals need 6 ! The longer you survive , the stronger bots ! I played without cheating ! antihak injector firing . Definitely broken machines and repair nothing. What is preventing the script to finish . The plot is decayed by
Респа запчастей явно мало. Кое как 4 колеса отрыл. А на урал нужно 6! Чем дольше выжил, тем сильнее боты!Я без читов играл! инжектор палит антихак. Однозначно машины сломанные а ремонтировать нечем. Что мешает сценарий дописать. Сюжет затух |
In reply to this post by Flourisher
I cannot seem to fix this problem, whenever i put more than a few hours into a character, the game begins to lag. I don't mean lag like a FPS drop, i mean like switching weapons takes 20 seconds, opening LOSTKEY takes sometimes 30 seconds or more, just a severe delay in everything input-related.
I've had this problem with not only DayZX but also vanilla daizy as well as 2018. I am wondering if, number one, anybody else has had this problem, and number two, does anybody know any way of correcting it? I had a theory like perhaps it was a map cache or something because it seems like the more you explore and gather loot the more it does it. I am not by any means a mod creator or have those types of skills so i don't want to go editing files that may harm the mod. if ANYONE could help out with this it would be good, it really sucks because i don't even want to put any amount of serious time into a character because i know eventually i will just have to restart. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
How Can I change look of the Inventory screen its too dark for me and cant see a damn think when im looting stufs from the ground, can any 1 hellp ?
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hi I am trying to download the dayz but dayz commander doesnt seem to want to work. When i try to download it i get cdn.dayzcommander.com resolved to System.Net.Webexception: The remote server returned an error 404 Not found. Is there any way I can fix this/ download dayz from somewhere else?
Thanks a ton! Almost given up on it.
In reply to this post by Haleks
It seems like I cant find any helicopters...I fixed a lada and my way to NW airfield did even get attacked on the way there but there is no chopper...what are the places where I can find one?
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hi Haleks thanks for your work with 2018 Mod
![]() I wanted to ask you if i can translate your mod to my language Since you are not working on the mod I would really appreciate it |
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