fedus_87 wrote
you need to decompile the mission pbo and open it in the editor and remove the AEG triggers.
Thanks dude! I also fixed the plane thing. ^^'
EDIT : I fixed the other plane; it had a Takistanish pilot too. I think something's wrong with their Class name; I had to delete them and add new ones in the editor.
EDIT again : Two more things I noticed while playing the non-DZG version.
- The apo M4 isn't working (at least when spawned via the cheat menu, haven't found any yet), but the M16 works fine though. I had to replace the anim file, same as before.
- Something weird : after I edited your mission, the combat log wouldn't go glitchy anymore. Only things I did was to remove the tank from Balota airport, fix both planes (no more Takistanish dudes inside) and remove the trigger for AEG... So, maybe it was related to those planes. I dunno, food for thoughts. ;)
Oh, and I also replaced the other tank by a reinforced car.