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RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v11.32b (20.10.20)

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v10.21a (updated 20.01.17)

Hey, the link to download the File Main its crashed on Mediafire, when are available to download its again?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v10.21a (updated 20.01.17)

Hi, I didnt have any problem to download link, files are not corrupted, I managed to unpack all files from .rar...

I use WinRar to compress, and Firefox as browser
Maybe you tried to download old versions while I was deleting old rar from my mediaFire.com homepage...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v10.21a (updated 20.01.17)

XDD you changed that now jajajajaja


This it i use to download


And this its the new you upload now XD well,Answered question, Ty *ww*
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking
In reply to this post by Oliv82
I've been having a bugger of time with Arma 2 for a while, random crashes to the desktop, can't tab back into the game while the game would quite happily run in the background so I'd have to "ALT-F4" out and restart.

I built a new computer using bits and pieces I had floating around based around a Q9650 (with a 1.25GHz overclock to 4.25GHZ) for Arma 2 and have finally determined the graphic card drivers to be the problem - rolled back a few versions and all is well.

I've been giving it [the now old version of this mod] a good play through. No bugs or issues to report. The only thing I notice is there are no maps and judging by the loot tables this is deliberate but I'm not sure why? And radios are like rocking horse shit - I haven't seen one yet.

Still, found a nice place to call home... it's my first night.

You might be able to see a couple of cars through the smoke. Daylight presents a nicer picture. You can just see my camp, the cars and tent, in the distance. Plenty of drinking water!

While I'd prefer a helicopter I found a plane. Scared seven shades of shit outta myself trying to land in this paddock the first time...

About the camo net: Remember the hospital in Cherno, near the docks (not the apartments) - behind it there are a pile of bodies and there's a camo net covering them. You used to be able to dismantle this (the option came up to remove it) and I think you could erect it some where else. It would be a nice touch to be able to build something like this. Thanks for the tip I'll see if I can get something working :)

Nice work Oliv82, really enjoying all your hard work!
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0


updates times... :)

@Eric the Viking

Arma 2 is still not friendly with hardware ..for my pc too :)

About map item.. :p ... a real survivor know Chernarus like his pocket :)
I removed mapItem from all loot table, but if you really want a map, check in military zones :)

Nice screenshots, by your blood level i hope you have enough food ;)

In last version i added a playerAction to remove and rebuild both types of camoNets

New version is very hard, it will change your way to play, I was not be able to survive more than 20~30 minutes ;)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Hello, Olive. I am getting an error when i try and launch... "missing content that has been deleted.chernarus"
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Oliv82 wrote
@Eric the Viking

Arma 2 is still not friendly with hardware ..for my pc too :)
I think the strength of Arma (it's mod friendly-ness) is also it's greatest weakness, same with Arma 3 although that's going x64 bit which really increases the resources available. I'm using Fraps for the screen shots and my frame rates do hit 60 (monitor refresh rate limit) sometimes. It's running really well now actually and your mod is solid.

Oliv82 wrote
About map item.. :p ... a real survivor know Chernarus like his pocket :)
I removed mapItem from all loot table, but if you really want a map, check in military zones :)
I will do that! :) I know my way around roughly, but it's nice being able to pick a point to head to.

Oliv82 wrote
Nice screenshots, by your blood level i hope you have enough food ;)
I did have near full blood before leaving the coast. I wanted to establish my base of operations before anything else and then headed to NWAF and got into a scrap with quite a few AI - it was fricking awesome but I didn't come out completely without a scratch or two... ;)

Oliv82 wrote
In last version i added a playerAction to remove and rebuild both types of camoNets
Sweet!, thanks so much, I look forward to really having a neat base camp!

Oliv82 wrote
New version is very hard, it will change your way to play, I was not be able to survive more than 20~30 minutes ;)
I'm downloading now.... can't wait :D

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

This post was updated on Jan 22, 2017; 2:17pm.

- fixed 3d glitch in industrial_WIP
- Radar desactived in "Mozzie"
- Added code in pickup scripts to have "pickup priorities" (if you have any weapon in primary slot, the pickup object move to "backSlot"(if free), if both slots are full and if specialItem or melee, it's added to specialItems)
- desactivated all buildings lights


In your Arma2OA main folder you should have "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch.exe"

copy and paste this .exe, rename it like you want

click "property", go "shortcut" tab
and replace line command by:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@DaiZy_1987;@CBA_CO" -nosplash

(add -showscripterrors if you want to help me to chase scripts errors)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Thanks for replying oliv, but i do not see any beta... i see the arma2oa.exe, and the arma2oa_Be.exe.
there is not even a beta folder inside the expansion folder. like your directory said.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking
This post was updated on Jan 23, 2017; 6:08am.

