Maybe but Battleye isnt responding since 3 days
Lets hope Dayz standalone will run without Batlleye |
How do i spawn a suv in this nice sp ? xd
thank you for this single player , I have been REALLY enjoying it ,
I was playing on a No PVP Taviana server for a while and the server got closed :( so this is just as good even better , so now that I have a new way to enjoy the game ... id like to inquire about a few things tho , 1 - is it possible to add the lift/tow script 2 - zombies seem to take alot of shots to kill , even with the enfield 3 - if I go to build something the 1st one always gets build ( use 2 tank traps to build a fence ) but then I cant seem to ever build anything else , I keep getting a message that I moved or opened my gear 4 - is there anyway to add smelting as well thank you alot for the single player mod :) |
Those things are features of the 2.0 mod. I could add it, but there's no point, because as soon as we get 1.7.7, I'll update this to 3.0. And it will have those features. I can't see why you can't build more than 1 thing. I've made myself a base in those patches. I will look into it, but as I said, we're not too far from 1.7.7. And thank you for the feedback. I do listen to every bit of feedback I get. But we're so close to a full patch update, so I rather update then. /Above. |
In reply to this post by Above
I have a problem with some zombies... I can hear them, but I can't see them and they can't hurt me... They're like invisible zombie ghosts, which is annoying because I keep hearing them scream at me and I think it's a normal zombie... Please fix? Maybe it's an issue with the santa zeds? I can't tell you cause the santa zed removal file was deleted by mediafire or something. Help?
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
I've never had this problem. >_> I'll have to check on that one, is it from the start, or just occasionally? |
It happened when I first downloaded this file a month ago (give or take), and I redownloaded it again today and it still happens. It's happening from the start. One of the first zombies I heard was invisible, I literally looked everywhere in and around the barn the sound was coming from, and I even heard him scream at me and make the attacking sounds, but he was nowhere to be found. I can explain it sorta better over Skype if you want, maybe even show you with the screen sharing thing? Other than this problem, the game is working perfectly fine.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Alright, and no. You don't have to do that. I'll download the exact same files (I'm assuming it's the 1.5, and not 1.5.1), and test it. |
In reply to this post by Above
hey Above i get the invisible zombies also, like a deer stand will have one zombie you can see and one u cannot, i also play the 1.51 that you had posted on the forum, same exacted issue, it not all the time, but it probably happens ten percent of the time. Also can you tell me any new features of 1.51, i know it wasnt officially released, but i had to try it . its one of my favorite maps. good work and thanks.
Tbh, I'm not working with 1.5.1, because I realeased it as a project. However if this is a problem you have in 1.5, I'll make sure to fix it, because 1.5 is released and meant to be a stable release. 1.5.1 was just a small update, wich wasn't really even an update, before 3.0. The only real thing that did was add a new tent. ![]() |
Can you try it with 1.5.1? I'd greatly appreciate it :D Or at least fix the santa zed's link, cause maybe that will fix it?
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Above
Ok, so, I found the problem. Apparently one of the only differences between 1.5 and 1.5.1 are the 2 files called "santaclaus.pbo" and "santaclaus.pbo.DayZTavianaDZL.bisign". 1.5 introduced those files, and 1.5.1 removed them, but the game still adds the santa zombies into the game. Therefore, since there are no textures or data on the santa zombies, they're invisible and just make noise and cannot hurt the player. Maybe if you put the 2 files into the 1.5.1 update the zombies will appear, but I'd rather just have normal zombies, not santa ones and normal ones :3
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Oh, and I think you can fix this very easily by removing the chance of a zombie to spawn as a santa zombie, but I'm not sure.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
In reply to this post by Above
Help !
whenever I´m starting the mission I get this screen xd ![]() |
could anybody help me ? pls
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
The problem is not the Santa zombies. They do work in the 1.5 version, wich is a "complete" and supported release. |
No offense, but you don't get it, do you? xD I KNOW that 1.5 is a complete and supported and full release, and I know that 1.5.1 is not. I don't care what version I play on. The only reason I tried 1.5.1 was because I assumed it removed the zombies, since the santa zed link was down. I don't want to play with SANTA zombies, I just want regular ol' Taviana zambies. Sorry if I'm being harsh, but that's all I want - no santa claus or gandalf wizard zombies. I love your work, I don't mean any harm or whatever. Keep up the good work :3
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
Also, you should, like, TOTALLY remove those goddamn Tyre heaps or whatever. They suck ass. I was in Chernovar, and I look towards Bilgrad Na Moru, and I see this huge white dot. I'm like "Holy jeebuz, is that a heli? A heli crash? A good car? I MUST KNOW". So I ran all the way over there (1km~) and I was near the dot. I was about to round the corner, and I thought "This is it. Please be good :D". Lo and behold, it was good. It was a fucking tyre heap. I was about to cry. I hate those things xD
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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