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New two mods for dayz singleplayer

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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

the screenshot show.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by Markus
First an error is showing up while playing, like an item can't spawn : "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Item_ARP_hand_pump'." If it is a stupid shootgun i don't want it anyway but i just saying. Second thing i'd like to ask is when I cut down a tree i have wood piles raw and I can't craft anything with it and with normal wood piles that i can find somethimes i can normal craft lumber etc. Have I do something with raw wood piles or what? Thanks and keep on good work :D
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

raw wood---->>> sawdust----->>> toilet paper---->>> gasoline---->>>> match (lighter) ------>>>> the fire
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by Markus
Thanks for reply, but what with crafting building materials with raw wood because when I try to craft something with raw wood a text is showing up that i need 2 more wood piles to craft lumber even if I have a lot of raw wood piles? And how to craft wooden tent because i can't find any? Sorry for rude questions but it's first time I'm playing so expanded mod.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

raw wood only for the fire. two dry tree this Board.
I will try soon to post all construction on the site.
Mod is very heavy. it takes a long time to understand it
find a book about the construction. it happens in the barracks and factories. Then you will be able to build a good house and garage.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

Thanks a lot. I think there isn't any other so expanded mod for Arma 2 and that's great. This mod is very addictive because I even don't discover half of it's features. :) Everybody should try this mod. Ps don't eat canned food or not boiled if you don't feel lucky enough :D
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by Markus
I was just thinking... If I will set "loot once" option when game starts loot would NEVER respawn?
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

1. Mod in the root of the game
2. Addon to the mod in the root of the game
3. USERCONFIG in the root of the game
4. Mission in the missions folder

MISSION ===>>> Карта
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

This post was updated on Feb 16, 2015; 4:23pm.

Map: Cherno
LOAD MAP (mission) https://yadi.sk/d/8lI4az_Iegs3s

and many missions (testing).............
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by Markus
I'm a bit worried about the way some of the mods from here have appeared on their site without credit or permission. At the same time, I'm very pleased that other people are making single player mods. I've written to Markus and to the email address given on their site to see about getting this sorted. Hopefully it can all be fixed to everyone's satisfaction.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

Sorry. The man went on a business trip. How to come back, I'll tell him.
I think everything will be fine.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

Thanks. I'm sure we can sort something out. I can have Russian friends translate my email if that helps.

It would be great if we can fix this. We can maybe exchange things between the sites. Thanks for your help; I really appreciate it.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer


I really hope that this will help you !

// GameOptions - Options games for DayZ SP Plus by Kenza
// GameOptions for DayZ Last Days
// Author: Brainseat
// Edited: Nova
// Change the settings in the configuration file for a more varied game experience.
// It is recommended to restart the mission after changing settings. More on why it should be read at the bottom.

///////////////////////////// SP Plus /////////////////// /////////////
// Advanced settings are:

// Armor bots
// The higher the number, the harder it is to kill a bot.
// 0 - no armor. 5 - Standard is on.
#define _armor 5;

// Select effects
// Determines spawn flies over the corpses. No flies = 0; Flies have a = 1;
// Warning: The sound of flies can not be removed by cleaning corpses.
class GO_Effects {
     GO_sfd = 0;

// Ekiperovka profile "Test"
class GO_Player {
GO_playerBackPack = "DZ_Backpack_EP1"; // Profile "Test" - a backpack;
GO_playerMag1 = "ItemAntibiotic"; // Profile "Test" - subjects: food, medicine and ammunition;
GO_playerMag2 = "ItemAntibiotic"; // Profile "Test" - subjects: food, medicine and ammunition;
GO_playerMag3 = "ItemBloodbag"; // Profile "Test" - subjects: food, medicine and ammunition;
GO_playerMag4 = "FoodgoatRaw"; // Profile "Test" - subjects: food, medicine and ammunition;
GO_playerTool1 = "ItemToolbox"; // Profile "Test" - objects: tools, matches, an ax, a map, compass, night vision devices, binoculars, etc.;
GO_playerTool2 = "ItemHatchet"; // Profile "Test" - objects: tools, matches, an ax, a map, compass, night vision devices, binoculars, etc.;
GO_playerTool3 = "ItemWatch"; // Profile "Test" - objects: tools, matches, an ax, a map, compass, night vision devices, binoculars, etc.;
GO_playerPistol = "M9SD"; // Profile "Test" - a pistol;
GO_playerRifle = "DMR"; // Profile "Test" - a rifle;

