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RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

forcebear wrote
zombies don't attack AI,Want to solve。Thanks!
There has been a lot of discussion about this and without changing the entire zombie AI it will be very difficult. Zombies are designed to seek out and attack the player and the AI don't count as players. Some people have tricked the game into thinking the AI is the player then the zombies attack, but you take the damage instead of them.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

In reply to this post by Above
Yeah also getting this error when attempting to load which is a shame. Is this something from the CoWar mod?
I haven't tried using the CoWar mod yet. There are SO many things that can be added and I haven't bothered yet.
I just run @LandTex with these DaiZy releases just to make the view a bit better.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

A Hobo Panda
crowbars82 wrote
Yeah also getting this error when attempting to load which is a shame. Is this something from the CoWar mod?
I haven't tried using the CoWar mod yet. There are SO many things that can be added and I haven't bothered yet.
I just run @LandTex with these DaiZy releases just to make the view a bit better.
Do you have a userconfig folder?
I can skype with you if you want help.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

In reply to this post by forcebear
forcebear wrote
zombies don't attack AI,Want to solve。Thanks!

There's no resonable "solve".
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

In reply to this post by DaMan
DaMan wrote
I managed to restore 2.1 version, it works now.

When trying to get 2.2. working, I removed basically all mods from my Arma 2 OA and installed Napf 2.2 as the only mod. Did not work, during the startup complains something about asr_ai and cannot return to saved game because cba_main (or something) is missing.

None of the provided addons should require CBA.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

A Hobo Panda
Above wrote
DaMan wrote
I managed to restore 2.1 version, it works now.

When trying to get 2.2. working, I removed basically all mods from my Arma 2 OA and installed Napf 2.2 as the only mod. Did not work, during the startup complains something about asr_ai and cannot return to saved game because cba_main (or something) is missing.

None of the provided addons should require CBA.
Maybe you should include CBA just to be sure?
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

A Hobo Panda wrote
Above wrote
DaMan wrote
I managed to restore 2.1 version, it works now.

When trying to get 2.2. working, I removed basically all mods from my Arma 2 OA and installed Napf 2.2 as the only mod. Did not work, during the startup complains something about asr_ai and cannot return to saved game because cba_main (or something) is missing.

None of the provided addons should require CBA.
Maybe you should include CBA just to be sure?

How many wants to download 2ish more gigs? Raise your hands. :P

No but seriously, all I've heard since I started uploading this way is "please, don't upload full release updates etc etc, split the download etc". I'm sure people would prefer not having it in the download. And you'll need to download lose addons when I update, anyways. Since I'll be making additional missions and files for the jetski's and all skins, to lower the amount of data people have to download. So that those who really want the new skins and jetski's can download the additional addons 1 by 1, and use the additional missions. And the ones who don't really care, can just download the update. (There wont be more than 1-3 addons needed for the update, so it'll be okey).
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

In reply to this post by Above
Above wrote
DaMan wrote
I managed to restore 2.1 version, it works now.

When trying to get 2.2. working, I removed basically all mods from my Arma 2 OA and installed Napf 2.2 as the only mod. Did not work, during the startup complains something about asr_ai and cannot return to saved game because cba_main (or something) is missing.

None of the provided addons should require CBA.
I just looked up the ASR AI addons and it says that it does require CBA.
"Requirements: Community Base Addons"
So maybe that is now a requirement for the newer versions. For those using the CoWarMod it includes the ASI AI update anyway, so you don't need both.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

In reply to this post by crowbars82
crowbars82 wrote
Yeah also getting this error when attempting to load which is a shame. Is this something from the CoWar mod?
I haven't tried using the CoWar mod yet. There are SO many things that can be added and I haven't bothered yet.
I just run @LandTex with these DaiZy releases just to make the view a bit better.
these addons are requested by haleks, i'm using them all with few more additions of my choice,...

glt_opa_backpacks4all (included)

and one more thing.....the error you're getting is because you didn't copy the "userconfig" folder from cowar Mod,.   ;-) hope i helped you a little,.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
A Hobo Panda wrote
Do you have a userconfig folder?
I can skype with you if you want help.
I think it because I don't have a userConfig folder I am having the issue.

