Hi Chrispools
I have tested, there are approximatives values in "Missions\DaiZy1761_FACTIONS1987_v915a.chernarus\fixes\player_spawn2.sqf" that you allow to move before been in a messing status player vehicle: ~2600m bicycle vehicle: ~3350m motorcycle vehicle: ~4400m car vehicle: ~5850m For the tests, each times, I start from the Berezino gasStation, and go south along the main road And for the Eat and Drink scripts, I dont see any bug, this is a simple condition, based to the "dayz_thirst" and "dayz_hunger" values.. its just impossible to have any bug at this point ! if (dayz_thirst < 380) exitWith {... if (dayz_hunger < 320) exitWith {... Maybe you use spawn script with fast heli like mi24... ??? Anyway you can adjust those value in "player_spawn2.sqf" as you want But keep in mind there is a lot of parameters who calculate you thirst and hunger ! (dayTime, rain, dayz_myLoad, r_player_blood, speed, etc etc ...) Per exemple, a bad weather will increase you hunger value... and too a good weather will increase your thirst.. |
Ok olive, thanks for having a look. It just seems out of all the mods on here, this one seems to go down a lot lot quicker than normal. Its as if the time or tick is x2 if you like. No worries, I am not as gifted as yourself in scripts etc. many thanks.
P.S. It seemed fine before this patch, however, I do like the new bits and things that were added. ![]() |
I took long time to adjust thoses hunger thirst values, i approximativly settted values based on my old mods and not really copied from the "real" DayZ, as I said ive played recently at DayZ 1.8.8 and I can confirm its "close" to thoses values (at least for me :p), I think its probably not yet "best" values because I need to deal with lot of conditions..
Mmm the patch had fixed wrong commands about AI's magazines, but adding stuff commands for AI's is still "bugged" (adding pistols or rifles) IDK how to fix it for the moment, be sure the patch is just a little better than the first version ) Thanks for the feed back anyway, i keep yours comments in mind Other thing, I just wanted if you have approximativly the same distances before messing with me ??? I mean from a full thisty icon to an empty thisty icon, have you done the test ? |
Yeah I get pretty much the same distance as you. I do notice that even when you have filled your hunger and thirst bar, as soon as you start moving, say 50 mtrs, they both go down to 3/4. Its quite drastic. I think I may have been spoilt by over generous scripts on previous version and online etc ;-)
Ive added a mission file with special "TH" version for thirst / hunger reduction values
So modifications in player_spawn2.sqf: //TH version _thirst = _thirst / 1.82; _hunger = _hunger / 1.28; I hope it will better, it allow to travel more distance of course About ai's weapons, all is fixed, v9.15b is ready :) |
We don't have a 'like' button on here, so I just thought I'd say, I've been reading your posts and am delighted to see you keep developing your mod. Nice going, Oliv82!
Yes, too right, great work Oliv82!
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100% agree. It never ceases to amaze me the dedication and commintment modders actually give. And all for virtually nothing except thanks and praise. Its what makes the game community great. Thanks olive.
Thanks, thanks :)
There's others problems, about friendy/foe helis, bandits cars patrols settings etc etc.. Ive forgot a lot of parameters, I will make some buildings indestructible, hospitals need to be setted at ~0.5 Fuel parameters are important for the gameplay I still work on it |
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Been playing a few hours now, really enjoying the "feel" to the mod. The loot spawn rate is good but I'm really needing to be thorough checking everywhere and it pays off.