// Select the number of techniques to spawn
// Technique dospavnivaetsya with every cleaning to a maximum value.
class GO_SpawnVehicle {
     GO_MinCars = 10; // Minimum number of machines.
     GO_MaxCars = 40; // Maximum number of machines.
     GO_BanditCars = 10; // Machinery bandits.
     GO_MinBike = 10; // Motorcycles minimum number.
     GO_MaxBike = 15; // Maximum number of motorcycles.
     GO_MinVelo = 1; // Bicycles minimum number.
     GO_MaxVelo = 3; // Maximum number of bicycles.
     GO_MinHely = 10; // Helicopters minimum number.
     GO_MaxHely = 15; // Maximum number of helicopters.
     GO_MinBoat = 1; // The minimum number of boats.
     GO_MaxBoat = 5; // Maximum number of boats.
     GO_MinTent = 1; // Tents minimum number.
     GO_MaxTent = 30; // Maximum number of tents.
     GO_MinCrash = 1; // Helikrashi minimum number.
     GO_MaxCrash = 5; // Helikrashi maximum number.

// The beginnings of pumping:
class GO_GetRecrut {
GO_HumanityBig = 50000; // Value humaniti, after which you can take in a group of any number of bots.
GO_Humanity1 = 5000; // If humaniti X and a group of bots bot 1, then we can take the group.
GO_Humanity2 = 10000; // If humaniti X and a group of bots bot 2, then we can take the group.
GO_Humanity3 = 15000; // If humaniti X and group 3 bots bot, you can take in the group.
GO_Humanity4 = 25000; // If humaniti X and Group 4 bots bot, you can take in the group.
GO_Humanity5 = 50000; // If humaniti X and Group 5 bots bot, you can take in the group.

// Smoke on helikrashami.
// 0 - no at all; 1 - there at all.
class GO_HelySmoke {
     GO_Smoke = 0.5;

// Parameter automatic cleaning corpses.
// If fewer corpses X (by default 100 pcs.) The timer for 30 minutes. each carcass before purification.
// If more corpses X (by default 100 pcs.) Cleaning is triggered immediately.
class GO_AllDead {
     GO_CountAllDead = 100;

// Determines whether the new spawn ammo bots when the old end.
// 0 - no; 1 - spawn.
class GO_SpawnMagazine {
GO_SpawnMagazines = 1;

// Determine whether the animation "perebintovyvaniya" bots when they are treated.
//P.S. using animation bots at this time are most vulnerable because animation playing for a while and bots can not budge.
// 0 - no animation; 1 - the animation is.
class GO_PlayActionAnimMedUnits {
     GO_PlayActionAnim = 0;

// Remove any debris from the road? + Campgrounds = everything that guided Rocket.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_RemoveTrash {
GO_TrashRemove = 1;

// Damage
class GO_Damage {
GO_ZombieDamage = 2000; // Damage from zombies
GO_BotDamage = 300; // Damage from bots

// Time between spawn bots hunters by helicopter. (except for the first spawn - it starts after 3 hours of game)
// = 1 for 1 hour.
class GO_myHelyTime {
     GO_HelyTime = 1;

// Event. Run after each cleaning. Randomly from 5 species.
// 0 - no; 1 - is.
class GO_ActivateEvent {
     GO_Event = 1;

// Activate auto refueling helicopters \ aircraft.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_AutoRefuel {
GO_ActivateRefuel = 1;

// Spawn extra. facilities and buildings to retrofit option card.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_CustomBuildings {
GO_SpawnBuildings = 1;

////////////////////// DayZ Last Days ///////////////////////// ////////

// Activate the improved weather.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_Weather {
GO_ActivateWeather = 1;

// Activate the disease.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_Disease {
GO_ActivateDisease = 1;

// Activating a new transport system repair.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_SystemRepair {
GO_ActivateSystemRepair = 1;

// Activate spawn dogs.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_SpawnDogs {
GO_ActivateSpawnDogs = 1;

// Activate the wild zombies / dogs in the fields.
// 0 - no; 1 - wild spawn zombies; 2 - the spawn of wild dogs.
class GO_SpawnWild {
GO_ActivateSpawnWild = 0;

// Activate the night of underground fog (strongly affects FPS).
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_Fog {
GO_ActivateFog = 0;

// Activate the radio (radio) in the transport and MP3 Player.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_CarRadio {
GO_ActivateCarRadio = 1;

// Delay spawn loot and zombies (in seconds).
class GO_TimeSpawn {
GO_TimeSpawnLoot = 1800; // Loot
GO_TimeSpawnZed = 1800; // Zombie

// The chance of breakage. Is the number - less chance of breakage.
class GO_ChanceBroke {
GO_ChanceBrokeKnife = 90; // The chance of breakage of the knife when butchering animals
GO_ChanceBrokeHatchet = 90; // The chance of breakage ax in cutting wood
GO_ChanceBrokePickaxe = 90; // The chance of breakage during production picks
GO_ChanceBrokeTools = 90; // Chance tool breakage when crafting
GO_ChanceBrokeScrew = 90; // The chance of breakage jack when repairing equipment

////////////////////// R3F Artillery and Logistic //////////////////////// /////////
// Details: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9285
// Advanced settings are:

// Activate R3F Artillery and Logistic
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_R3FArtAndLogActivate {
GO_R3FArtAndLog = 1;

///////////////////////////// DZAI //////////////////// /////////////
// For those who do not have enough ekshon, bots and shootings.
// By default includes 1 air and 1 ground crossing patrol.
// These bots zombies do not respond. And bots in the zombie too.