Napf v2.2.zip opened up like this, so I took the @Napf folder (marked in bold below) from inside initial addons folder and placed that in my Arma 2 OA root folder along with the other @Folders, and placed the mission in the Missions folder as normal.

Napf v2.2.zip
    |   @Napf    <- This is the folder I placed into Arma 2 OA root
    |   |   Addons
    |   |   |   aawinfantry.pbo
    |   |   |  asr_ai_c_aidispersion.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_c_airof.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_c_aisensors.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_c_aiskill.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_main.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_settings.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_sys_airearming.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_sys_aiskill.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_anim.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_code.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_communityassets.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_equip.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_sfx.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_vehicles.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_weapons.pbo
    |   |   |   glt_opa_backpacks4all.pbo
    |   |   |   kpfs_waysigns.pbo
    |   |   |   mbg_buildings_3.pbo
    |   |   |   mbg_generic_african_buildings.pbo
    |   |   |   mbg_killhouses.pbo
    |   |   |   napf.pbo
    |   |   |   origins_pack.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_amphicar.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_copter.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_raft.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_raft_small.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_scrapapc.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_scrapbuggy.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_scrapbus.pbo
    |   |   |   smk_anims_lite.pbo
    |   |   \   usec_rig_a.pbo
    |   |   ServerKeys
    |   |   |   MBG_AGB.bikey
    |   |   |   MBG_B3.bikey
    |   |   |   mbg_kh.bikey
    |   |   \   NapfB2.bikey
    |   |   Changelog.md
    |   |   Credits.md
    |   |   mod.cpp
    |   \   mod.paa        
    |   DaiZyNapf.napf.pbo
    \   DaiZyNapfNoAI.napf.pbo

Sorry for such a large post guys, just wondering if I have indeed installed this correctly, the same as Factions etc... :)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

A Hobo Panda
In reply to this post by Above
Above wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
Above wrote
DaMan wrote
I managed to restore 2.1 version, it works now.

When trying to get 2.2. working, I removed basically all mods from my Arma 2 OA and installed Napf 2.2 as the only mod. Did not work, during the startup complains something about asr_ai and cannot return to saved game because cba_main (or something) is missing.

None of the provided addons should require CBA.
Maybe you should include CBA just to be sure?

How many wants to download 2ish more gigs? Raise your hands. :P

No but seriously, all I've heard since I started uploading this way is "please, don't upload full release updates etc etc, split the download etc". I'm sure people would prefer not having it in the download. And you'll need to download lose addons when I update, anyways. Since I'll be making additional missions and files for the jetski's and all skins, to lower the amount of data people have to download. So that those who really want the new skins and jetski's can download the additional addons 1 by 1, and use the additional missions. And the ones who don't really care, can just download the update. (There wont be more than 1-3 addons needed for the update, so it'll be okey).
Ok :3
I now have a mission/custom version to request lol. Napf mission (obviously), with:
- AI
- auto-refuel function
- the 80-slot Survivalist Pack from BreakingPoint (if possible. If not, just make the coyote have 80 or something lol)

One more thing. I don't know if it's possible or not, or how long it would take, but you know how the new 1.7.7/ update, the DayZ Mod Team made loot respawn every 30 minutes or whatever after said loot was picked up? Is it possible to revert back to the old way loot worked? You know, grab the goodies and the shitty stuff, walk outside, make a huge pile of the shitty stuff, walk 200-300 meters away, come back, grab the new goodies and new shitty stuff, go outside, add to the pile of shitty stuff, walk 200-300 meters away, lather, rinse, repeat.

^ If that is possible, I would love it in my custom mission/version, if you have the time to do so :)

P.S. I've been remembering to turn off Playershield before switching skins, and I haven't died yet :D
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

A Hobo Panda
In reply to this post by crowbars82
crowbars82 wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
Do you have a userconfig folder?
I can skype with you if you want help.
I think it because I don't have a userConfig folder I am having the issue.