I've spawned in to a sunny day and the dehydration rate is severe. I've copied over the player_spawn2.sqf file to the original mission .PBO (so I don't have to restart the mission and test under the same conditions) to see how that effects things. Like Chrispools said, this is my goto Arma2 mod and I'm really enjoying the 1.8.8 additions. EDIT: I ended up just using the TH mission file and started a new game. I can't really tell the difference to be honest. It feels like you get thirsty too much, too soon. |
Hi Eric
Yes about loots, it seems pretty well setted, I dont think to change the values Quick question, have you seen the same problem with the temp ? Do you get sick faster while its raining ? (at app. 35.95°) Could you set your own thirst/hunger values on player_spawn2.sqf and post them ? By this way I will be able to release a better "TH" version With those values, I should add a "TH" parameter in init.sqf, an easier way to have the choice between both version :) I continue updates - fixed minors Ai's vehicles settings/beheviour/fuel/move etc.. - buildings indestructible (cause Ai's helis can use rockets on it !) - Now "Land_A_Hospital" have destroyed glasses by default - player respawn locations are slightly moved to the south (and 1 respawn pt added) to do list: - show day number/show location after player sleep - Shake adjustments while sick/infected/low temp - Antibiotics efective while infection countdown - player must be able to remove crafted wooden_crate |
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Hey Oliv82 :)
Just on the loot: the thing I like in particular is that its so varied and loot is where you'd expect it to be, in a logical place. I haven't noticed any problems with temperature but staying below 36 degrees for a few minutes made me sick, for example: I spawned above Berezino, near a shipwreck (not the destroyer). I ran 200 meters down the coast and found the PBX. I drove this down the coast and stopped among the "finger" docks in the Berezino dockyards, was briefly in the water and once ashore I ran to the 3 Warehouse buildings on that dock - I was coughing and had half thirst/food remaining. Most of the time as a "Bambi" you are running to avoid zombies, AI or trying to gear up and survive - even running around in the rain is fine as long as you keep moving. It could perhaps use a timer so that only after a sustained period (10 minutes?) of low temperature would the player become sick. At the moment in my current game I'm 4 or so hours in; I've survived the huge journey to Cherno and things are looking up. But it's due in part to luck; finding water bottles, an axe and matches and knowing the water pump locations to refill and purify water. It makes for a tense survival experience - which is what it's all about really. While I appreciate I am running everywhere but I would like to either modify the water consumption rate to something similar to that of food which seems (to me) to be spot on. ***************************************************************************** On another note; 1. I think blood bagging is bugged? I tested my blood, B+. I had a transfusion kit and a B+ blood bag but using it resulted in death - but, my blood did go up and the message was displayed that I feel better now. I have the save game I made just before attempting this if it helps. EDIT: Found another testing kit, gave me a different result from the first but using the correct BB still end in death. 2. I'm getting an error or something being displayed on occasions, something like "_CanBP: (False)" 3. What version of Arma 2 / Beta patch are you using? 4. Came across a friendly AI; love that I could actually talk to him and he'd talk back!! ![]() 5. Is the restriction of not being able to eat/drink whilst in a vehicle yours or just part of the game? |
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Ok, been playing around with things. Results thus far;
I liked the rate that food decreased so I aimed for thirst at around the same level which meant food would need to decrease slower than that; //TH version _thirst = _thirst / 1.20; _hunger = _hunger / 1.00; Standing still, thirst/food steadily tick over, start running, increase. I think the values above could use another .1 on top - only dedicated game play will know for sure. So my experience has been that food and water are still very important but no longer is it the entire game. Oh, I'm pretty sure player_spawn2.sqf is only read once when spawning in a player so yes, you absolutely have to start a new game to see the effect of these changes. (Other alternatives to managing this survival aspect include the benefits from different foods - cooked meat or a MRE should not only give more blood than a can of peaches but also decrease hunger levels to a greater extent. Equally, an entire canteen of water should completely remove thirst from the player while a can of Coke should be less - A canteen contains 1000ml of fuild, a can 375ml - these could also be the values decreased by their consumption.) Now, the buggy bit; If I'm running of course I'm going to use more food and water but I should use very little standing still or sitting in the drivers seat. I spawned in a heli - my dehydration rate increased with the vehicle speed before I passed out - luckily I'd put on auto-hover! I landed, spawned in a car, same thing; the faster I go the faster my thirst increases. Food is similarly affected. EDIT: I also tested this with the default mission, same thing. |
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So its normal about Temp. no problem
Ive forgot to explain how works hunger/thirst values When your start a new game, those values are setted to 0 (number) Every 2 seconds, both values increase by adding multiples parameters (player load, weather, etc..) Just simple (+) calc. Both values are always numbers --How it works: (exemple of the dayz_thirst variable) you start a new game........................ (first)dayz_thirst = 0; 2 sec later... getting parameters1... (new1)dayz_thirst = (first)dayz_thirst + [parameters1]; 2 sec later... getting parameters2... (new2)dayz_thirst = (new1)dayz_thirst + [parameters2]; 2 sec later... getting parameters3... (new3)dayz_thirst = (new2)dayz_thirst + [parameters3]; etc etc.. So few seconds later, if you pause the game, the dayz_thirst variable is now ~15 Simple way to check ingame both values is to add/activate this command line in player_spawn2: cutText [format ["(Thirst: %1) (Hunger: %2)", round dayz_thirst, round dayz_hunger], "PLAIN DOWN"]; (I think I've kept a few command lines like this, beginning with "cutText" but desactivated by "//" for tests) Now its possible to add math parameters to slow down or accelerate thirst/hunger values on every 2 seconds here's appear the famous "HT" version :) //HT version: _thirst = _thirst / 1.82; //if you replace by a greater number, thirst will slow down _hunger = _hunger / 1.28; //same for hunger but keep in mind: _thirst and _hunger return math calc, instead of dayz_thirst and dayz_hunger vars who are only used to return the final thirst/hunger values |
