Conspiracies, and Nightstalkers's missions ... ( I think the addon is called @NC) , is the one that parts were missing from it. I never got to play them, but those were non-sandbox missions, more linear "campaigns" from what I understand.
I use STALKER Development Mod , I believe as my Stalker Base. It's the most "complete one" I found. I imagine that , it's possible to merge Stalker mods with Daizy SP codes , but I simply don't understand how to do so, and get the Stalker skin characters to work with it. ( I cannot seem to get the "survivors" to spawn in correctly so everything loads and runs either. ) So, I am having to work around that , though I found out the real survival pack doesn't work-work. It runs, you can eat/drink , but it doesn't really do anything ... nor change variables on characters to get hungry or thirsty, but it will de-hydrate AI units. I talked to the creator via email , and he said he never finished the project , DayZ came out and no one cared, and he made it more for "MILSIM" role-play , than he did for absolute "survival" , but changes to Arma2 OA/Co ... broke the system, and he never fixed any of it. ( and he is not going to. ) I'm working on a sandbox like Stalker theme'd thing right now , I thought i'd spice it up with Real survival pack , and the Undead Mod ... but I'm not happy with undead mod really. It gives correct "zombies" ( shambling moaning/screaming zombies ), but the undead mod system changes how independant faction is automatically hostile to everyone. I think the zombified "stalkers" should be enough though. The hard parts for me , is loot and Artefacts atm. I need to script a vendor that will buy the artefacts , and a shop that will sell weapons and ammo at least. I can somewhat randomly generate loot around. For all these I have to create arrays and databases of all these items, and find all the classnames ... it's time consuming and tedious work. I'm having to look for how to script things like Health , Radiation accumulation , Currency , and have it show up in the epeen monitor ... as making icons seems complicated. Then it's on to placing proper Stalker things, anomalies, mutants , ect ... Then from there, figuring out the best way to add in AI enemies , that will spawn in and do things. Stalker mod, separates the "factions" , and since I have it to where you can play any of the Factiions ( Duty=East, Freedom = Bluefor ( those should be switched BTW) , Ecologist ( scientist) = Civ, and Free Stalkers ( Independant) ... I did this, because in part it is designed for MP ( small scale role-play between factions. I have set 29 playable "characters" over-all. No more than 8 per faction. I doubt anyone would ever get that many players if they ran it via Lan or Server. ) SP wise, a player can choose to experience the mission from different faction point of view. This will somewhat change the "enemies" depending on faction used. Or it should anyways. I also left this "open" for MCC to be used ( I added a few NPCs in the debug areas , that can be "hijacked" ) for those intending to run some dynamic stuff, increase Role-play , ect...) Spawning in Enemy AI is the hard part ... with Duty being East ( opfor) , they will be "freindly" by default with AI that would fight the other factions, and need opposing ( bluefor) AI to combat instead ... so it's difficult to set up "general bandits" that target all factions, I'm not even sure that can be done to be honest. I'm using Chernarus map , for sake of simplicity ... Namalsk looks the part ( unless you have a low end computer and go low settings) , but it's actually badly designed map for Stalker ... and I did want more area to have to use , more distance between POIs ... But I'll have a included "back story" to fill in why Chernarus is now a "Zone" too ... From there ... adding in additional buildings, fleshing out "camps" ... which I have to do after I get get everything scripted/coded/working and placed in the 2d editor, cause I need the 3d editor to place buildings and such correctly , once you go 3d editor, you have a hard time going back to the 2d editor where it's more simple to add scripts and debug init lines. Last night I went around placing "medical" supplies around , I'm being very generous with those , and my hope is one of the shops at least will sell medkits and anti-rads as well... some will be found via the random loot , but with so much loot in the array, they will possibly be rarer to just find. But, since I plan on removing the Undead Mod , I now have to go back and remove all the anti-infection objects first, other wise it'll crash upon starting the mission. So that will take hours ... I got ahead of myself , thinking I'd supplement the stalker-zombies, with regular zombies for flavor ... but undead mod did cause some issues with my factions , so I need to remove it all, re-do it. I WISH the stalker mods had a bit "more" in it ported from Stalker and already scripted like the medkits, detectors, and some mutants ... it would have been nice to have the food, and vodka , and snorks ... at least. I also wish I could use dayz code , for the "survival" aspects ... It'd be nicer that way I think, would handle a lot of things I feel would help ... while the "focus" of stalker is less about "survival" , and more of exploration and eeking out an existence in the zone ... it'd be nice to have the extras Dayz puts in , for immersion , and some utility ... like fixing vehicles , making stashes, places tents ... ect. Dayz backpacks are also "better" than default Arma2 back packs ... But I have to work with, what I can work with. DayZ/DaiZy ... just stumps me on using it. If I understood programming/scripting , It'd help much more ... ---------------------- Oops ... sorry for derailing the topic. I know this is about LoD , I kinda went off tangent forgetting what thread I was in. |
I did finally get the Single Shot over-under barrel shot gun to spawn in and work correctly now though ...
