Lets say I want to make a car have infinite slots so I can have a car to hoard items. Is that possible? How would I go about doing that?
Does anyone know how to fix lag or micro stuttering in this version of DayZ ? When i start new game is running smooth but after 3 or 4 days lag want to ruin my experience and eyes start to hurt .
In reply to this post by Haleks
Guys, how do you turn off the orange colour filter on this mod?
The author said they had added an option to turn it off, I can't see it anywhere. |
Press "0", two times, then click on the options. You'll be able to remove the filter. |
Hello Guys,
I have one problem this mod dont work for me. They say all the time i cant play this mission because i need files. I add the Addons order from arma 2 into the operation arrowhead order but it doesnt work. Sry for my englisch i hope youc an help me |
In reply to this post by Haleks
This DaiZy mod is amazing, Thanks Haleks
![]() |
In reply to this post by Haleks
DayZ Commander doesn't work for me and I can't get hold of anyone have any suggestions?
Hi Nan,
You can download any version of DayZ Mod directly from here without the need for DayZCommander. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Just put Dayz back on the pc after a well earned rest. This is the first one I go to every time. Its brilliant. I did however, have a bit of a run in with a shit load of bandits, were I least expected. All i will say is I ran like a girl. :-) . I don't want to spoil, but dont go up the hill were you normally find a friendly place in online mode unless you are prepared to die. ha ha
In reply to this post by Haleks
I have a problem.... it plays fine until i save i mean its not when i save its actually when i revert or load where i saved and after that my fps starts to slowly drop it gets terrible and i get some kind of a music bug the sound in game is fine its only the horror music in the game its like the sound starts playing and it stops after 4-5 seconds or longer and then the other sound starts and it stops and it just goes like that i tried unstalling over and over... tryng to fix it somehow but nothing works
the game without the mod works fine i played the normal game and no problem its only with the mod i dont know what is the problem with it ohh and i dont know why is the gas mask almost invisible when i put it on i can barely see it so if i could get some help i would really appreciate it |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Hi I was just wondering if you're still up.
Can I somehow play a diff map too with dayz 2018 mod? And is there a building addon? Where you can build your own base? :) |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
i am trying to install DayZ 2018 and i followed all instructions.
I get an error: addon ca community configuration project e arma 2 ka52 does anyone know what i need to do to make it run? Thank you!!!! |
You are doint bad, you wanna create a new folder call @2018, in this folder principal unpack all DayZ and when is complete, unpack the winrar 2018, overwrite dayz files And this messange dont would appears |
For some reason i cannot play single player, only multiplayer? I disabled @2018 at the launch parameters and single player option came back, except now it says its missing files. Can someone help me with this?
I really find the installation instructions hard to understand as the noob i am.
So, the following may be useful : 1 - Download "DayZ" : http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/ Take the @Client-1.8.8-Full.rar (I dont know if the latest version is fully compatible, but it seems to work...) 2 - Download "2018" : http://www.mediafire.com/file/3q6tcit42qec7ww/2018.zip 3 - Download "The Community Base Addons" : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6231 (scroll down to the bottom for download link) 4 - Download "CoWar Mod" : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17165 (scroll down to the bottom for download link) 5 - Unzip "2018" and rename it into "@2018" 6 - Unzip "DayZ" and go in "@Client-1.8.8-Full\@DayZ\..." and copy the "Addon" folder 7 - Paste it inside "@2018" !!! NO overwrite !!! 8 - Copy "@2018" and paste it in your "arma 2 OA" directory 9 - Unzip "The Community Base Addons", copy paste "@CBA_CO" in your "arma 2 OA" directory 10- Unzip "COWarMod", and move "@COWarMod", "userconfig" and "Keys" folders, to your "arma 2 OA" directory 11- Add the mission file to your "Missions" folder in your "arma 2 OA" directory 12- Create a new OA Beta Patch shortcut and add "-mod=@2018 -mod=@COWarMod -mod=@CBA_CO" in the target line! If you have the error : 'addon dayz_anim requires addon ca community configuration project e' Go to in your "arma 2 OA" directory > Expansion > beta > expansion > addons and then copy everything in there and past it into your "arma 2 OA" directory > Expansion > Addons Sorry if i've bad english... Travel safe ! ;) |
Does anyone know of a way to get an AC-130 spectre in daizy?
In reply to this post by Haleks
I don't know if you are still working on this as arma2 oa has aged and everyone jumped ship to standalone and arma3 ...
However, offline I enjoy this mod and game. I didn't try 2017 , but did the regular daizy SP mod. I nabbed 2018 thinking it was a continuation of 2017 , and so far I enjoy it. At first I was put off by the intro ... kind of a nice touch , a tad long but nice. The second thing was the sepia look ... took me a while to get used to it, it doesn't seem to work well with damage fade much though. After that, I noticed there's no real difference in survivors and bandits when spotting them moving around. Both show up labled in red when aiming at them ... the only way to tell is a bandit will shoot if spotting you , and usually then it's too late. I had no idea until recently you had to get close to recruit a spotted Survivor NPC ... I thought from previous versions of daizy SP , they should auto-join you if friendly. I like having some options there, just aggravatingly have shot and almost killed a few survivors thinking it was bandits flanking me. The only real drawback to playing this, is the lack of base building. A tent/stash simply isn't really enough , one this late in the apocalypse, would need a secure place or ways to secure places so bandits can't wander around your camp ( and assuming raid your stash if NPCs did that. ) I treat the bandit NPCs like I do regular players , assuming or pretending they do things like take your gear and vehicles, even if not scripted to do so. I really wish it had some form of barricading structures , or building some small base or walls to protect your camp at least. Wire fence coils deter zombies, but bandits shoot right through it or over it. Some other things I have always wondered ... WTF can you only start a fire with matches in dayz? Flares could start fires. Flint/steel , tinder box ... heck striking your knife on a dense rock can toss sparks ... a bit of fuel and a gun shot ... battery with connected wires ... So many ways that could avoid matches ( that really need to spawn better/more) ... with canned food so hard to come by, hunting/wood gathering is a must ... I had one life I starved to death because I couldn't find canned food anywhere, and hunting animals was out because I couldn't find matches or a fire barrel in the area I was in. Other nice things would be to have other maps available ... Cherno gets old and boring after a while ... it's been around forever. Takistan , Panthera, even NAPF would be great maps to play on 2018. Please don't think I am complaining ... I love it. I work at a camp where I do not get decent broadband internet , so all I can play is single player ( alone ), and this helps give me my DayZ "fix". I wish I knew how to make regular dayz mods , like epoch or overpoch SP myself. So far, though, it's beyond me. Love what you have done here ... Just thought I'd share. |
Hi, i'm not sure 2018 is still alive, since Haleks created Ravage for A3. Still, have you tried Land of the Dead, it's a great survival mod for A2, singleplayer, complex base-building, customization and so on : https://vk.com/topic-95083829_33953070
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