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RELEASE: DaiZy 2017 FACTIONS v2.3 [07/10/2013 UPDATED]

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Nabu wrote
no i didn't :P

i sayd i try to cook water inside of an empty food can. to desinfect it of course - the water - not the can. ;)
XD just me being blind  !  Didn't know about that !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Have a look at the changelog fellas; I've just fixed a few things ;)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Banned User
In reply to this post by mp5lng
ooh cool, that is great! thx halex!
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Nabu wrote
ooh cool, that is great! thx halex!
No worries! Thanks for reporting it - I didn't noticed it while I was playing ;)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
Have a look at the changelog fellas; I've just fixed a few things ;)
I wish the is a "like" button inthis forum !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Banned User
In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
Nabu wrote
ooh cool, that is great! thx halex!
No worries! Thanks for reporting it - I didn't noticed it while I was playing ;)
what did you eat? how did you survive? in the beginning i thought something with the spawning is screwed up, then i realised that empty cans are my new friend now. Havent seen not one eatable besides raw meet until now.^^

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Banned User
In reply to this post by mp5lng
mp5lng wrote
Nabu wrote
no i didn't :P

i sayd i try to cook water inside of an empty food can. to desinfect it of course - the water - not the can. ;)
XD just me being blind  !  Didn't know about that !
yes you better cook water out of a lake. the water out of the pumps is clean.
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In reply to this post by MasterNe0
MasterNe0 wrote
How did you fix the freezing of AI? I am trying to see if I can fix the breakingpoint version I have modified because it causing a major headache running around and then it freezing.
I guess you speak about the stuttering occuring when they spawn?
In my experience it depends on the number of sequences launched whenever they spawn. I have only 3 or 4 AI per trigger, and I have also reduced the amount of random objects in their loadout wich contribute to make it less noticeable while playing. You have to remember that each sequence used in their spawn process is multiplied by the number of units spawning in : if you have 15 units per triggers, each script will be executed 15 times.
Try lowering their amount per spawn first; if you still experience stutters you might have a look at their loadout files.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Nabu
Nabu wrote
what did you eat? how did you survive? in the beginning i thought something with the spawning is screwed up, then i realised that empty cans are my new friend now. Havent seen not one eatable besides raw meet until now.^^
I actually didn't have time to starve yet. ^^'
Each time I try launching a game, I notice something to fix, and back to scripting!
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Nabu
Nabu wrote
what did you eat? how did you survive?
bandits have sime cooked meat  ! :-)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.2 [06/01 UPDATED]

mp5lng wrote
Nabu wrote
what did you eat? how did you survive?
bandits have sime cooked meat  ! :-)
Yeah I have included some food in their gear, but tried to make it not too common...
I'm waiting for your feedback on this matter!
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.2 [06/01 UPDATED]

Haleks wrote
Yeah I have included some food in their gear, but tried to make it not too common...
I'm waiting for your feedback on this matter!
Gonna try it tomorrow inchallah and see how it look !  ;-)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.2 [06/01 UPDATED]

Thanks mate,
Hopefully most of the major or immersion-breaking issues are fixed now.
I might have time to experiment and add something actually new...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.2 [06/01 UPDATED]

Haleks wrote
Thanks mate,
Hopefully most of the major or immersion-breaking issues are fixed now.
I might have time to experiment and add something actually new...
No ! We should thank you and all folks like you for spending their life time for making stuff like these freely for dudes like us to have fun with ! So thank you !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Banned User
In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
Nabu wrote
what did you eat? how did you survive? in the beginning i thought something with the spawning is screwed up, then i realised that empty cans are my new friend now. Havent seen not one eatable besides raw meet until now.^^
I actually didn't have time to starve yet. ^^'
Each time I try launching a game, I notice something to fix, and back to scripting!
hehe yes i thougth something like that.

i tell you after some hours with a new gamestart about my feeling and how i se the balance about food. i think to be forced to go hunting i like more then find food in the inventory of bandits. which is totaly legit too as they have to eat too and in MP you find food that way too. I'll see about the human/zombie meet, i try that out now. Sounds scary, and i would like to evade it if i can. but i'll do it for the sience^^
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Nabu wrote
I'll see about the human/zombie meet, i try that out now. Sounds scary, and i would like to evade it if i can. but i'll do it for the sience^^
Eating human flesh for a higher purpose ! sounds delicious !  XD i prefere dying but doing this !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

In reply to this post by Nabu
Nabu wrote
I'll see about the human/zombie meet, i try that out now. Sounds scary, and i would like to evade it if i can. but i'll do it for the sience^^
Beware with zombie meat though : you have a very good chance to fall sick.
I died the first time I tried to eat some...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Haleks wrote
Beware with zombie meat though : you have a very good chance to fall sick.
I died the first time I tried to eat some...
"A survivor runned out of food after 10 days of surviving, he decided to cook a zombie meat, and so he did, after 2 minutes he falled sick from the infection, after another minute he was dead and turned to another zombie"
This is supposed to be Nabu's survival sad story,.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS 2017 v1.1 [05/31 UPDATED]

Banned User
This post was updated on Jun 01, 2013; 3:36am.
lol nice fantasy man! XD

ok, so all gutting/cooking/eating options working fine now! thx again  i took 4 human hearts (looked like) out of ONE Zombie (lolz) and cooked and eated it. Seems to be not infected after that. So i dont know how is the rate to get infection. but it should be higher, high as hell if you ask me XD If not it is even easyer to get food in 2017 then in the normal dayz^^ I just met two cows just after spawning too. the cows had each 8 meat. In other dayzmods i saw always max 6 if i remember right. Killed a bandit too with my hatchet and a ton of luck lol, he had the first food can i saw until now.

I dont know if it is really neccessery to have the option to gut humans/zombies, and if yes, then it should be close to garanted to get infected. so if i have antibiotics and no food that could be my last option... In general there is enough food around. but thats just my opinion. may i was just lucky, i will see and tell here in case i get any troubles to get enough food in future.

//Edit pls dont misunderstand me, i think it is a really nice, and interresting feature to gut humans/zombies which i dont want to miss, i was just thinking about the game-difficulty in general about getting food!
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Banned User
In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
- Fixed vehicle damages : you will have to repair them.
i fear you want to have another look at this one. i found a really cool looking car with all red, just wheels orange, and i can perfectly drive it.

thx dude!
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