Someone had the classnames wrong in the documentation , I mispelled it by accident and it worked, so I copy-pasted the actual classname into my notes. This shotgun "sucks" in one way, but is "cool" in another at the same time ... Damage wise, it "shells" good damage at close range , but the draw back is , you have to reload every shot ... pressing "f" changes from the "ball" type ( slug) , to the Shell types , so it kind of fills up your inventory with "ammo" to use with it ... as each slot is absolutely ONE shot ... it is a good "starter weapon" , but not very "practical" to keep as a primary very long. InGame look at the Single-shot shotgun. While it's effective at close range, medium or long range shooting isn't very effective at all. It's a good weapon against Blind dogs, and zombied Stalkers, or if you sneak up close to enemies ... But they are so cumbersome and non-practical ... every "Camp" you have , has a surplus of these shotguns and ammo for free , as once stalkers find better weapons or buys them, they tend to donate these single-shots to camps for new stalkers to use. ( They are the only free weapons , besides the Scientist whom start with different weapon. Either must buy weapons/ammo , or find them in loot stashes. Or scavenge of dead enemies of course.) Since technically the scientist faction are not supposed to be " combatants" , they get to start with a pistol ... enough for defense if they must use a firearm. ( which is why scientist tend to "hire" stalkers while out in the Zone, for "protection" ... they are not -really- supposed to be "militant soldiers" , or armed to the teeth. ) Inventory shot of the Shotgun and ammo. See how it fills up inventory spaces? ... Thats 10 shots total. 5 slug, and 5 buck-shot , though if you wanted you could do one or the other , or any combo ... so a "full" inventory ( with-out backpack) you could only have 12 shots total. See, not very "practical" ... THIS shotgun should have been in DayZ , ... it's just crappy enough to be a common found shotgun ( like the double barrel in DayZ) , effective against close up zombies , but horrible on ammo ... I both like it, and hate it ... but figured it'd be the best "starting weapon" for new Stalkers , instead of the usual makarov ... ---------------------- Again, sorry for going off topic, this "discovery" just excited me ... one of those "frustrating things" I finally figured out how to add in and work , ... by accident! lol. |
In reply to this post by 000000
Is there any chance you can tell me how you edited the female zombies sprinting? I try to set it so that there are 0% fast zombies, yet the female zombies still sniff me out a mile away and sprint faster than I can. Is it found in the day_code or a different pbo?
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In reply to this post by Brolaski
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make a backup of dayz_code.pbo , now extract dayz_code.pbo with pbo manager ( ![]() after extracted it remove dayz_code.pbo (dont worry, you have a backup and a folder already) i uploaded the files without the female fast sprint zombies download it and extract it, inside are 3 files that you need to move to: (\dayz_code\Configs\CfgLoot) you can overwrite it. now pack the pbo ![]() when the process is done just delete the folder dayz_code and you are ready to go. |
00000- did you fix the crafting as well?
if we could set fires back to "normal" in crafting, and remove most the tool breakage ... I'd re-visit the mod again. Zombies - I think the 0% runners don't effect the female ones, ... not sure why, but arma has always handled male/female characters differently. 0% zombies ( no zombies) does work after the long initial load in. Then you can increase the AI presence. I thought it was nice, you could play with zombies, or no zombies for different experiences. |
@benevolentdevil i just modify and remove the nails in dayz_code.pbo but i think is easy to modify for just to have campfire as normal.
