sirw00tkiller wrote
- No loot or zombie spawns after about 5 hours of playing.
I'm working hard on it; lately I've done some optimization work on 2018 and it seems to have fixed this issue. Well at least, nobody reported any problem with v1.3 (yet).
sirw00tkiller wrote
-is it possible to add a salvage vehicle command to remove certain parts of vehicles for scrap or workable parts?
It is - bits of code show that Razor and his team are working on it for DayZ, but they didn't enable it since it is currently a bit glitchy (some parts won't be properly removed from the salvaged vehicles). I might try to modify it so that only specific parts can be salvaged. But the priority right now is to bring all the latest features & fixes I've done in 2018 to Factions.
sirw00tkiller wrote
- flashlights possibly not working, at least for me.
Most likely an Arma problem : flashlights won't emit any light if it's not night time (after 6 or 7 PM).
sirw00tkiller wrote
- starting a new game the thirst meter depletes quickly, after about an hour or so of play it returns to normal.
- sleeping for 9 hours is actually sleeping for 25.
Both those issues will be fixed in v3.0.3 : I figured out the thirst problem; and the sleep 25 hours thing is actually a left-over from tests I was running. ^^'
The v3.0.3 should be ready around next week, it should significantly improve a lot of things (the changelog will be quite long...).