Napf v2.2.zip opened up like this, so I took the @Napf folder (marked in bold below) from inside initial addons folder and placed that in my Arma 2 OA root folder along with the other @Folders, and placed the mission in the Missions folder as normal.

Napf v2.2.zip
    |   @Napf    <- This is the folder I placed into Arma 2 OA root
    |   |   Addons
    |   |   |   aawinfantry.pbo
    |   |   |  asr_ai_c_aidispersion.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_c_airof.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_c_aisensors.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_c_aiskill.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_main.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_settings.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_sys_airearming.pbo
    |   |   |   asr_ai_sys_aiskill.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_anim.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_code.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_communityassets.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_equip.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_sfx.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_vehicles.pbo
    |   |   |   dayz_weapons.pbo
    |   |   |   glt_opa_backpacks4all.pbo
    |   |   |   kpfs_waysigns.pbo
    |   |   |   mbg_buildings_3.pbo
    |   |   |   mbg_generic_african_buildings.pbo
    |   |   |   mbg_killhouses.pbo
    |   |   |   napf.pbo
    |   |   |   origins_pack.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_amphicar.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_copter.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_raft.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_raft_small.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_scrapapc.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_scrapbuggy.pbo
    |   |   |   rth_scrapbus.pbo
    |   |   |   smk_anims_lite.pbo
    |   |   \   usec_rig_a.pbo
    |   |   ServerKeys
    |   |   |   MBG_AGB.bikey
    |   |   |   MBG_B3.bikey
    |   |   |   mbg_kh.bikey
    |   |   \   NapfB2.bikey
    |   |   Changelog.md
    |   |   Credits.md
    |   |   mod.cpp
    |   \   mod.paa        
    |   DaiZyNapf.napf.pbo
    \   DaiZyNapfNoAI.napf.pbo

Sorry for such a large post guys, just wondering if I have indeed installed this correctly, the same as Factions etc... :)
I think I figured out what happened here. You need to go to the COWarMod's userconfig and copy/paste it into your OA root folder. Apparently, Napf depends on a few of the configs from that, and I guess you didn't have them in your root folder.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

A Hobo Panda wrote
I think I figured out what happened here. You need to go to the COWarMod's userconfig and copy/paste it into your OA root folder. Apparently, Napf depends on a few of the configs from that, and I guess you didn't have them in your root folder.
Ah ok, thanks Hobo Panda. I'll download it now and have a fiddle around with files. I guess also what happened is Above made @Napf using the CoWar mod himself, so when it comes to running @Napf, I now need CoWar. Maybe?
I don't mind at all by the way! Just a little more thinking is required for me now haha!
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

A Hobo Panda
crowbars82 wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
I think I figured out what happened here. You need to go to the COWarMod's userconfig and copy/paste it into your OA root folder. Apparently, Napf depends on a few of the configs from that, and I guess you didn't have them in your root folder.
Ah ok, thanks Hobo Panda. I'll download it now and have a fiddle around with files. I guess also what happened is Above made @Napf using the CoWar mod himself, so when it comes to running @Napf, I now need CoWar. Maybe?
I don't mind at all by the way! Just a little more thinking is required for me now haha!
If I were you, I wouldn't waste time downloading the ENTIRE COWarMod just for the userconfig xD
If you give me your skype, I can send you my userconfig so you don't have to download the entire mod lol :3
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

In reply to this post by astocky
astocky wrote
Above wrote
DaMan wrote
I managed to restore 2.1 version, it works now.

When trying to get 2.2. working, I removed basically all mods from my Arma 2 OA and installed Napf 2.2 as the only mod. Did not work, during the startup complains something about asr_ai and cannot return to saved game because cba_main (or something) is missing.

None of the provided addons should require CBA.
I just looked up the ASR AI addons and it says that it does require CBA.
"Requirements: Community Base Addons"
So maybe that is now a requirement for the newer versions. For those using the CoWarMod it includes the ASI AI update anyway, so you don't need both.

The ASR addon itself wasn't meant to be a requirement, though. I just added it anyways. I'll pop a link to the addon on the mainpost.

