About the skins, I have no clue why you're getting that error. I've never had problems with it. I assume you tried to restart the mission, and reinstall the mod? I have been working on friendly AI a bit. But add Haleks dayz_factions file and you should have friendly AI working. If there are no friendly AI triggers, I'll add some when I update. |
Thanks for answering. Don't get me wrong - I am REALLY enjoying my time in BreakingPoint SP and I consider it probably the best mod I've played, I suppose it's just that while you're playing you mind wanders onto things that might make it even better... Anyway, I appreciate all your efforts - anything you can do to bring friendly AI into the mod (who will also fight the zeds) would be great.
I know this whole issue of AI buddies and how to get them working properly in terms of friend/enemy recognition has been a continual problem for everyone making mods. Hopefully someone will solve that soon. I'll try reinstalling BP SP to see if that takes care of the player character outfit non-switching problem. I have started numerous new games, to no avail. Isn't Halek's DayZ Factions an entirely different mod to BreakingPoint? Surely I would have to run either one or the other? I know you say to add a file, but I have no idea which file this would be - and did you mean add it to BreakingPoint? If so where - into Addons..? Apologies - I am not very good at this stuff. |
This post was updated on .
Above was suggesting to use the dayz_factions.pbo from my release (and to add it to your addons); but the fact is that this file has to be called from the mission... Meaning that unless changing a couple of things in the mission file, the faction script won't kick in.
I'm not 100% since I didn't try yet... And yes, Factions is different from BP, besides the new skins & the building script, it's pretty much vanilla DayZ. But it fixes the AI recognition problem ;) |
In reply to this post by Above
Hey, i cant play this for some odd reason, it gives a error say "missing file: Dayz. zeroday" why is it giving me that error?
In reply to this post by Haleks
Yes, correct. But do you remember me asking if I could build my mission on yours, just that I wouldn't use any features? I left the factions parts, they're just not used. Sure, the skins would be different. But I reckon it would be worth it either way. As long as you support the idea, I can just add friendly AI triggers. But my thought has kinda been, you handle the faction releases, and I do what I do. I don't wanna intrude on your project. I could add more skins/and/or classes to BP, and make factions for it. But that's your turf. |
I only meant he would have to modify the init.sqf - but I just saw it's already initialised in your mission ^^ Anyway, I don't mind you using the Faction script at all (besides, it's not even mine) : if it fits your needs, don't deprive yourself :D It only depends on how you want your AI's to react regarding zombies; for instance if you just want the bandits and the survivors to shoot at each other, you don't even need it (you only have to set sides for the new models you created - and duplicate them if they are used more than once). tbh, I don't know what's gonna be next once the Chernarus Factions is finished... Either doin' it on another map, or try something different to experiment a few ideas I had while working on Factions (maybe some kinda warfare mission inspired by Clayman's Zero mission, Wasteland and DayZ). So if you feel like doin' some Full AI missions with Factions, be my guest! ;) |
In reply to this post by Kryptic
I think that's why :/ You can either add the daizy_factions.pbo from my release into the BP addons, or modify the init file inside the mission pbo and remove the line refering to DaiZy Factions. |
Thank you guys for coming together to discuss this - fantastic, exactly how a healthy modding community should be working together. I think I'll wait and see if one of you can update BreakingPointSP with the friendly AI (I'm really so bad at this stuff that I'm continually scared of messing up what is at present a smooth-running mod (outfit bug excepted for me) by fiddling about with files). Truth is, like so many, I rely on 'the experts' and just enjoy the fruits of your labour!
PS: Does the fact I'm also using Lokis Lost Key in BP-SP mean that I could be inadvertently causing the mod any problems? It seems to work okay, mostly, although I do sometimes get the odd CTD when in the inventory menu... I'll keep checking back here to see if there's any news. AI buddies FTW! |
In reply to this post by Above
I'm not going to sift through the 61 pages of comments on this page but I'll just leave this here, Couple of servers up at the moment. Interesting . . . . . .