If you haven't already, create a new folder and name it as you see fit. Copy over your Arma2 OA to that folder. Alternately, you can use your Arma2 folder - either way it should look something like this...

If you don't have an "Beta" folder then you are most likely using the latest version of Arma2 (1.63 131129)

In this case, select the "Arma2OA.exe" file, left click and select "create shortcut". Select the new "Arma2OA.exe - shortcut" file, left click and select "properties". In the target entry it should be as follows;

E:\DayZ_Oliv82\ArmA2OA.exe -skipIntro -nosplash -nologs -mod=@DaiZy_1987;@CBA_CO;

And the "start in" entry should read;


It should look like this;

Obviously, you can call the folder what you like or, if you installed to your Arma2 folder, so replace the "E:\DayZ_Oliv82" bit with your install directory path.

EDIT: Corrected speeling and grammer
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking
In reply to this post by Oliv82
I gave the game a good play over the weekend. Before I start let me state I have walking zombies only.

I have to say I feel the differences between 9.xx and 10.xx are huge

I spawned into the world near the Factory (between Nizhnoye and Solnichniy). It's not a bad spawn, you can also find crucial items in the industrial buildings and the three barns further up the hill usually have a gun or melee weapon at least. Food was a problem quickly taken care of but drinks was looking to be a big problem.

I was half inclined to re-spawn but I thought we'd just battle on so I headed down to Solnichniy. I found a well there and risked infection by drinking directly from the well. Whew! Clean! With my belly full of water I start to explore the town looking for a canteen in particular. This is when I notice the "extra" vehicles in and around the town - there are 3, a Datsun, Ural and a Gaz. The Ural is drive-able so I start loading it up with some of the useful supplies I find.

I hear an odd sound, the AI, in another Datsun have a arrived. I narrowly avoid a face full of 5.45mm and return a fatal shot with my 1866. The driver attempts an escape but falls to a (frankly) lucky shot. More stuff to loot! I take the AK as a primary weapon. And then more AI spawn...

They keep coming, I kill 18 bandits before running away, towards Elektro.

The pace of the mod seems to have changed, from a PVE with a bit of PVP to more PVP. It seems to have the excitement of a live server now...

And the other changes have had an effect too, damn them zombies be hard to kill!! And loot seems slower to spawn.

I think I need to play more...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking wrote
I gave the game a good play over the weekend. Before I start let me state I have walking zombies only.
By my first feelings, the zeds spawn delay is a bit short, old was 120s now its 80s... i need to test with 100s

Eric the Viking wrote
I have to say I feel the differences between 9.xx and 10.xx are huge
Too much things to adjust at this time of dev but I knew it will be hard :p

I feel your difficulties ingame by reading your post but it's very good to have your feedback
those 18 bandits killed they were killed in the same zone ? I checked my scripts 1000times to avoid this... maybe my respawn timers are too fast

About loots chances and the new system,  its very hard to have a good point of view at the moment

About ai's , for my "little" experience on this version, they have more "human" behaviours like in servers

Zeds need 2~3 hatchet hack in head to die, zeds begin to be serious threats :p

I work again on repair scripts (i try to adjust damage textures and dayz system)
And the AN-2 Colt is "on the workbench"
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking
Oliv82 wrote
Eric the Viking wrote
I gave the game a good play over the weekend. Before I start let me state I have walking zombies only.
By my first feelings, the zeds spawn delay is a bit short, old was 120s now its 80s... i need to test with 100s
Hmm, I think it's a matter of preference. I don't have enough time to play the game the way you need to with running zombies ie, being stealthy / sneaking everywhere. For walking zeds the default level might be too low but for "normal" zeds, the level could be just right.

I was on 11.5K blood, got hit once by a zombie - I lost over half my blood and was knocked unconscious - death was very quick to follow.

Oliv82 wrote
Eric the Viking wrote
I have to say I feel the differences between 9.xx and 10.xx are huge
Too much things to adjust at this time of dev but I knew it will be hard :p
It's not that the game is harder but rather that the dynamic of the mod seems to have changed - I'm not sure I can explain it - but please be assured, I do like it!

