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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

Banned User
until now everything works perfectly:

what have you done with the Squad-AI? :) it seems they wont stuck that easy if getting surrounded by zeds! I just runned threw cherno with my new buddy and it seems he didnt stuck that much like before. nice!

Helis work fine and shoot at everything they see while flying huge circles. Didnt manage to get him down with my winchester and my 2 teammates didnt shoot at him.

I can recruit bandits too. i mean the guys who have red "names". after a while one of the two i recruited killed me. i think at the moment when i recruited a normal surviver. dont think there is a change needed, i learned my lesson ;)
Has it to do with the mission i started (Bandits)? Can you tell me pls the difference between the normal version and the bandits-version?

I like you did various versions, also without cheat-menu - good idea, as i sometimes want to play without and sometimes with cheats. Now i have for each way one save.

less loot? seems to spawn less loot now, not bad as it is SP :)

On three skins i saw (Medic, Old Sportswear and the Forrest guy with big hat) there was no backpack visible, but i can access it without problems having them in my squad. Didnt look if they have it in their inventory, will check that too.

i go on playing, until now i love it!

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

Thanks for the feedback!

I did indeed make a few tweaks to the AI behaviour so that they would a bit more efficient. ;)
About your units not shooting at the heli, I think they won't since they have low-end guns : either the chopper was out of range, or they "knew" that they couldn't damage it. But I have to do more testing about it.

And the difference in the bandit versions is that northern bandits will hide and ignore zombies to focus on other bandits or survivors.

But I'm quite confused when you say that you were able to recruit a bandit D;
I just checked the files and I'm pretty sure that only survivors have that feature...
What mission were you playing? Do you have more details about it (where, how it happened)?
If there's a glitch that would help me to identify/fix it ;)

EDIT : There's also the possibility that you saw 'the recruit unit' text of one of your survivors while you were facing a bandit. You should have a look at the CoWarmod addons : there's one that deactivate those annoying pop-up texts in the middle of the screen (the actions are still available in the scroll menu).
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Here i thought i should let u see the changelog on the coming update DayZ ;P


Good luck my friend <3
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

i'm gonna try the "backpacks4all" addon,. Cowar Mod got some nice stuff.

meanwhile....playing Metro LL ,.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

In reply to this post by JuniYo
JuniYo wrote
Here i thought i should let u see the changelog on the coming update DayZ ;P


Good luck my friend <3
Oh my Gooood!
This is going to be a nightmare!
Above! Be prepared for some sidechat on Steam! ^^'

mp5lng wrote
meanwhile....playing Metro LL ,.
You lucky!!!
I don't think I'll buy it, I'm pretty sure my PC won't run it...
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

But u got dead space right? :D dead space rocks the shit out of most games <3
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

JuniYo wrote
But u got dead space right? :D dead space rocks the shit out of most games <3
Yeah, really had some fun playing this one!
Too bad what EA (those SOB's) did to Visceral Games...
I hope their next project will kick ass (friggin' next-gen Star Wars!)!
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

Yeah a real shame, but yes cant wait to get my hands on friggin star wars battlefront :D they say its gonna be like bf 3, so i think its gonna be great :D
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

Banned User
This post was updated on May 24, 2013; 5:00pm.
In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
Thanks for the feedback!

I did indeed make a few tweaks to the AI behaviour so that they would a bit more efficient. ;)
About your units not shooting at the heli, I think they won't since they have low-end guns : either the chopper was out of range, or they "knew" that they couldn't damage it. But I have to do more testing about it.

And the difference in the bandit versions is that northern bandits will hide and ignore zombies to focus on other bandits or survivors.