the file to modify campfire/fireplace is locate here dayz_code\actions\player_makefire.sqf modifying some text we can make it how we want. i still dont try it. pd, i have a nice program for to search files and text in any folder the name of the software is Agent Ransackā¢ the personal version is free. |
In reply to this post by Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
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this white noise is enable in 20mb dayz_code. still dont find the code. in this dayz_code its more difficult because have more diseases.
i test both pbo and visit the hospital in berezino and with 5mb day_code.pbo dont appears inside the hospital a box full of medicines and with the other one (20mb dayz_code) yes. 20mb dayz_code: when someone shut you, you have to go fast as hell to find a hospital and use more than 2 o 3 medicines.- some post up i posted screenshot what is inside this medicine box. i found it ![]() i was using a lot of those meds to try to find what can cure me. i did but dont remember what medkit was. happen the same when you get hit by a zombie. |
yeah, the 20gb one adds a crap-ton of extra content.
It is closest to Dayz Standalone I've ever seen. I think ... the 20gb "white-noise" should be colorized , say you have cholera ( drinking bad water, or eating raw chicken ) ... it should be "white-noise" tinged with orange ... if it's a blood infection, maybe tinged with red/pink? That way, you have some clue you are infected ... and by what. I don't know about LOD ( I turned diseases off , as I kept getting a disease just from temp dropping when testing. ) ... But I played the 5gb one, I did not want to fill up what's left of my HD with 20gb+ of more aggravating extra content. I knew thats what it'd do ... just add in more aggravation, more things to make it more complicated and harder. I think what they tried to do, is make it more like "standalone Dayz" , but limitations of Arma2 don't allow for a total conversion. I mean, these are made by "profezzional ruzianz" ... lol. They track down mutant wild pigs, naked in sub zero temperatures , swim 100k uphill both ways doing so, and kill the pigs with a etool by throwing it, and skin it with a spoon. Just for fun. What I mean is, for those that do not get "sarcasm" or " satire joking" by english language ... I was totally poking fun , at the fact Russians like to design games to be overly difficult. I mean, just look at STALKER and METRO games ... as examples. |
In reply to this post by 000000
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One of the best mods I've tried. A little help tho, for Roleplay purposes, Can someone tell me how to change the name of the char? It always start with "Alyusha....etc" when picking "male" char as I remember, I want to change it to something.
On the mod DaiZy FACTIONS Chernarus 1987, it is possible to change the char name to your desire by modifiying the description.ext file under the mission pbo. I checked the mission pbo of land of the dead and it doesnt contain the "class CfgIdentities". I think it's because LoTD mod contains a char selection (Male/Female) while 1987 doesnt. But I'm pretty sure there's you can still change the word "Alyusha" to something, it's just that I cant find the right file to edit it. Also, can someone upload the un-edited mission file of LoTD? I dont want to download the whole 7gb just for 1 file. THanks in advance |
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I'm no expert in this area, but I think "AEG" refers to the "Arma Electrical Grid" ... where you can somehow go to the places powerlines run, either disable electricty to towns, or turn them on ... instead of such being either absolutely on at night, or absolutely off
( no ambient street lamps/lights in houses ect ) ... I want to say for "war-simulation" AEG kind of made a bit more sense ... Enemy occupies a town, you could blow up thier electrical box and power generators , making things a bit darker ... useful if your faction has NVGs and they had less night vision or none. I'm not entirely sure how or why, that would be super important for "dayz" ... with the exception of running electricty to fuel stations maybe ... I see little gain or negative aspects for turning electrical supply on or off ... zombies don't care if you have lights or not , they don't care if you have access to fuel easily ... It's not like you have dependencies on electricity in game you MUST maintain ... Most don't even have any means of lighting for "bases" if bases are included ... But, I could be missing something too, ... I've never really played any missions or mods where the electrical grid was "important" , first time I seen "AEG" was in the TvT/PvP style" Wasteland" , and from what little I remeber of it, practically useless ... except for crippling enemy team's easy access to fuel sources nearby. |
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lets play again this amazing mod. xD
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what up! fellas. im still playing time to time. xD
have you find something better.? |
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