Lets see if I can explain it: The previous 9.xx version was pretty relaxed and seemed to focus on the player battling the environment more than anything else. Everything you needed was hard to find and the zombies a constant threat. You might bump into the AI occasionally and these meetings where quite tense.

With 10.xx there's a few changes which change the dynamic slightly. Because of the cars that randomly spawn there's more reason to hang around and see if you can either make a working vehicle or just salvage what's there - this means you spend a longer time in the area and then have AI spawn on you. So you loot the AI bodies - and find all the stuff you couldn't find otherwise - food, drink, meds, weapons and again, you spend longer in the area than you would and then the AI spawn on you and the cycle of kill/loot starts again.

Because of this cycle, there develops a distinct feeling of PVP; the shots between you and the other players (AI) attract other players (AI) and before you know it there's a "clusterfuck" killing spree going on - and shit, it's damn good fun!

And yes, this is exactly as I would expect a live PVP server to behave. Watching the AI attempt to flank me, throwing grenades - they are still clearly AI but I treat them with respect! But the thing is, this great amount of PVP tends to over shadow the PVE part.

Perhaps the AI should have a 50/50 chance of spawning on you so you'd never be quite sure if you were going to have company. And I'm not saying the AI shouldn't have items on them but perhaps lower (.02) chances.

[I need to leave the cities on the coast, where you would expect to find "players" and move inland where I would expect less contact with other "players", where I can sit in front of my fireplace next to the lake and have a moments peace from the zombie apocalypse]

I'm sure I'm making sense but do keep doing what you're doing, it's an exciting ride! :)

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

This post was updated on Jan 24, 2017; 5:41pm.
I read your post and I take in mind all your points aborded , thx 1000 times once again :)

another updates will come to set slighly some various parameters, but for me , its near to be perfect :)

I worked to write a function what reposition all dayz wreck/garbages on the floor (to fix garbages/wrecks floating above ground)
And avoid me to write 9621(28865 lines total in CfgTownGenerator.hpp) boring lines for each trash objects positions like a zombie !

Because this function is a bit "heavy", it will start at the begining of game and will eat few FPS but once the script completed, normal FPS come back (it work like carsNearRoads.sqf but with much more iterations)

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking
The last line in my previous post was supposed to read "I'm not sure I'm making sense". And reading it back now doesn't help...

However I'd probably add that I don't think the AI are spawning any more than they used to because I've noticed this "spamming" of AI when engaging groups of AI at NWAF.

My hope is that if I pitch a tent somewhere quiet that I get left alone - it's Australia Day here tomorrow (on the 26th) so it's a public holiday so I might get a chance to play a bit more. I dismantled one of those camo nets too so I will reassemble it where I plan to camp :)

Also, the open houses you've added are AWESOME!! It really is fantastic being able to enter these houses, it just adds so much more immersion, especially in the smaller town where there was previously nothing "open" to explore.
Oliv82 wrote
I read your post and I take in mind all your points aborded , thx 1000 times once again :)

another updates will come to set slighly some various parameters, but for me , its near to be perfect :)
Yeah, I have to agree :)

Oliv82 wrote
I worked to write a function what reposition all dayz wreck/garbages on the floor (to fix garbages/wrecks floating above ground)
And avoid me to write 9621(28865 lines total in CfgTownGenerator.hpp) boring lines for each trash objects positions like a zombie !
Oh God, that sounds like a lot of work!

Question, are there any fuel tankers spawning? It would be most useful for refueling things, especially aircraft given they need so much.

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking wrote
Question, are there any fuel tankers spawning? It would be most useful for refueling things, especially aircraft given they need so much.
Mmm... I've an idea.. add something particular object who able to auto-refuel on Airfields
or add refuel truck in bandits vehicles... or add it in randomly spawned vehicles

About wrecks/garbage function, i realized this code was totaly useless for multiples reasons
this function is now replaced by a simple compiled script with only 4 lines (the old function had ~50 lines :p)

I work/check actualy on Ai's behaviours and interraction with zeds (for villages/towns/capitals)
I will check for Airfields later

Also i work to add possibility to spawn bandits in houses (with chance condition, house types conditions)
fixed minor bug who created trask/garbages too near of mission vehicles (work with the "4 lines" script)
And I will check zeds hit damages on player
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking
Finally got back to the game. After I left I fled Solnichniy and I headed to Elektro, stopping at the train station, doing a quick loop of the industrial zone and didn't find anything initially but driving up in a vehicle can have that effect. I checked the supermarkets and then the fire stations. I spent a little time on top of the fire station, near the church, checking out the area.

