Yeah, that circle shaped mega structure is more suited to online MP , I just thought it was a neat design idea , amazing what others can code for building with Epoch parts.
- Markets ... I agree 100%. I didn't think so at first, but that was because I didn't know any better ... That touches on your "sims" comment a bit ... which I think "survival" would or should be more "sim" like ... as in more interactions beyond just looting and killing. Markets though, at first I thought it was nice, because it made it easier to get things you'd normally have to travel farther to search for. But I played a while, and figured out that messed up the game play ... it made it too easy-mode. I would have liked to see, more of a "player-driven economy" ... as in direct trade, not places you could just go buy whatever you wanted. The problem with "player economy" was, well, everyone could find everything , anywhere more or less. To be honest, there was 100% absolutely no reason or logic to "murder/KOS" other players. If they had loot ... a few towns or a trip to a military area , you had the same or equivalent loot generally speaking. It just would have been more "realistic" to do a trade for items, some items and things so rare, as they would be "valuable" or worth like 10 food, and 5 waters or sodas ... or more even, ... But the way DayZ was set up ... really impossible to do a direct player to player "trade system" like that. As far as a "sim" goes ... I understand from a single player perspective what you intend with that. SP rather forces out of the simulation , and just be a surviving combatant. MP wise though ... it 'should be' more of a SIM, not a glorified deathmatch arena with random loot and zombies thrown in. I was in the US Army for a while, and I've done solo survival courses both mil spec and civilian ... I can guarantee 100% , raw basic "survival" alone , no aid, no help, no luxuries like electricity and running water ... sucks. It sucks , that about 70-80 hours is all you can stand and want to do. You 'can do more ' , you just do not want to after a short time. And thats with no people around to rob you, or kill you, or zombies to eat you. Just solo , trying to get by. In a SHTF situation, or big disaster aftermath, "survival" a portion of it would be having some sort of small groups, or "colonies". I tend to think about that movie "Reign of Fire" , there would be other survivors ... they'd try to survive together, somewhere "safe" or safe as could get ... safety in numbers, many hands make lighter work, and of course ... not everyone has the same skillset or knowledge needed. To me, it's less "Sims" , and just more "realistic expectations", it should be more of a "simulation" ... but sadly All DayZ fell short of that , somehow or someway. As far as LoD "construction" , I do think it's maybe more forgiving of the simplified vanillia included portions. You have probably gotten a tad "lucky" not breaking anything even doing that , cause chances look to be set fairly high by script to break stuff ... if I'm looking at it right. But I just feel there should be "more" than just stashes, tents , and barb wire to make you a place in the world ... even fortifying up a house or building would technically be "better" , than living in a tent full time. Actually ... you can make a hut/cabin out of sticks and mud in real life, fairly easily ... the more clay content the mud, the better ... which would be also far superior to a tent in the long run. Well, with fire, water and clay ... you can make bricks, "mortar", cups , bowls , roof tiles ... fireplace, pots to carry water, pots to store goods in ... a biit of wood, makes for shelves, utencils , ... ect. Lol, now I wouldn't expect such to be "zombie proof" of course , but again better than a small flimsy tent hahaha! Survival wise, there is a lot, and I mean a lot that DayZ doesn't even cover ... or what it did, it either "over-complicated" simple things , or excluded common sense simplistic things entirely. Sorry about the threat de-rail with the screenshot of the circular fortress ... I didn't make that, just seen it, I thought it looked neat, and just wanted to share it. I wouldn't build anything like that for SP more likely ... not until I put in many months of playing , if then even. If I was on a public server, had a clan ... then I'd build a fortress to keep our stuff safe, and secure ... as best I could anyways. But for SP ... or not playing with others even on MP ... or just a few occasional friends or buddy's in passing ... I prefer smaller, manageable , often over-looked/ignored builds. I mean hehehe, big bases, means you got lots of stuff, big vehicles, ...ect. makes it too "tempting" for others to want to break in, sneak in, kill you, loot your stuff ... Most will simply ignore/over-look that small little hut looking thing ... if they come across it that is. If it' s not big and flashy, they think you are a noob, it's a "starter base" ... can't be that much in there ... ect. Some might still try to get in, or camp it to kill you ... but thats just DayZ MP for ya ... But my "ideal" DayZ situation , would be to play more of a "role" ... like maybe what my character is good at is hunting/fishing ... got a little wood/cabin up in the woods, I go out mostly to hunt animals, gut/cook the meat ... or fish for it , then travel to "survival camps" , trading for other things I need or want ... , which is a totally "realistic" survival based "role". Maybe only a few players, have skills of actually working on vehicles ... so they might become "mechanics" ... maybe some have some engineering , so the Bigger buildings , electrical grids, water purification ...ect was what they did, medical ... nurses and doctor "roles" ... While one could look at all that, and say " that's like real life" , but that's how it'd be in surviving a huge catastrophic event , even something as far fetched as "zombie virus outbreak" ... more people means , more skillsets/knowledge gets passed around, ... things we take for granted , would be highly prized and desirable ... can you knit/make your own clothing? Do you know how to preserve food with-out refrigeration/electricity? Do you know about livestock, can you farm or grow your own food? Would you be able to patch up wounds, or know how to treat illnesses? Sure you can scavange pharmacies ... do you know though, what is antibiotics , and what is pain killers, or blood pressure pills, or what combos of medicines would kill you , or make you sicker? See, it's a basic idea, that long term "survival" would absolutely be dependent on others grouping up and working together. So, yeah in a way it'd be very "sims" like ... Of course you don't have to play that way , lol ... I like we have different playstyles and desires on how we approach this thing. I look at it like this ... if we were playing MP , because your nature is cautious, and do't mind tedious ... you'd be good at the things I'm not good at. I'm more ... quick to get things done type, I set a task, and get it done ASAP ... against other players, I'm great at combat long as they don't got a tank , or aircraft thats OP ... Ai, well, I'm still working on that ... amazing Ai aimbots , I have a harder time seeing them alot , or figuring out where exactly they are shooting from. ( seems like more pixel hunting , than it is combat from my point of view.) But I like to get "set up" , first thing is basic needs ... hatchet, water, food, fire-capability , then weaponry/ammo ... then storage or vehicle, many times I just skip the vehicles cause I can walk/run everywhere anyways , lol ... Then it's stock up , and security ... if I have ability to build a decent "base" or camp I will ... But I've never been "into" trader cities , markets , going to get aircraft or fast cars, or armored -anything- ... , not after I played a while, and figured out those things kind of help "ruin" the game play for me. Other players, used it all for easy to get to where they could go battle royale everyone else ... , no "moderation" , always one extreme or another ... I do like about 85% of LoD ... I was very impressed with it when first trying it. It wasn't until, the toolbox thing , and tedious over-complication to do the simplest things , that soured my enthusiasm a bit. For what it is, I still think it's a cool mod ... , just part of my problem is I'm just a bit burned out on DaiZy Sp. But, ... there's not much else to play SP wise for Arma2 Co ... most made "missions" are buggy, incomplete , run addons/mods I don't want ... and are also generally aggravating in more ways than I want to put time in ... I don't feel like cracking open the LoD files, and fixing the parts I don't like ( if I could figure it out, that is ) ... more cause I am quite a bit bored with DayZ/DaiZy concept at this time. |
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I agree to an extent, what you mean about "side chat" ...
like the "trade for NVGs" ... , umm if they can't direct chat to someone, it shouldn't be allowed. Begging for rides ... agreed. That's just laziness . Now I'd allow "S.O.S" calls, ... like " I'm at NW Airfield, legs are broken, need help. Anyone on this channel?" ... As long as it wasn't "spam" ... being hurt somewhere, you take risk bad guys show up and rob/kill you ... or no help comes anyways ... As long as side wasn't "abused" or taken out of realistic context ... But I always wanted to ban teamspeak/discord/skype from use ,... most "groups" use it to private communicate , even if one guy is all the way across the map, the others know exactly things they wouldn't know , if they weren't using those programs to basically skirt around any chat channel rules , and metagame-cheat ... |
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i shot from AI,that means you are die.
zombie hit you... you are so far from hospital..die. AI shot me so far away and i use a bandage and after couple of minute i die. one thing i dont like is the monitor flashing from grey to black and white when you get hit. i need to modify this but dont know where is the file locate. |
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![]() hungry or when i need water or when i got hit by zombie/AI. its like the heaven tunnel. |
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the LoD coming with 2 dayz_code one with 5mb and another one with over 20mb. im using the big one i will switch and try the little one.
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I've never ran my food or water down past low line red ... In combat I hadn't experienced but a moment of black and white "flash" when hit. Usual low blood color fade yes. maybe you got a disease or infection? I turned that off on mine ... What I don't like , is when getting shot at, your character hyperventilates , ... I think they are trying to simulate "adrenaline rush" , but you can't aim well when doing that either. Adrenaline would grant sharper reflexes, faster response , and a boost of speed in fight or flight situations ... Not make you worse at combat, lol. Yeah that AI can be very difficult in these, all the DayZ single player AI , not just this one. This one and origins though, Ai work together almost flawlessly ... I remember trying a mission on Origins SP lite ... One guy was on a .50 cal , I shot him ... I had five bandits flank me on one side, and two shooting at me, and five others Ais flank around behind and to my left ... I took out 7 out of ten of them, by hit and fade tactics, the last three though, always seemed to be behind me , hidden very well in cover. Guess thats one reason I prefer human players ... they can be difficult too of course, even sneaky to get good ambushes or just one-shot you in the head from far off ... BUT, human players make mistakes, they miss ... they lose you, you can flank them, ... Ai is only programmed to somewhat be "dumb" at first ... but AI always knows your location, always knows best shot angle, doesn't have to switch aiming modes .... ect. |
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The "normal" AI in Origins were fine, it was the mission AI that was a huge pain.
an observation of most dayz I made, was you can do much "heavy combat" with zombies/infected, because they are up close and visible ... AI can be 1000m away, show up as small pixel dot , with trees/grass/objects in the way ... very hard to spot and target. I don't think thats too fun to be honest ... I think AI should be able to engage farther than 300m away , unless of course , you initiate shooting at them from farther away ( like using a sniper rifle from a distance.) Some of that is a fail-point of arma2 engine though ... distance viewing units , is more pixel hunting than realistic line of sight/aiming. On Olive's mods ... I don't like his Faction one much, ... but I do like the "Wasteland1987" no zeds one ... with the exception, that one and dayofSurvival ... enemies can spawn right on top of you. You'll be looking at a tent, then all of a sudden 3-7 enemies spawn right on you, shooting you as they spawn in. sometimes a "patrol trigger" will spawn a vehicle patrol , or increased spec Ops AI like 50m away, of course they too shoot before fully rendered in ... |
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Hatchet/machette or crowbar , or sledgehammer makes quick work of indoor zeds ...