That's the same thing as using All In ArmA to play DayZ SP on ArmA 3, you still can't eat and so on. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
But I don't use the dayz_factions, and I don't get that error. :S And if you don't mind me making a BP factions release, I might start messing abouts with it. I think I got a concept of how I could do it. No matter what happens with that, good luck with your new projects. I believe in them. ;-) |
Just a heads up,While playing earlier I attempted to use the sleep feature but it failed to skip the 3 hours it normally does. The animation played out but when it was all said and done no time change occurred. BTW have I told you this mod FAKIN ROCKS! ![]() |
First of all, I might've f*'ed up and forgot to add it. I'll take a look at it soon. And the fact that you like the mod couldn't please me more! ![]() |
In reply to this post by Above
HI Above, Haleks and all modders working on this epic mod!
First of all, hats off for your superb work on this one and the Factions mod (btw I wish you could somehow combine these two one day). My question for you is: could you implement to your script the cheatmenu option to spawn arma2vechicles like in the old Daizy Ultimete mod by DayZ_SP? or somehow add some models on the map? Your mod totally kicks ass right now, looking back when the first dayz SP mods came out I would never thought it could go this far and be so awesome and intense as it is now. Since the zombies and bandits spawn outside of vechicles now at fairly large distances it would be totally awesome to fly over in F-35 B or some other cutting edge technology combat vechicle/ chopper over cherno and bomb it to sh** ;] I'm not a modder myself (and I regret it) so I really don't know how would it affect the UI, game performance and all other existing improvements you made for this game so far. Please consider this one, I'm pretty sure everybody wouldn't mind to have that kind of technology around in the zombie apocalypse world ;> Cheers m8's |
Oh damn, Kronskys UI for spawning stuff is superb. But it destroys the UI for some reason, it will stop responding. I can always add more nice vehicles to the vehicles menu that DayZSP made. |
This post was updated on .
Man that would be just perfect!
I remember even in the DayZ_SP's Daizy Ultimate sometimes it crashed UI, not always but eventually after too many uses. Oh, and by saing DayZSP's menu you meant the double 0 cheatmenu right? Just be sure to add some combat jets, planes and helicopters ;] And one more thing... Have you ever thought of spawning bandits (or even arma2 opfor or friendly air/armored units) Vechicles, planes, choppers just flying over/driving around and patroling some area? I guess it would be something cool, to have a chopper or jet flying around or a tank you spot on a horizon. On the other hand a ton of zombies on your back and bandits shooting at you may be enough, so at least some units without ammo, just to have some sort of artificial crowd for a "total war and chaos" game experiance. A tank chasing and shooting at you would be a ridiculous idea, because it's already hard enough to focus on everything around. Not to mention gathering AT or AA weapons to fight some wicked bandit army, but some artificial (harmless) crowd would be nice ;) Like I said before I have no idea how hard is to mod dayz like you do, and I doubt it's like in the mission editor in arma2, so I don't expect any miracles, just want to know your opinion about this idea, if you think it's silly than just keep in mind my previous request about extending your vechicles spawn list in the next release. Keep up the good work. Cheers m8 |
By "DayZSP's cheat menu" I mean the one he constructed. We used to use parts of Kronsky's code, wich for some reason does not quite like the DayZ UI. And helicopters and jets it is. I don't know when this might take place. But I'll try asap. And about units flying/driving around. This is something I've been working on, but the helis would for some reason just hover. I will probably look into it again, since it's a damn cool feature to have. And mate, no request or idea is silly. I've almost done my best for the unit patrols. But I will hopfully get a second to smack that shit in there, and get it to work! And modding DayZ is quite just doing stuff in the editor, apart from all the code. But much of it is just made in the editor. And thanks, will do my best. ![]() |
Thanks for explaning and good luck with experimenting.
I'll keep my fingers crossed ;) I know what you mean with "for some reason something doesn't work" Arma editor is pretty stubborn and "for some reason" simple things doesn't work the way they should, and more often it's a trail and error and adding something new may f**k up all the rest. Yet this mod is still the best one there is right now. |
Oh yes, I will have to agree with that. Even though the ArmA editor opens ALOT of doors. I'm not the most experienced ArmA modder either. I'm quite new to it, to be fair. I'm glad you like it. =) But yes. I've promised alot, but I'll do my best to actually get it done too. As for the patrol part, however, all I can do is hope as much as you. It's something I've missed since I started playing DaiZy. |
Banned User
i'm trying around and cant use the r3f... can you give me a hint how to manage to tow vehicles to helis or cars to cars? that's what the script does right? i also spawned a AC130H Spectre, but i cant load a car for example. im thankful for any help.
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