I had the same problem on my release, either the tents or the vehicles would make options stick (I'm sure it was the tents). I'm not sure what I removed in the self actions, but something fixed that. All though, I was using sleep/pack functions that didn't actually show up ingame. So I can see why that would clog the actions.
I hope this helps if you happen to see this bug again, or others. |
Guys, be prepared for an update next week...
I finally managed to have the zombies attack - and kill - NPCs. There'll be a lot of work to do but it works! OMFG I'm so happy... ^^ |
In reply to this post by Haleks
This might sound dumb but how do you get and download and install the new update?
Hey haleks love this mod good work. Is there a way you could add an optional cheat menu mission.
In reply to this post by Haleks
In reply to this post by Haleks
Énorme !! :) Je voulais te faire part d'un bug rencontré , je ne sais pas pourquoi mais le script recombined mag beug au bout d'un moment, avec un message du genre "vous ne pouvez blabla avant d'avoir terminé l'action en cours" et visiblement ça occasionne du lag dans le self action dont l'affichage traine a apparaitre.. Sinon sur la même partie je save et en relançant la partie, plus aucun zombis, loot et meme le filtre "cépia" a disparu la neige elle continu a tomber :) SPOIL SPOIL----------- Sinon, le village gouhl n'est pas qu'une légende !! , j'ai kiffé l'accrochage :) difficile d'eviter le spoil ,mais sache que si l'on y dort dans une tente on perds les caisses (j'ai ragé mdr ) il serais bien de pouvoir utiliser les bidons d'eau ou baril d'essence :). _____________________ I wanted to let you share a bug met, I do not know why but the script recombined mag beug after a time, with a message like "You can not blabla before completing the current action" and obviously it causes lag in the self action whose display has dragged appear .. Otherwise the same part I save and restarting the game, no more zombies, and even the loot filter "Cepia" disappeared snow continued to fall it :) |
In reply to this post by Above
Thanks man! It's gonna completely change the way we play with AIs. I was playing/testing 2018 yesterday, and realised that whenever I would find a survivor, I would systematicaly use him to attract the zeds around and loot towns while they were standing still next to the NPC. Definitely a wrong way to play... I thought "fuck it, gotta try again"; I didn't think I would manage to do it but, just when I was about to give up and go to bed, those zeds finally attacked (and killed) a survivor! Anyway I'm going back at it! ;) |
In reply to this post by Ultrazen
Argh! Va falloir que j'introduise un check dans le script pour ne pas effacer les caisses! C'est donc pour ça que certains se plaignent de trouver des helicrashs sans matos... :/ Merci pour la nouvelle! Et j'vais essayer de fixer le 'combine mags'. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
For sure, I can't wait for this update. I'm gonna find some friends, and then get them killed by zombies. :D *EDIT: How does zombie damage work on AI? I'm assuming it's not the same damage system as players, since AI got no blood, therefor no "hitpoints". |
You assume right. I'm using the setDamage command. Incidentally, the attack script I set up for NPC is much lighter than the one for the player. |
Interesting, what you have done is quite amazing. |
I got something up and running right now but... Argh! I can't get the NPC to flee when there's zeds nearby! >_<
Haha, do they REALLY have to? Make the zombies do less damage on AI, or something. Or make zeds a prio (for friendly AI). Or actually, what if zombie hits (somehow) had the same alert function as shots? *EDIT: My bad, that was just dumb. The best way I can think of is rewriting the patrol script, and make them move more. |
Actually there's a built in command for fleeing in Arma 2, but it doesn't really work... :/ I'm currently working on a work around for that; the only issue I'm struggling on, is that friendly units won't move if you gave them the "stop" order. Apparently, it's another issue with Arma : it seems that it is impossible to override a 'stop' command from a script. I've been doin' some research, and I don't think anyone came up with a solution yet... I guess I'll have to leave it that way, and warn the players about the 'stop' order. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Very cool version. Thanks a lot Haleks.
In reply to this post by Haleks
I don't know if it's me or what, but i can't seem to repair vehicles. Can someone fill me in on how.
hello two possibilities: you do not have a toolbox :) or you have not installed the patch 2018 v1.1 : Patch Release |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Nice that there's a command for fleeing, shame it works bad. |
In reply to this post by Ultrazen
Salut Haleks,
Je sollicite encore une fois ton aide :) J'ai installé un script qui permet de poser un appât a zombies que je fabrique avec un steak cru (ce qui me permet de me tirer de mauvais pas et de looter tranquil ;) La question concernant la recette comment passer de un steak a 3 sur cette ligne : // Zombie Bait if ("FoodbeefRaw" in magazines player) then { hasBait = true; } else { hasBait = false; }; if (hasBait) then { if (zombieBait < 0) then { zombieBait = player addAction [("<t color=""#c30000"">" + ("Place Zombie Bait") +"</t>"),"scripts\zombiebait\zombiebait.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { player removeAction zombieBait; zombieBait = -1; }; // Exploding Zombie Bait if ((hasBait) && ("ItemJerrycan" in magazines player) && ("ItemMatchbox" in items player)) then { if (zombieBomb < 0) then { zombieBomb = player addAction [("<t color=""#c30000"">" + ("Place Molotov Bait") +"</t>"),"scripts\zombiebait\zombiebomb.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { player removeAction zombieBomb; zombieBomb = -1; }; // Zombie Bait End Je constate les action du type : dormir dans une tente , remplir jerrican etc mette du temps a apparaitre, peut être une erreur de syntaxe ? Si tu veux tester : mission 2018 en plus de ton travail j'utilise seulement le remove part (toujours pas fixé) et l'auto refuel Merci par avance :) |
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