Rabidgerbil wrote
yeah the gear screen but also the UI, saw a 1.8update video that Guidez released and the UI looked like it had a hand drawn style.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qh5pgkrrogAlso if I want to add something to my version, do I just put it in the addons folder, and then spawn it in using Loki if I want it? or do i have to edit it the .pbo's
The gear screen is basically the UI. But yes, I might take a look at that. I do prefer the one I got now, though. But I can always have my own release.
You just put the addon in your folder and use whatever to use the skin. But you might spawn with gear depending on skin and addon, and you will have to find a way to get the class names.
If you don't have the classnames already, you're gonna want to unpbo the addon and read the config.