made a workbench and tent
A tent takes 2 canvas and two metal poles ... which is a bit "expensive" , metal poles are not easy to come by. Workbench is two lumber , one nails , and one plywood. WARNING- Your tools will break , and axe/knife blunt very fast and often. I'm probably gonna gonna use loki's lost key or MCC , to negate that spawn in tools ... first time I use my new knife, it breaks ... WTF??? First time i cut wood to make a fire my axe dulls ... double WTF? (I hate those chances of tool breakage , and aggravating continuous search for something , when it's spread out and not to common to find in the first place. ) |
But doesn't look like you need a plot pole for epoch building , just the epoch "recipies" are tad more costly/complex than regular epoch.
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i made some changes, i delete the infected dogs and the zombies (female) run like usaint bolt but by far is one of the best modpack
pd, this file stringtable.xml you can change some radio msg appears at the beginning. pd2, makewaypoints.sqf control all this msg. |
I never played vanilla long enough to find out about tool breaks.
I understand, it gives you more places to run and look around, forcing you around the map. But, ... it's time consuming as it is , I don't want to spend all my time running to look for grindstones and knives. I could see small chance of breakage, or even better something like ( You only get 20 uses out of this tool, 18/20 used) when it goes to zero, then it breaks. Basically breaking two tools on the first try, just tells me the percentages for blunting/breaking are too high. But with my luck, it could be just 1% , and I got all 100% of that 1% ... ![]() |
i will try later to find where to find and modify this about the tools. if i find a AXE i want this hold more than some minutes xD
ok its here, for the blunt hatchet:
if (random 20 < 1) exitWith { player removeWeapon "MeleeHatchet"; player addWeapon "ItemHatchetBlunt"; cutText [localize "str_player_75", "PLAIN DOWN"]; _isOk = false; _proceed = false; }; just need to delete or add // to every line location is: dayz_code/actions/player_chopwood.sqf |
yeah, can edit most the sqfs ... but there's many to do, hatchet , hunting knife, toolbox ( trust me you don't want that one to break , it's a royal pain to fill up ) Sledgehammer, Pickaxe ,crowbar, etool, shovel, ... thats alot of editing.
I couldn't get MCC to run with the LoD addon ... I don't know why, never gave me an error ... I get loki's lost key to work, partly ... but can't find all the items in it's list ... too many items via ARP items in it I think. ---------------------------------------- Well, it was -almost- a great mod ... but again, it was made to frustrate players, why everything has to be an ordeal/so difficult??? It would have been great , if you could hang onto tools for more than one or two uses ... , I can say for a fact ... it'd be near impossible to make a base if you had full zombies, infected dogs, and AI numbers bumped up. You wouldn't even get time to look at items, much less find all the crap you need. While it was almost neat ... almost there , I think I'm about done trying the daizy mods. Most of them are somewhat "fun" , up to a point ... then they become "grindy" , or too "videogamey" ... or get bored doing the same stuff over an over. I thought this one would be cool, new vehicles to fix up and drive ... I fixed that jeep ... OMG you need so much stuff just to fix wheels!!!! You need car battery, jumper cables, spark plugs, a manual to repair the repair the engine, engine block, engine parts , scrap metal , and every busted window needs a windscreen and a gasket called a "compactor" ... , which is way too much , way too much "work" just to get a simple ride. I can imagine finding a helicopter ... fixing it would be a nightmare even more so. I thought it'd be cool, to build a nice epoch-style base, add on with an Origins house later when the stuff was found ... But tools break about every time you use them, or get blunt ... and grindstones apparently are very rare finds. I spent hours looking for another one, got it fixed my hatchet ... then my knife broke again ... only blunt ones spawn ... So aggravating ... at least to me it is. |
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im editing the mod for have all the tools when i spawned. i remove nails from
dayz_code\Configs\CfgMagazines\EpochItems.hpp now i can build for example a workbench without need nails. still need knife and other stuff to "fix/modify". i dont want to use cheating scripts like loki. because if i know its there i will use it everytime and that kill the game. i also delete in init.sqf the option selection menu (selectparam.sqf) , now i spawn randomly in the map with the same gear from playerequip.sqf just need to edited and add items as you like. adding just // wont work for all.. im changing if (random 20 < 1) exitWith { to if (random 1000000 < 1) exitWith { maybe can hold a little more. xD |
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![]() ![]() |
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using some flares.. xD
![]() ![]() ![]() using sweetfx with a preset (if you are using the beta, you must copy the sweetfx files in beta folder.) 2.- in mission.sqm i change those parameters..its right after the list of all addons in mission.sqm startWeather=0.77659982; forecastWeather=0.52341133; year=2018; month=10; day=31; hour=5; minute=30; right now i made some changes: -removed carries -removed all jsrs sound files (i will add just somes later) -removed Dogs -removed female zombies running really fast -removed itemnails from epoch building system -modify the time toolbox and other tools broke -removed selectparam.sqf , now character respawn randomly in map with the same loadout/gear: the items are: -silenced riffle with flashlight on it. -m9sd -toolbox -map -backpack with 72 slot -other stuff dont remember right now. xD |
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i update it rachel have to change the 20 to 1000000, in this file or another is if (random 30 < 1) exitWith {
both i changed for 1m and til now no more broke. |
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yep, just need to increase to 100 or 200.- just put the number you feel confortable. i spend 1 real day try to find a toolbox and after less than 20 uses desappears. xD.
i will reduce later after i test some building stuff. now im trying to add a "salvage script" with that i can repair one car with parts i found or take from old vehicles. |
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