Rabidgerbil wrote
here is your answer:
Above wrote
I'll take a look at the link. The Epoch building release wont be released for another good while.
Above wrote
About the update, I'll need more time. Not only because I need more time, but you know...
This. The building system is working. I didn't fix the workbench, though. So it's still not deployable.
Off topic, I just saw this, and thought "Sir, are you taking that hatchet?".
OH! And someone (I think) asked for more "decoration" on Podagorsk, like Chernarus got.
I will do some editing now, and make the nortern part of the map matter. Wether it's bases, or smaller towns. Probably a mix. As far as barrels/fences/boxes/etc
(everywhere on the map) goes, this is something I'll do abit of now and then.
Most of the editing on all maps, comes from times I've ran by and thought "hey, this would fit in here" or "hey, this is needed here". And then proceeded to add it.
Also, I'll keep everything to a limit, since Podagorsk is pretty damn smooth. Adding stuff rarely makes it lag, unless the object itself is glitched. (Like one of the buildings on Taviana).