That is really strange. >_> Didn't you have the same problem on an older release? I remember something about someone not beeing able to pick up the Chezh backpack. I've picked up all backpacks from the ground on this mission, and it works perfectly. I've seen people on MP have problems with some of the skins, though. Apparantly it wouldn't let them pick it up. This is not a problem in SP, however. |
In reply to this post by Chase
Thank you so much for the feedback! The reason the same cars tend to show up is because of the "vehicle system". They all already have their spots to spawn, and they spawn like they do on the multiplayer. I haven't noticed that they're always in the same spot. Yet it is possible that they spawn more than once. I will not take the trigger spawning of vehicles back, since yes, it can't compete with the editor way. However you can change it yourself. What you gotta do is un-pbo the mission. Open it in the map editor and remove all the vehicles that I've placed. Then you gotta make triggers for vehicles, and re-activate the vehicle trigger script in the mission /scripts/mission/vehicle.sqf (or something). I can't remember the exact name. I hope this helps. |
In reply to this post by Above
It wasn't me who that problem, this is a new one on me. I was wearing a "forest bandit outfit" or something (one of the new outfits anyway) so it may be to do with that. Even when they're working, the backpacks don't show up on the player model when I'm in one of those new skins (which are awesome by the way). I was in an apartment block and there were a couple of backpacks in loot piles. When I opened up the loot pile I could see all the other items in the pile fine, but the backpack just didn't show up. This happened in a couple of separate piles too. Like I said, I just had to loot one from a bandit in the end so it didn't cause too much trouble. |
They're not meant to show up on the model. (Not on the Breaking Point skins). And LOL, the reason you can't pick up backpack is because you gotta clear the loot, this is a bug that have been there since day 1 of DayZ. I hope it helps. |
I realise they're not supposed to show up on the model, but didn't know about that whole "clearing" thing. Must have done it accidentally before because I've picked up backpacks in the past.
My bad, sorry dude. Thanks for the help. |
Oh, I was just making sure. ![]() And no worries, glad we worked it out. =) |
In reply to this post by Above
Thanks for the quick response!
I´ve managed to un-pbo it with EliteNess V2.32 and got lots of files unpacked to a subfolder in the missionsfolder. I have no idea how to edit the mission as a whole though, tried to open the mapeditor in Dayz but can´t find any missions to edit. Any idea what I should try next? |
Did you put it into My Documents ArmA 2 Profiles mission folder?
And Above, would it be possible to have 2 tent types, 1 the bigger one and other the regular. |
Ah, no I didn´t, I will try that now :)
It worked! Thanks :D |
No problem ;-)
Btw, I am quite unfamiliar how to add random vehicle spawn points... is there any easy way to do it? :)
not really you need to add a trigger and place the init lines to initiate the script into that trigger in the editor. the script that needs to be initialized is the vehiclespawner.sqf in the scripts folder of the mission.
once you have your trigger done just copy it in the editor and past it where you want it. and here is something im going to be bringing you guys as soon as possible. standalone style loot and female zombies. |
In reply to this post by Ray
In reply to this post by fedus_87
Ok, again I am in need of help :(
I browsed earlier mods by un-pboing them (DaiZy_v042c and DaiZy_Wasteland) and checked their maps to see how it looks like with the trigger points for vehicle respawns and eventually mimic them in my own version. However I did notice that there were no triggers for spawning vehicles in neither of the 2 maps, yet they both have a functioning random vehicle spawning system (The Wasteland one being a lot faster in respawns). I could only find trigger points for spawning Survivors (doSomething_survivor.sqf) bandits (doSomething_bandits.sqf) and spawning heli crashes (doSomething_wreck.sqf) and according init-lines when entering the trigger areas. I took a wild guess and assumed that the files "doSomething_vehicle.sqf" and "doSomething_vehicle_fixed.sqf" were the scripts for spawning vehicles, so I copied them to the scripts/mission/fnc folder in my mod and also edited the "mission_function.sqf" file by adding the lines: fnc_doSomething_vehicle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\mission\fnc\doSomething_vehicle.sqf"; fnc_doSomething_vehicle_fixed = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\mission\fnc\doSomething_vehicle_fixed.sqf"; No luck though, since I´m totally clueless in this matter, I have no idea what I could´ve missed :/ |
Change the "triggered by" to "Anyone" that should help. That's the first and only thing I can think of atm. |
What do you mean? Where exactly am I going to change that? Please note that there are no trigger points set in the map editor concerning vehicles in the other 2 mods, just for bandits, crashes, tents et.c.
Those are the triggers you gotta set up. Wherever you want the vehicle triggers. Once in the trigger option, set it to "anyone". |
In reply to this post by Above
Do I need to put @dayz in to the shortcut, in this one?
George, you wont need @dayz folder in the parameters unless you renamed @BreakingPoint to @dayz. If you did not, then launch this mission with @BreakingPoint.
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