I was sure I didn't have CBA activated myself, haha.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

In reply to this post by crowbars82
crowbars82 wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
I think I figured out what happened here. You need to go to the COWarMod's userconfig and copy/paste it into your OA root folder. Apparently, Napf depends on a few of the configs from that, and I guess you didn't have them in your root folder.
Ah ok, thanks Hobo Panda. I'll download it now and have a fiddle around with files. I guess also what happened is Above made @Napf using the CoWar mod himself, so when it comes to running @Napf, I now need CoWar. Maybe?
I don't mind at all by the way! Just a little more thinking is required for me now haha!

It's not using CoWarMOD. :P

It's the AI enhancement mod. It's a standalone mod that CoWarMOD is using. :P
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

A Hobo Panda
Above wrote
crowbars82 wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
I think I figured out what happened here. You need to go to the COWarMod's userconfig and copy/paste it into your OA root folder. Apparently, Napf depends on a few of the configs from that, and I guess you didn't have them in your root folder.
Ah ok, thanks Hobo Panda. I'll download it now and have a fiddle around with files. I guess also what happened is Above made @Napf using the CoWar mod himself, so when it comes to running @Napf, I now need CoWar. Maybe?
I don't mind at all by the way! Just a little more thinking is required for me now haha!

It's not using CoWarMOD. :P

It's the AI enhancement mod. It's a standalone mod that CoWarMOD is using. :P
That would explain the errors :p

I now have a question that might actually help you in the long run, and will help me immediately lol.
What the hell do you edit to make a DayZ Mod into a DaiZy Mod? Cause if I can figure that out, I might be able to start updating things myself :3
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

In reply to this post by A Hobo Panda
A Hobo Panda wrote
Above wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
Above wrote
DaMan wrote
I managed to restore 2.1 version, it works now.

When trying to get 2.2. working, I removed basically all mods from my Arma 2 OA and installed Napf 2.2 as the only mod. Did not work, during the startup complains something about asr_ai and cannot return to saved game because cba_main (or something) is missing.

None of the provided addons should require CBA.
Maybe you should include CBA just to be sure?

How many wants to download 2ish more gigs? Raise your hands. :P

No but seriously, all I've heard since I started uploading this way is "please, don't upload full release updates etc etc, split the download etc". I'm sure people would prefer not having it in the download. And you'll need to download lose addons when I update, anyways. Since I'll be making additional missions and files for the jetski's and all skins, to lower the amount of data people have to download. So that those who really want the new skins and jetski's can download the additional addons 1 by 1, and use the additional missions. And the ones who don't really care, can just download the update. (There wont be more than 1-3 addons needed for the update, so it'll be okey).
Ok :3
I now have a mission/custom version to request lol. Napf mission (obviously), with:
- AI
- auto-refuel function
- the 80-slot Survivalist Pack from BreakingPoint (if possible. If not, just make the coyote have 80 or something lol)

One more thing. I don't know if it's possible or not, or how long it would take, but you know how the new 1.7.7/ update, the DayZ Mod Team made loot respawn every 30 minutes or whatever after said loot was picked up? Is it possible to revert back to the old way loot worked? You know, grab the goodies and the shitty stuff, walk outside, make a huge pile of the shitty stuff, walk 200-300 meters away, come back, grab the new goodies and new shitty stuff, go outside, add to the pile of shitty stuff, walk 200-300 meters away, lather, rinse, repeat.

^ If that is possible, I would love it in my custom mission/version, if you have the time to do so :)

P.S. I've been remembering to turn off Playershield before switching skins, and I haven't died yet :D

As response to the lootquestion, why not just use the lootcycle scripts I've added to the cheat menu?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

A Hobo Panda
Above wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
Above wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
Above wrote
DaMan wrote
I managed to restore 2.1 version, it works now.

When trying to get 2.2. working, I removed basically all mods from my Arma 2 OA and installed Napf 2.2 as the only mod. Did not work, during the startup complains something about asr_ai and cannot return to saved game because cba_main (or something) is missing.

None of the provided addons should require CBA.
Maybe you should include CBA just to be sure?

