When i go to download this and go to open it it asks me for a password any help?
In reply to this post by Above
How can I fix the UI bug after respawning? Conectado pela Motorola "Above [via Kodabar DayZ / DaiZy single player forum]" <[hidden email]> escreveu: That's what the respawn did before, AI does not depend on eatables. So the UI didn't work at all after respawning. If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
To unsubscribe from RELEASE: DayZ BreakingPoint Chernarus 2.0. *UPDATED! 29/04*, click here.
In reply to this post by DeathSquad
Nothing should ask for a password. Are you sure you downloaded from the 'correct' source? |
In reply to this post by Ogrinho
Hey above, do you know where the epeen monitor files are located in here?
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but it seems like the epeen monitor in this recent update is not working. Also is it me or does it seem like food and water deplete quicker then before? |
In reply to this post by Ray
ya i clicked for the file link on the first page when i go to open it, it asks me for a password.
In reply to this post by Blaze
I've been using the epeen monitor, lol. The thing is that it does not work after re-loading a save (just like before). And about the eating/drinking "timer"
Now, I could've just said that they're meant to be the same. But I wanted to do some fancy quoting boxes! What I can say is that I've not noticed a difference. |
A couple of questions about this mod:
1. I have never yet been able to change the skin of my player avatar in-game. The cheat menu offers me several choices but whenever I select one it never does it, just a message saying 'can't count magazines!' whatever that means. 2. How exactly do I get AI buddies in the game? I read somewhere it could be done through Lokis Lost Key but whenever I try, the moment a new NPC spawns they just start shooting at me. The ones that don't shoot at me just stand around and won't react to anything in the game world - even the Zeds ignore them. Any advice gratefully received. Love the mod - fantastic fun, and now I've slowed down the zombies, too, this is precisely the kind of game I always wanted DayZ to be. |
I'm not sure why you can't change your player avatar ingame (I'm assuming you're talking about the face). It works on some missions, but not the DayZ ones. I'm not entirely sure why this is, I would like to use "my" face aswell. Friendly AI is still a WIP, I might add them in the update, but I might be updating the map aswell, making it more BreakingPoint-like. (I DO NOT promise this). And I guess the Loki AI are retarded because friendly AI are not set up. The reason I'm not really working that hard on friendly AI is because there's quite abit to do, and yet then they wont be ideal. |
In reply to this post by Above
Still can't seem to find where the epeen monitor scripts are actually located. I checked all the breakingpoint folders to find a trace of it but can't seem to figure it out. Yes it works as long as you don't resume a save or else it just breaks. Want to add the blood meter to it as even thought the UI icon shows you are full health, I like to see the exact # like in the previous monitors.
In reply to this post by Above
Thanks for answering so quickly. I was talking about the outfits - you know, 'Infantryman', 'Bandit' that sort of thing - I've ever been able to get my player character into another outfit, although they're all listed in the cheat menu.
AI buddies would make this the complete DayZ mod for me. It's a real shame I can't roam around Chernarus with a squad of my own. Still, I'm grateful for what we do have in this mod - you're an absolute star. Keep up the good work! |
In reply to this post by Above
@Above, No problem, I did resume a save game so that explains it LOL. No problem with the fancy quoting I'm actually learning from it lol. Thank you once again for assisting me. |
In reply to this post by MasterNe0
Thanks for answer my question! =) Conectado pela Motorola "MasterNe0 [via Kodabar DayZ / DaiZy single player forum]" <[hidden email]> escreveu: Hey above, do you know where the epeen monitor files are located in here? If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
To unsubscribe from RELEASE: DayZ BreakingPoint Chernarus 2.0. *UPDATED! 29/04*, click here.
In reply to this post by MasterNe0
Sorry, I completly forgot to reply. They should be located in dayz_code/actions under monitor or something similar. |
In reply to this post by CalUKGR
Oh, I'm sorry for missunderstanding. That's just as strange as your problem with the cheats in general. I've never heard about the errormessage you get, nor the fact that you can't use cheats. I can confirm that the skins work properly, though. I would suggest making a fresh installation of the mod. ![]() |
thanks for replying.
I manage to also fix the refuel and r3f script in mine so I got my towing/refuel to work. Love the taser as well in this version. |
In reply to this post by Above
That's really weird, my ui only works after respawn. If i log out the go back on the hud is glitched and the game options fix doesn't work, but after respawn it does
Can someone help me with the blood bag? I clicked on the icon and no option comes up...
Nevermind I got it working. |
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