New two mods for dayz singleplayer

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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer


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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by Markus
umm i dont see any new missons in your webiste
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by tucks
Thanks it worked. Last question how do you recruit other players ?
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by redninja52
The new missions are on there forum page
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

Can someone help me out , I set friendly bots to 70% so I can recruit them but I keep seeing bandits and no friendlies. Is there a way to call them do they hang somewhere?
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

it may be that you need a higher reputation or something.
i have managed to find my friend on a couple of occasions and recruited maybe 2/3 guys but most of the time they are not interested.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

Hmm my reputation is at five thousand. When I pull out my stats it says 63 friendlies and 30 bandits but I only get bandits.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by kodabar
I've now talked to Sergey who runs the Russian site. We're going to get all this sorted out.

I would like to make a list of the affected mods. I've made a post on the main page of this site and I'd appreciate your help in listing the correct names for the authors of the various mods. Thanks.

Here's the post:

For our Russian readers, here's what I sent Sergey:

Уважаемый Сергей, большое спасибо за ваше письмо. Я надеюсь, мы все уладим так, что все будут довольны.

Существует два основных разногласия:
1. Некоторые моды (mods) на вашем сайте не ссылаются на авторов оригиналов. Это легко исправить: вы можете добавить их имена на ваших страницах, этого будет достаточно чтобы их удовлетворить.
2. На других модах изменили имена авторов и описания, и ничего больше.
Я понимаю, что у вас были проблемы с Sanfan. Он утверждает, что он написал несколько модов,которые сейчас размещены на вашем сайте без его имени. Было бы хорошо, если бы мы могли также решить и эту проблему.
Я очень рад, что вы и ваши люди разрабатывают все новые и новые моды. Мне бы хотелось, что и ваши, и наши сотрудничали и, возможно, даже работали вместе, чтобы создать более в будущем. Я очень рад увидеть разработки РСС и Mehannik44 на нашем сайте.

Спасибо, что написали мне. Будем надеяться, что мы все это сможем быстро исправить.

С уважением, Джонатан (Jonathan)
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

1. All developers listed ( and
2. Prepare 2 new mods
3. All new mods will be posted only on our forum
With respect to the administration team R. C. C.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by AlmighttyBozz

in any village normally a group will appear and i have found 8-9 out of 10 times they want to kill me.
I always wait until the message comes up saying the radio is picking someone up nearby then press
0-0-5. as i say most times they say "f&*k you" and try to kill me, and on another occasion one npc said i think "not at the moment" or "i am busy, maybe later" or something along those lines.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

hello where is the folder of the original mission arma 2 oa mission folder because they do not exist in the game are displayed
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by Markus
I'm going to see if i can make a installation video ok but first i'm going to get it to work ok PS here's my Youtube channel

please like and subscribe thanks :D
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

this is complicated sorry O.o i'm still trying though
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Markus
The author has deleted this message.
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

wha ?
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

In reply to this post by bali
hey, you dont actually need screenshot software, put your game in windowed mode, then push the button near the top right of your keyboard named "Pr Sc SysRq" then go into paint, click paste, and the save the file, there you go, your screenshot :)
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

I cant wait for the English version of this to come, along with installation instructions. looks great!
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Re: New two mods for dayz singleplayer

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Markus
Markus wrote
we are pleased to introduce two new mods from Mehannik44 and R. C. C.
On the forum I did help section. FAQ Singl.
All you can ask questions there. If possible, send us a screenshot of the problem and description.
We are always happy to help you!
Map: Napf
Digital binoculars and rangefinder. Have different modes. NVD, imager, standard mode. Zooming.
- Goggles, GPS, Radio, Digital binocular and rangefinder require a power source (mediacomplete). Eventually discharged. To connect mediacomplete need a wire.
- Two types of scrap metal. Small is possible to collect a large.
- Engines, tanks, rotors need fixing.
- Added Kraft from DayZ Epoch. Kraft partially modified and greatly expanded new facilities.
- flak jacket and helmet. The armor protects the torso, helmet head. They do not give full protection. Only greatly reduce the damage to the body part. Can break if the damage is too high.
- Added a tent which can be crafted from wood.
- added sounds of zombies.
- Installation script objects from DayZ
- The damage from all melee weapons is increased.
- Added melee weapons from DayZ Epoch - Sledgehammer.
- Possibility crafted bat with nails and barbed wire.
For Kraft added a lot of different subjects.

Map: Lignor
- New system repairs transport.
- New system of medicine.
- New system of food.
- Various illnesses.
- Crafting and building houses.
- System upgrade weapons.
- A huge variety of weapons, vehicles, skins, backpacks.
- Many new items.
- Many new features.
- Wild and Infected dogs.
- Protected camp bots.
- Updated map. Almost 500 buildings, and more......

our mail:
our forum:
our site:
Dude you have 13 GB of Mod files and your upload averages at some 200 KB/s? Are you serious? 2hrs or so for one archive part and there is 7 of those. Not to mention your crew stole other people's work without giving credit, ripped vehicles from other games/sources. Let's face it, you're bunch of thieves so you should really GTFO from this forum - go sell your shit elsewhere. ,,i,,
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