How many wants to download 2ish more gigs? Raise your hands. :P

No but seriously, all I've heard since I started uploading this way is "please, don't upload full release updates etc etc, split the download etc". I'm sure people would prefer not having it in the download. And you'll need to download lose addons when I update, anyways. Since I'll be making additional missions and files for the jetski's and all skins, to lower the amount of data people have to download. So that those who really want the new skins and jetski's can download the additional addons 1 by 1, and use the additional missions. And the ones who don't really care, can just download the update. (There wont be more than 1-3 addons needed for the update, so it'll be okey).
Ok :3
I now have a mission/custom version to request lol. Napf mission (obviously), with:
- AI
- auto-refuel function
- the 80-slot Survivalist Pack from BreakingPoint (if possible. If not, just make the coyote have 80 or something lol)

One more thing. I don't know if it's possible or not, or how long it would take, but you know how the new 1.7.7/ update, the DayZ Mod Team made loot respawn every 30 minutes or whatever after said loot was picked up? Is it possible to revert back to the old way loot worked? You know, grab the goodies and the shitty stuff, walk outside, make a huge pile of the shitty stuff, walk 200-300 meters away, come back, grab the new goodies and new shitty stuff, go outside, add to the pile of shitty stuff, walk 200-300 meters away, lather, rinse, repeat.

^ If that is possible, I would love it in my custom mission/version, if you have the time to do so :)

P.S. I've been remembering to turn off Playershield before switching skins, and I haven't died yet :D

As response to the lootquestion, why not just use the lootcycle scripts I've added to the cheat menu?
Oh yeah... I'd totally forgot about those xD Probably cause I'm trying to stop using cheats lol
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Napf (Colab with Haleks!) [v2.2 *01/07*]

A Hobo Panda wrote
Above wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
Above wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
Above wrote
DaMan wrote
I managed to restore 2.1 version, it works now.

When trying to get 2.2. working, I removed basically all mods from my Arma 2 OA and installed Napf 2.2 as the only mod. Did not work, during the startup complains something about asr_ai and cannot return to saved game because cba_main (or something) is missing.

None of the provided addons should require CBA.
Maybe you should include CBA just to be sure?

How many wants to download 2ish more gigs? Raise your hands. :P

No but seriously, all I've heard since I started uploading this way is "please, don't upload full release updates etc etc, split the download etc". I'm sure people would prefer not having it in the download. And you'll need to download lose addons when I update, anyways. Since I'll be making additional missions and files for the jetski's and all skins, to lower the amount of data people have to download. So that those who really want the new skins and jetski's can download the additional addons 1 by 1, and use the additional missions. And the ones who don't really care, can just download the update. (There wont be more than 1-3 addons needed for the update, so it'll be okey).
Ok :3
I now have a mission/custom version to request lol. Napf mission (obviously), with:
- AI
- auto-refuel function
- the 80-slot Survivalist Pack from BreakingPoint (if possible. If not, just make the coyote have 80 or something lol)

One more thing. I don't know if it's possible or not, or how long it would take, but you know how the new 1.7.7/ update, the DayZ Mod Team made loot respawn every 30 minutes or whatever after said loot was picked up? Is it possible to revert back to the old way loot worked? You know, grab the goodies and the shitty stuff, walk outside, make a huge pile of the shitty stuff, walk 200-300 meters away, come back, grab the new goodies and new shitty stuff, go outside, add to the pile of shitty stuff, walk 200-300 meters away, lather, rinse, repeat.

^ If that is possible, I would love it in my custom mission/version, if you have the time to do so :)

P.S. I've been remembering to turn off Playershield before switching skins, and I haven't died yet :D

As response to the lootquestion, why not just use the lootcycle scripts I've added to the cheat menu?
Oh yeah... I'd totally forgot about those xD Probably cause I'm trying to stop using cheats lol

Meh, the lootcycle scripts are under the "okey to use" category! But I will be working on a feature that will delete loot X metres away from you, and respawn it withing 5-10 mins.

Also, the buggest survivalist backpack (the one on the picture on the mainpost) got 64 slots already. :P

I've remade all backpacks to have more slots, for Napf. I'm gonna start learning 3D modeling soon, too. So I might make completely damn new packs, aswell.
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