// Advanced settings are:

// Activate DZAI
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_DZAIActivate {
GO_DZAI = 1;

////////////////////////////// TPWCAS /////////////////// //////////////
// Advanced settings are:

// Effects
// 0 - no; 1 - is.
class GO_TPWCAS {
GO_TPWCASPlayerShake = 0; // Effect rocking sight during the shelling Player
GO_TPWCASPlayerVis = 0; // The effect of visual dimming the screen during the shelling Player

////////////////////////////// DZMS /////////////////// ////////////////
// Advanced settings are:

// Tip: after the completion of the mission, no need to destroy the technique better. To this end, each box is placed explosives.
// Tip: missiynyh patrols also better to destroy.
// These bots zombies do not respond. And bots in the zombie too.

// Activate DZMS.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_DZMSActivateSPPlus {
     GO_DZMSActivate = 1;

// Minimum and Maximum Mission Start Time DZMS (in seconds)
class GO_TimeMissionDZMS {
     GO_DZMSMajorMin = 7200; // Minimum time before a big mission (6:00)
     GO_DZMSMajorMax = 14400; // Maximum time before the great mission (12 hours)
     GO_DZMSMinorMin = 3600; // Minimum time before the smaller missions (3 hours)
     GO_DZMSMinorMax = 7200; // Maximum time before the start smaller missions (6 hours)
// Activate patrols.
// Only works if the activation of mission DZMS.
// 0 - no; 1 - yes.
class GO_DZMSActivateCustomSpawnsPatrol {
     GO_DZMSACSP = 1;

// The number of patrols.
// Spawn after the first treatment, to randomly place. Route patrol randomly.
// Technique destroyed when its entire crew killed
//t.k. this technique weighs script replenishment of cartridges and fuel
// and ground transportation also is repaired, because due to debris bots broken.
// Put a lot of it is not recommended, because not all the equipment will be able to have time off during cleaning,
// because of what it will become more and more.
// Warning, by default there are Ka-52 and Mi-24, which can cause a lot of problems.
class GO_DZMSNumberCustomSpawnsPatrol {
     GO_DZMSNumberCustomPatrolHelicopter = 2;
     GO_DZMSNumberCustomPatrolVehicle = 3;

// Type of vehicle patrols.
// List of transport is taken from the mission \ DZMS \ DZMSConfig.sqf

////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////
// For an idea of why you need to start a new game every time.
// Figuratively speaking, when starting a new game, the files (scripts, config files, etc.) are read and get the type of the RAM in the game.
// From the same RAM they are taken and used.
// When we make changes to the files / add new / replace, the modifications and remain in these files,
// because the game is re-reads the files and puts them in RAM.
//T.e. when we press the button to continue, and continue to play a saved game, you are lying on your computer changed files, and RAM in games old, original, which has played and continues to use.
// Changes will not take effect until you start a new game!

// Address Loga:
// WINDOWS XP:% userprofile% \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ ArmA 2 OA \ arma2OA.rpt
// WINDOWS VISTA / 7:% userprofile% \ AppData \ Local \ ArmA 2 OA \ arma2OA.rpt
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

i cant find the pbo file to put in the mission folder for last days
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

Put on the missions
the folder does not pbo. Move the folder in the mission!!!

https://cloud.mail.ru/public/856d037d5884/DayZLastDays.zip   ----->>>> Last Days Naph

https://yadi.sk/d/8lI4az_Iegs3s --------->>>>>> Last Days Cherno
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by Markus
I hope you can give me a separate kpfs_weapons.pbo download address, decompression is wrong
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by Markus
Markus.... Why when i have sepsis and I cure it with med kit and it works but after minute I have sepsis again. Wtf? I bleed out in 2-3 minutes. How to stop it or something? Thanks
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

drink antibiotics. the corpse should be searched only in rubber gloves. eating need using marching trekhmernikh!!!
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by Markus
Thanks for saving my life. I saw gloves but i didn't take them because i was thinking it's junk loot. Thanks again :)