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This post was updated on Jan 13, 2014; 1:43pm.
This mod use this system:
http://www.dayzgaming.com/forum/m/5756188/viewthread/5363992-building-recipes This script was already inside the " Factions" Haleks mod, I haven't changed anything, it work fine I work actually for adding the hero skin when the player kill a determinated number of bandits, all my tests don't work sadly I 've updated the Military camp situed south of Stary Sobor, added more buildings or objects, and added a tower (the one with 4 lights on the top) in the camp with this script: http://opendayz.net/threads/dayz-illuminant-tower-lighting.12326/ Now the camp look like a real checkpoint passage with barriers entirely fenced with wires |
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Hi Oliv82,
i´ve just downloaded your v7 File and installed it. But ingame there is no bigger camp at the Stary Sobor Site. Inside the ZipFolder is @AEG / @CBA_CO / @GermanWeaponsPack1.81 / @GermanWWIIPack1.15 / @rMod and the Missions Folder. But there no Updated Files for the DayZ1987. The only new things in this Update are the Germn Packs and the Missionfile...Missed i something? Cheers DonMichael |
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@DonMichael: The Dayz files are in the rMod folder. At least they were when I downloaded it yesterday.
Good luck! @Oliv82: I really like what you have done with this mod (fog, wind, weather, lighting etc..). Although this mod seems to be geared towards beginners (I usually want maximum challenge), I am enjoying the atmosphere and RP & realism elements very much. Great job! |
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This post was updated on Jan 13, 2014; 7:44pm.
Like said "Anonymous", and for any reason, the mod don't work if you leave the dayz files from @rmod... idk why, maybe because i worked all the time @rmod activated.. I think its the same problem with the "bad vehicle type" message at start sadly About the camp, considering players can use the "base building" script, actually the camp is relativly void to make place of your own objects/buildings (with the arma 2d Editor or with the ingame "BaseBuilding" script) But for the moment, v7 doesnt contain the update like I said at the top of this page, I will release an optionnal file with the modification of the updated camp, I still need to do some test but its near to be finished Maybe you should stop playing my mod and wait for this update @Anonymous: Thanks :) About the difficulty, many factors of the gameplay seems to be easy because I reduced the number of bandits, zeds, longer respawn delays etc ... But paradoxically I hope the difficulty is enought increased with the survival aspect of all my modifications :) Personnaly I still think this mod is pretty hard to play for me :p |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
@Oliv82: Hi, The 3 times I have gotten the onscreen message "I hear a vehicle", I save the game and drive in all directions but never see a patrolling enemy vehicle. Is it possible they are not spawning properly?
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This post was updated on Jan 14, 2014; 6:44pm.
Perhaps the vehicle don't spawn on your direction and drive away from you...
On all my tests, there were ~50% chances the vehicle drove on my direction, and all vehicles types spawned with no problem.. (I tested it with a spawn 50m from the player) I also tested with 400m + random 100m (values of the actual v7) using the "teleport" cheat and I didnt saw any problem I will test again this script to be 100 % sure, thx for the feedback Also I have finished the script for the hero skin, the camp is ok now and I have restored ~90% of all FACTIONS custom skins for player dispatched on "residential loot", "military loot", "RU crashes" and "US/RU specops crashes" 0.01 % chance for residential (only guerilla skins) 0,02 % chance for military (milices skins) 0.01 to 0.02% chance for both types of crashes (regulars army skins) |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hi Guy´s thank´s for your advice/hint i found the DayZ files and put them in the right place. About the base, it´s ok i try a new start if you release a new version with this features inside. Atm i play it the way it is. Thank´s anyways :-)
Cheers DonMichael |
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In reply to this post by Oliv82
@Olive82: You are correct, I just found a bandit vehicle in a shoot-out with a chopper in Berezino.
It actually shot down the chopper and I ambushed the vehicle and took it for my own. Awesome! Sorry for the false alarm. |
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Ok all seems to be ok :) Thanks again for the feedback
v7.1 ready to dl ;) |
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Hi, just some more feedback after playing for a while. The resupply plane crashes before it drops its cargo at both Ballota & NE Air Field. Also, random helo crash sites do not have any loot in or around them.
Are camping tents more rare in your release? I have only found 1 so far. |
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This post was updated on Jan 15, 2014; 4:59pm.
Yes, after doing tests, I realized now how work those crashes scripts
In fact, the number of dead bodies is linked to the loots quantity This number start from 0 to 8, it's randomized I work on it to avoid the script randomize a low number (0 to 2 or 3) I think to reduce again the trash loot too and the crash will spawn closer of the player There is a bug with the customs skins, the player can't wear the item.. About the drop script, I will check the behaviour of the pilot and the initial altitude All tents have been removed from the map, I will think if I restore them or not... In the original Faction mod, I didnt liked the locations of the tents... I will see for others locations Thanks again Anonymous FIX PATCH v7.4 contain: EDIT: crashes scripts fixed custom skins fixed Initial altitude of An-2 now 350m Both AmmoBoxes types fixed and restored in both crashes tpes Custom Mp5A3 remplaced by the original Mp5A5 (the sight was not aligned...) EDIT2: Bandits/Survivors weapon without ammo fixed EDIT3: Tents scripts simply dont work ... the only thing I see when i reach the tents trigger is my test message "tents here..." lol but no tent spawning sorry... So v7.4 doesnt contain tents |
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Hi Oliv82,
I can confirm that the crash sites are spawning loot and the resupply plane now drops cargo. PS. I love the little surprise you get after the cargo lands, genius! |
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This post was updated on Jan 17, 2014; 10:23am.
Good news !
The scripts seems to work like I wanted :) EDIT: another little bug: Walther P38 -> wrong classname of ammo .... Thx again for this bug Marseille77...... it's fixed I will release another fix patch soon... FIX PATCH v7.5 -Walther P38 wrong ammoclass fixed - (AmmoBoxSmall_556 class fixed too) -Loot chances slightly modified for Walther M9, Makarov, TT33 and their ammo types (residential and supermarket loots) |
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v7.5 Patch problems:
-Missed scope texture for the Mosin Nogant M91PU -Wrong delay for the Survivor respawn south of Chernogorsk (0,0,0 must be 250,300,350) -I will enclose the firestation @Zelenogorsk |
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This post was updated on Jan 20, 2014; 4:25pm.
v8 ready
-Zip size reduced (231Mo now, I have deleted extracted .pbo files) -rmod files are in @DaiZyFACTIONS_Chernarus_1987 folder |
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This post was updated on Jan 20, 2014; 4:39pm.
-carspatrols script is not repeatedly, I will fix it
I try to fix the damaged NPC's helis or cars when they leave the crashed vehicle When player stole the vehicle, "setDamage" is "0" I try this: if vehicle {_Pilot && _Gunner2} != {_Pilot && _Gunner2} then { _Car setDamage 0.9}; |
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This mod looks good, I will test it
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Thanks but I will release another fix patch soon I need to check if my modifications about NPC's vehicles damage system work like I wish There is another little "bug" about NPC's bandits survivors ammos |
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v8.1 Patch ready
Not tested for the moment but all reported problems are fixed I hope it's the last update :p |
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Good mod, little loot, and good idea to exist only Russian weapons. When you finish developing it announced that in the title of topic please. |
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