Lol, I think I'll survive :). That's a bit of a first-world problem considering the situation in chenarus (oh no I have too many Brittish Assault Packs, the humanity!). |
Ha-ha! I'll have to look into the loot table sooner than later, too. |
In reply to this post by Above
Ok, seems I found were all the bandits and survivors were hiding, I was making my way through Stary towards Vybor and oh man were these guys popping up all over the place, it was at night and they were spawning in pairs too. It was really awesome!
I do have another question now though, and its a pretty weird one, I'm probably going to sound like a dumbass, but I'll ask anyway. During my travels I somehow found an option to call in air support or something, I had a huge ass plane circling around just murdering zombies all over the place. And I know this is stupid, but I can not for the life of me figure out how I did it. Anyone know? I've looked all through Call Support options, the cheat menu with 0 and Loki's Lost key, and I seriously just cant find the option to do it again. Then again I'm pretty knackered from work and stuff, so I'm probably just missing the option in plain sight lol. Also, I couldn't figure out how to post a new post here, only reply to someone else. Again im probably far too tired and missing the obvious. :P |
First of all, I've not used Kronsky's Support Call for many things. So I can't say what option you used. :< And to reply to the OP, you'll have to click "reply" on the first page, where all the pictures are. And I'm really glad you managed to find some AI! :-) They're less common down south. |
Haha, no worries, maybe someone else will know. IN the mean time, trying out manually making air support, its kinda working, I got a dude to get in an a-10 and have him flying around atm, just mowing down zombies and bandits. XD
Banned User
hmm i know that behaviour from "troop mon 2" which for me came together with cowarmod. with support call i onley manage to spawn/drop empty vehicles. with troopmon2 i geht vehicles with soldiers yet mounted, also the planes/helicopter are already in the air. i can give them (go to) orders, and a heli i spawned also attacked nearby enimy and was a nice airsupport for me at this moment. but i never tested where they go if i dont give them orders, and as i dont manage to let them land i dont tried more stuff with that. troopmon2 is an while-playing-editor, and i dont went to deept into it to understand all of it.
onley thing i found with support call that makes similar actions is the two drones/spyhelicopter (ULB's) you can launch, but i dont know if they can shoot. They send you a videosignal of their cams and you can spy the area from above. i think it was lokis lost key or another "cheat" or editor you used, as i also cant finde this function explained in the support-call-addon himself: may i could help a bit, greetings |
In reply to this post by Above
hello I have a little problem whenever I start this mission I got this screen :
![]() and before I can play I have to restart the mission |
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In reply to this post by Nabu
Yeah it wasn't a Call Support option, I've been through every option in the menus and its not there. The only ones like it, are as you say, the Drone/ULB support, which crash the moment I try and spawn them. The ULB actually homes in on me while going down resulting in death every time I try and call it lol.
It's not in the Radio "cheats" menus either, which means it was a LLK option. I just cant find what one. This thing has way too many options to go through :P EDIT: Oh wow lol, after posting this, I found the option LLK > Work2 > LDL Support > AC-130 Gunship So woo! |
Would you happen to know which .pbo files are the modified ones in BreakingPoint? Since for some reason my sounds aren't overwrited by JSRS anymore. EDIT: I removed the SOW_Sound stuff , will see if anything works now. |
I'm not sure, but most of the PBO's are modded. Even the mod-pbo's are heavily customized. |
Alright, thanks for the heads up. After deleting the SOW_Audio crap the JSRS kicked in to life again. So it's all good. |
Aside from JSRS, any other mods you recommend that might enhance or go well with BP? |
@Above, Thank you! I've read the description and it sound pretty cool. I will definitely check it out. Any other one you can think of feel free to let me know!! |
Well, I only play with JSRS, SMK anims and that AI addon atm. The AI addon is amazing though, I've had gunfights at 500 ish metres. :D |
In reply to this post by Tallahassee
Tallahassee did you join a Dayz server yesterday?
In reply to this post by Blaze
Id also recommend LandTex, COWARMOD and some AI enhancements (AI enhancements which are included with CoWarMod dont really cut it). |
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