I think it is safe to say the miscommunication between myself and Above has been resolved.But none the less, thank you for stating your opinion on the matter ![]() |
In reply to this post by Blaze
Me too. Not at all, I respect everything people have to say, as long as they have a resonable reason for it. Wich you did. ![]() Regardless of that, though. I wasn't offended at all. =) |
In reply to this post by Above
i figured out the building things issue. Instead of clicking the actual name i.e 'Watchtower' from the drop down list, you have to build sandbags or whatever the original object would have been. If you have a few minutes, maybe you could tweak this so it is not misleading. However i totally understand if this is too much to pile onto that list of small bugs we're all throwing at you. You've done a good job and if i had the brains (like you do) i probably would have tried to fix it for you but obviously I'm no expert in this field of work. Thanks for the awesome mod though, keep up the good work! |
Wait, what building glitch? If you mean the construction feature, were you can build your base etc. It is properly working. We're not using the one from BreakingPoint (as of now). Instead, we're using the building feature released on one of the DayZ sites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVLgqrJzDnA (this is not my video). This is also mentioned in the post. ![]() |
Out of interest, how long have you been modding ArmA? Did you get into it with DayZ or were you an ArmA player before that?
I must admit, I'm completely new to it since DayZ. I have a good friend who used to tell me how great Arma2 was, but I didn't listen (shame on me). Can you recommend any good scripting resources to help with learning? One thing I have struggled with is on how to implement really simple stuff - with each question taking ages of forum hunting to answer. Things like "how to convert a string to a number?" or "what's the syntax for if (condition 1) / elseif (condition 2) /else (no conditions met) statements?" I'm not asking you to answer these questions, just wondering if there is a good collection of help docs and things anywhere online? I have stuggled to find any that cover things as simple as this. SQF is so different to the higher-level languages I'm used to (mostly from scientific computing packages like LabView or Matlab), so things that seem stupidly simple to me, I am struggling with because of not knowing the proper syntax. Everything else can be figured out in your head once you know how the primitives work. I'm not a total noob to programming, just to this language. I'd ultimately love to contribute to this community in some way, or at the very least be able to help myself so that I don't have to burden you all the time ;-). So, how did you get into it Above? Any good resources you could recommend? Specifically on the functions/scripts side, rather than the editor (there are loads of great editor guides out there). Kind regards, Dom. |
I did play some ArmA 2 a looong time ago. But I would call that testing. DayZ got me to play it more, and stick with it. The best place to learn about ArmA and missions is the BI forums. There you can find ANYTHING you need. ![]() You're not bothering me at all when you're asking me questions. The fact that I'm not that experienced could be a bigger problem, though. I haven't written much for this, I've just converted new maps, improved already used scripts and so on. The amount of stuff I've actually written is quite easy to keep track off. Coding has always been an interest of mine, I used to study some coding. Not that it's something I can nail nowadays. But the interest has always kinda been there. But this is the first and probably best place I would send you: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?92-ARMA-2-amp-Operation-Arrowhead-EDITING Best regard, Above. |
In reply to this post by Above
I'm having a blast with this mod. Installed loki lost key and it's just too frikin awesome. Thank you for the excellent job.
One thing I would love to see is more brutal zombie varieties, maybe some crazy zombie dogs or some super buff mutations (nemesis style) |
I'm glad you're enjoying it! Bloodsuckers/ zombie dogs was a part of the plans. I haven't really gotten to work with it yet, though. It's something you might see in the feature, however. |
Awesome :) Thanks Above I will be staying tuned in! On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Above [via Kodabar DayZ / DaiZy single player forum] <[hidden email]> wrote: I'm glad you're enjoying it! Bloodsuckers/ zombie dogs was a part of the plans. I haven't really gotten to work with it yet, though. |
Haha I know how it is bro On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 1:16 PM, Above [via Kodabar DayZ / DaiZy single player forum] <[hidden email]> wrote: I'm not promising anything, though! |
In reply to this post by dom.stb
I was having some trouble with them yesterday, will continue working on it today. I was getting a ton of errors from it though, mostly variable issues, but I'm also new to Arma scripting so I might be missing some things. |
Do you have a link to the script? I'd like to see it. May be able to help, but fairly new to this too. |
Here's the link to the post that includes the script. http://opendayz.net/threads/animated-helicrashs-0-1-release.9084/ Make sure you check your Arma2OA.RPT for errors. The animated helicopter crashes use the DayZ style spawning, spawning them after a random amount of time since the server has been up. The DaiZy mod I believe (Correct me if I'm wrong) has a few spawns around the map and then calls the doSomething_wreck.sqf when a player is within a certain proximity of that spawn point. |
In reply to this post by Above
hi is there bots that will try not to kill me and follow me ;)
Friendly bots are removed until Above gets factions properly working I quess,till that you could use Cheat modules to spawn friendly AI who will shoot at bandits, if the script is good then zombies,too |
I kinda do have them properly working. It's just that I never came up with an ideal layout for it. Since the skins gotta be different. If bandits and friendlies were to have the same skin, the friendlies would shoot at you if you shot a bandit. I didn't feel like there was enough skins to share. But I've thought about it, and letting friendlies have hero, 1 of the camo skins and female survivor, that should be enough. :P I will see what I can come up with after I update Panthera. I'll rewrite the friendly script abit too. |
Above, I think you can fix this by creating a new class ref for every model shared by bandits & survivors (one west sided, and the other east sided). I remember working on this before stumbling upon the Factions script. But it's more complicated and time consuming than using Factions : I was struggling with error messages and found out that all the class ref are not defined in the dayz_vehicles file (I think some are set in the equip or weapons file, not sure). It was a pain in the arse to me, but I'm sure it's doable ;) |
In reply to this post by Above
Ah, nice. Also when you are editing it, would you consider creating a bridge from main chernarus to skalisty island? That island is one hell of a place to create a camp at |
I did make a bridge over while I was building on the island, it was hella hard to get it perfect. So I just removed it. I thought it would be doper for you to have to find a boat, because of the new weather system. Just FYI, bandits spawn there now. :P |
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