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Yes, it was a bug, its fixed now I ve forgot to remove this test line, fixed ARMA2_OA_Build_112555 But in fact I dont think there is any importance.. if I remember, lastest versions add better mags 3d models, idk more about this Big problem since long time, weird ai's behaviour... I do my best to try to avoid strange behaviours, this part of scripting is pretty unknown, and mysterious for me :p Restoring Arma2 generics commands... black hole... :p Ive forgot to check those feature after adding 1.8.8 scripts By fixing selfbloodbag script, I've allowed to medic in vehicle only on this script for the moment, I will take a look EDIT: - change clothes in vehicle possible now - fill bloodbag in vehicle possible now - bandage in vehicle possible now - drink/eat in vehicle possible now Mmm.. no, you cant feel at witch moment you will get sick, for me effect must be imediate This line is useless, and will return no effect because divider is 1, reading my explain about hunger/thirst you will know why :) My english is far to be perfect, iam not sure to undestand the meaning.. Each food type have his own food/hunger blood-add-qty, same for each Drink types (since ive added 1.8.8 features and added my own nutrition calculation) This feature to change values for each food/drink have been added since my first mod release if I well remember If you want to check/adjust thoses values it's in "addons\dayz_code\CfgMagazines.hpp" ex. for "ItemSodaMtngreen" mag: thirstRegen = 460; //for drinks (400 for Coke can) ex. for "FoodbaconCooked" mag: bloodRegen = 380; //food With added simple math calculation of thirst/hunger in eat/drink scripts About "ItemWaterbottle", i've forgot to adjust value, now its done, 1000 / 375 = ~2.66666 my max value for drink regen is 460 so 460 * 2.666 = ~1220 my thirst coef is 1.28 so 1220 / 1.28 = ~960 thirstRegen for "ItemWaterbottle" is 960 voila ) |
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Hey mate,
It seems unforgiving in the sense that you will get sick if you are cold. If there something you wanted to test let me know. Yes, this is how I have been monitoring the results. Hmm. Thank you for explaining this, I appreciate the time you took. :) I look forward to playing around with this. There's a fine line between wanting some hardcore survival and the frustration of slowly dying in game because what you need refuses to spawn around you. But it leads me to the other issue I raised: Why does the faster I travel increase my thirst value faster? I can see the calculations in the player_spawn2.sqf file but the results of those calculations mean I get more thirsty the faster I go - in other words, I get more dehydrated quicker flying a heli than I do running on the ground. LOL, like so much of Arma I think ;) Awesome! :) Your use of my native language is far better than mine would be of yours, I can assure you! :) I figured there were different values for different foods/drinks but had noticed it took 2 canteens to fully remove even moderate levels of thirst which seemed a bit off so all is good. |
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For this update, I focused on medic scripts, and ability to heal in vehicles, fixed minor scripts errors Just I didnt be able to fix the "change_player_clothes" script, too complex and i think its not really necessary :p The mainly errors are fixed. Ive slighty setted thirst/hunger parameters while player in helis @Eric If you have any idea to set your own HT values, let me know My tests before player begin to lost blood: Walking player: ~2600m Bicycle: ~3350m Motorcycle: ~4400m Car: ~5800m Air: ~6600m |
I look forward to playing!
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Hi Oliv82,
I'm still experimenting with values to set a "baseline" that I think (IMHO) is a little more survivor friendly - but really, the current rates when running around do add a keen edge to the desperation and urgency of the bambi survivor and the satisfaction of finding what you so desperately needed is immensely satisfying and I really enjoy this part of the game where a little bit of luck makes so much difference to your survival chances! :) It's also taken a back seat because, and I gotta be honest here mate and with respect, I don't really understand the logic behind the way speed affects thirst and hunger. I do understand that weather, temperature, time of day (the cold of night or heat of the day) and how much you carrying will all affect thirst/hunger, it just makes sense. What doesn't make sense to me is the effect speed has. Flying a heli 6.6Km or driving a car 5.8Km results in me passing out and dying due to dehydration?? If I ran 6.6km then yes, I'd be very thirsty (assuming a heart attack hadn't already killed me ;)) but sitting in the cockpit of a heli or in the drivers seat of car? I get the speed factor when a player is on foot: standing still should consume the least while running will consume the greatest - and I see we use _speed to define that value but I think the equations need to be altered to remove the thirst/hunger penalty then using either a heli or car because realistically that penalty shouldn't exist. Here's my thoughts on water/food consumption as related to player speed from the highest to the least: Running/sprinting <== maximum food and water consumption Riding a bicycle In a boat (the effect of cold sea air, buffering by waves, getting wet) On a motorcycle (buffering of air, weather conditions) Walking Driving a car or piloting a heli Standing still (includes being at a stop in any vehicle) <== minimum food and water consumption What do you think? |
Been playing around with some values merely to achieve what I felt was the desired effect.
I still run and suffer the same thirst/food penalties and on a bike or motorbike the rate is a little bit higher but in a car or heli I can travel much further (20Km) than before. Changed the following code (original values are commented): A bit rough and not as elegant as your code Oliv82 but effective ;) [Ah yeah, please excuse the triple post.... ![]() |
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