Above wrote
Haleks wrote
There's no reason for you to be banned for playing offline...
Did you drop Loki's in your OA Addons folder though? This folder is checked by BE every time you join a server; that's one of the reasons it's recommended to use @mod folders.
It shouldn't ban him for an addon though, rather kick him for an unsigned addon. (The server usually does this).
Word. That's why I'm a bit surprised; I've been playin' plenty of SP & MP and don't have any trouble.
Maybe a key thief as you said; I saw some videos showcasing our mods on youtube, explaining how to install (most of the time a copy/paste of the mod instructions) - without naming the authors and providing a link...
I saw a couple of comments about being banned on those videos, and since the update, BE regularly warns players against those key thieves - mentionning youtube.
It's either that or a corrupted install...