But I'm quite confused when you say that you were able to recruit a bandit D;
I just checked the files and I'm pretty sure that only survivors have that feature...
What mission were you playing? Do you have more details about it (where, how it happened)?
If there's a glitch that would help me to identify/fix it ;)

EDIT : There's also the possibility that you saw 'the recruit unit' text of one of your survivors while you were facing a bandit. You should have a look at the CoWarmod addons : there's one that deactivate those annoying pop-up texts in the middle of the screen (the actions are still available in the scroll menu).
Thank you Haleks,

i will check that again with the recruit function i'm not sure anymore what i have seen. XD

EDIT// I can't reproduce it at the moment. may it was this popup, i will get the cowar addon again.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
mp5lng wrote
meanwhile....playing Metro LL ,.
You lucky!!!
I don't think I'll buy it, I'm pretty sure my PC won't run it...

first....if you are running arma 2 smoothly with medium configurations than your computer can handle Metro L.L
Second...who said anything about buying ? i live in morocco..."we do not buy games" "we download them" ;-)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

mp5lng wrote
Haleks wrote
mp5lng wrote
meanwhile....playing Metro LL ,.
You lucky!!!
I don't think I'll buy it, I'm pretty sure my PC won't run it...

first....if you are running arma 2 smoothly with medium configurations than your computer can handle Metro L.L
Second...who said anything about buying ? i live in morocco..."we do not buy games" "we download them" ;-)

Piracy should be legal everywhere. Or at least let people try the game before they buy it. I support the idea of letting the customer play the full game before buying it. Trial version will never get anyone hooked. And it's filthy.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

exactly ! test it ! if you like it....than buy it !
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.1 [05/21 UPDATED w/ Patroling choppers]

In reply to this post by Haleks
The issue iv been having is my Machine gun nest spawn in but when i place Soldiers or anything like that they dont spawn for some reason
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.1 [05/21 UPDATED w/ Patroling choppers]

Dalereo wrote
The issue iv been having is my Machine gun nest spawn in but when i place Soldiers or anything like that they dont spawn for some reason
You can't use units placed in the editor in DaiZy; try with Loki's lost key, you can spawn any unit anywhere on the map.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.1 [05/21 UPDATED w/ Patroling choppers]

oh? Well the Machine guns Nest Spawn in with soldiers in them?? And yeah that would be Nice using Loki's Except i would then have to figure out the right way to face them and everything when i spawn them in :( guess its a Project that ill never finish lol
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

This post was updated on May 24, 2013; 11:45pm.
In reply to this post by Haleks
Ok so the UI does not work. I was hit by a zombie and started to bleed, the blood icon didnt show the health symbol or anything. I've been walking for about 45 minutes now and my food and drink have not lowered at all. What beta patch for OA do you use because I am using the latest. Please help.

EDIT: Also, when re-entering the game the sound and sight bar are frozen and don't work. Beta patch 104648
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

In reply to this post by Haleks
Haleks wrote
JuniYo wrote
Here i thought i should let u see the changelog on the coming update DayZ ;P


Good luck my friend <3
Oh my Gooood!
This is going to be a nightmare!
Above! Be prepared for some sidechat on Steam! ^^'
I've been off Steam for a couple of days. But I'll stay online, I'm sure we'll both have quite abit to do, just in order to unlock 1.7.7.

I haven't really been messing with it, but I'll look at the code again. I'm sure I can backtrack the errors quite easily.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

This post was updated on May 25, 2013; 9:48am.
In reply to this post by Haleks
i tend to forget my questions alot, how does loot work?

does loot clear itself and re-spawn new items?? cause i've been using 'delete loot' from the cheat menu for awhile, before the new mission file, which doesn't allow me to do it anymore. just a little concerned before starting the 'with-out cheat menu' mission.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

In reply to this post by nathan00107
nathan00107 wrote
Ok so the UI does not work. I was hit by a zombie and started to bleed, the blood icon didnt show the health symbol or anything. I've been walking for about 45 minutes now and my food and drink have not lowered at all. What beta patch for OA do you use because I am using the latest. Please help.

EDIT: Also, when re-entering the game the sound and sight bar are frozen and don't work. Beta patch 104648
I'm currently using the 103419 Beta and it works just fine :/
I'll try the latest and see if it messes with anything.

EDIT : Are you using other mods such as Support Call or Loki? Did you try to teleport?
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 1.7.2 [05/24 UPDATED w/ Bandit Squads]

In reply to this post by raw003
raw003 wrote
i tend to forget my questions alot, how does loot work?

does loot clear itself and re-spawn new items?? cause i've been using 'delete loot' from the cheat menu for awhile, before the new mission file, which doesn't allow me to do it anymore. just a little concerned before starting the 'with-out cheat menu' mission.
I think, not sure, but I think it despawn like in MP.
To be confirmed! ^^
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