No, I wasn't camping the AI....


Anyways, headed to Cherno, parking at the petrol station and headed into the industrial zones and particular the hospital. Dis-assembled a camo netting (woo hoo! ) and then headed to Balota. Checked the barracks and ACT before heading out on the back road behind the runway. Noted a little bird in the village there and continued onto Novy. Did a quick loop of the village and headed to my camp site.

Deployed the camo netting...

Oh yeah...

Please forgive the washed out colours, I took the photo after a visit to the NWAF where there were many naughty AI trying to kill me..

20 dead AI later I RSLG'ed to lick my wounds and recover. I haven't found any blood bags yet so I know what my next mission will be.

I walked from my camp to the NWAF and found loot to have spawned "properly" - even if the loot spawns are off a little I think that the additional resources now available (from vehicles and AI) make up for it.

Special note - the additional military buildings, the barracks and prison are so F'ing cool. Very modest loot spawns so these additions are not OP - good work!!

The AI are spawning in some very aggressive vehicles (heavy weapons mounted on trucks for example) but this has only happened at military areas which I'm sure is intentional - more good work and clever thinking! You really need to keep an ear out for vehicles and hide until you know the nature of the threat.

I spent some time at my base camp, no zombies or AI are appearing so that's spot on I reckon, giving me a chance to rest and recoup. And sort my loot. Not that I'm anal retentive of course...

Couple of possible bugs, maybe...?

I have six spots clear in my inventory but it won't let me pick up that car tyre. I have to clear eight slots before I can pick it up - but it clearly occupies only six slots. This has only started with version 10.xx of the mod.

Which leads me to jerry cans; when selecting a jerry can, you either get the "take jerry can" option (the jerry cans appear as full in your inventory) or the "gear" symbol where you have to manually add them to you inventory (these cans are empty). But when you use the "full" jerry cans the message reads "you added 0L to item xxxx". These jerry can now appear as empty in your inventory.

Just on a side note, while I was at NWAF, an enemy helicopter swooped in. I had a few stray AI to mop up, a tuck roaming around with a 50mm canon and plenty of ammo and I thought, "wow, this is getting out of hand".

And then that friendly attack heli appeared and started reducing the AI population a bit starting with the heli and I could breathe a little easier... My hero!
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

I dont Know how can you survive XDDD

i start played today and die with zombie, out of food or water, that decrease to fast

In some moments i gona try to survive i biiit more but XD idk i think i gona die again and again, like in Dark Souls
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Eric the Viking

I posted a few tips, which I found helped me, a few pages back, here.

I have the zombies walking which makes things a lot easier but also speeds up the pace of the game a little, that is you don't have to sneak around everywhere. One could argue that you do lose a little immersion of the "zombie apocalypse" but I think that depends on what you regard as "zombies", either the classic Romero style or the Resident Evil runner type.

If you wanted to try walking zombies, there's a post on what to do here.

In the mod, I personally think there are too many zombies because they are so strong/tough - IMO their numbers should be reduced by 50%. Another factor is that although they are attracted to the noise/presence of the AI, they can't attack the AI. And when you engage the AI, who do the zombies all attack? You, the player and it's simply not fair on the player as there isn't a level playing field.

For the walking zombies as I have them, I suppose I could use another 50% on top of the default number. It's not hard to change but it's entirely a matter of preference.

On the subject of AI and zombies, there's an imbalance here. The AI love use their weapons on full auto and against the 10.xx zeds they are expending all their ammo on one or two zeds. Could they have a bonus modifier against zombies?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987 v1.0

Well first, the dificulty of the game i like to much, really, yeah its no fair than the AI shoot you and the zombie just go to the sound and don't anything (i see in other mods of this website, they have zombie react by AI but i dont remember XD)

I am not a novice Player, its my 4 time i download the game, they special in this time is a have Windows 10 and the game go to much better in fps in other times

The unic i dont like its the decrease to fast of Food and Water, nearby to Berezino, i walk 1.5 KM and fall to the ground because that stats

Other think, the help you say in the last talking about Cheat, enter code to remove the Loot, go far to the place and enter in again to the same build, its boring using Cheats in the game, make to easy

Sorry for my english in some words XD i dont expert in that language *ww*
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