Head hit em though. Also does not 'aggro' others nearby ... No matter how "tough" coders made zombies/infected in DayZ , they are and always have been just annoyances, once you put in enough time to figure out how to combat and stealth around them. Try playing the Dynamic Zombie Sandbox ... now THOSE zombies/infected are a threat and major issue, and sneaking around sometimes don't help you in that ... To me, the difference is night and day ... I think because DayZ was more of a battle royale made game, than an actual survive the infectioned simulation. I honestly believe thats what DayZ was intended all along , just a glorified PvP game mode. |
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Epoch isn't always daytime ... thats the crappy server admins whom code that in ... lol.
When I played Epoch , it was less "modded" than it is now ... still easy mode, but it got dark , no moon nights or over-cast/foggy/rainy ... no high end thermal scopes, only one rifle with night vision scope, and one other you could use nvgs to aim through scope wise, or use iron sights ... Epoch was far less "militarized" than Over-poch was ... and in order to get legit upper-end milspec gear/weapons, you did have to work for it, either be a high level hero, or high level bandit ... , well, you could "find" things occasionally on that spectrum, but as far as easy-mode buying it ... you had to work at it. ---------------- yeah I discovered that in LoD with the AI as well ... I think there is somewhat a "reputation" that relies on how many bandits you kill , zombies you kill ... that effect some of those AI that ignore you at first ... but I think while they won't attack you ( unless you go bandit yourself lol) , I think some will always be indifferent if you exist or not ... ---------------- For MCC I used the Undead mod , or the Infected Mod ... both about the same ... DZM ... runs itself through many parameters , no real "need" to MCC control it ... , Loki's lost key if you want 'cheats' enabled in DZM ... , but the "fun" of DZM is it's difficult , the only things it lacks .. is like you said, the survival aspects. But yes, I've ran into faction issues using MCC before , ... before messing with zombies, Stalker Mod the "neutral faction" ( loner-stalkers) was buggy, and difficult to spawn in ... if I remember right. Also had issues with AlienZ mod same way. But I do think MCC can run in DayZ code , I'm just unsure how to make Players be able to use the food/thirst/temp/blood UI , setting up for it ... Sadly though, i can only "test" so much ... because , not only do i not have players to test with, I still cannot play MP with my ISP so bad on Arma2 anymore. Couldn't host a mission that way either, as it is worse doing so, than simply trying to play MP. -------------------- In unrelated "news" , I've taken a bit of a break from DayZ/Arma2 and picked up playing Stalker again. I have STALKER CoP ... , I've never played it "modded" before ... but I'm downloading Call of Chernobyl mod right now ... It changes the entire game from what I've seen online ... STALKER games, are survival-ish fun ... in my opinion ... it' s only "drawback" in my eyes, is it's entirely SP ... I kind of get tired of playing it "normal" , doing some cool or discovering neat things, and I'm the only person whom gets to experience it while in game ... But for a SP game ... it's very ... fun. Quite a bit on the unforgiving/harsh side at times, but for it's age, unexpectedly fun ... I got tired of being aggravated by the extensive extras and tools needed for LoD construction , I simply didn't feel like un-packing the .pbos to do fixes like 00000 did. In part, because I'm sick of looking at .sqf and config codes , and in part because doing so, means I'd have to start over from scratch again ... So feeling a bit "burned out" , I turned back to Stalker CoP , cause i hadn't played it in a long while. |
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Arma2 Stalker mods, I actually only got two mods to work, both made by DAP or continued from DAP's work.
The ones the Nightstalker clan worked on , NC , or Shadow of Namalsk , there wa sanother I forget the name ... never worked off the downloads for me. They are ... interesting. I like how everything works if you script it in. I just did not like namalsk as an island , ran very poorly for me ... I do have one mission that is incomplete , but has a start of recreating STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl ... (I've only played CoP ( the latest ) as I figured it was most "updated" of all the Stalkers, but I've watched seen all the "lore" and understand the differences of the games.) The Stalker Mod for Arma2 OA , is nice ... it includes working medkits , working rad medicines, working detector , also a working PSI shield, though I do not like using the emmisions ( very problematic, PSI and Emissions kill NPC AI, even indoors. ) ... I wish they had "ported" more Mutants from Stalker ... All the Anomalies in Arma-Stalker kill , and you do not get the wavy "air" indication ... bloodsuckers are OP by default too. But there's not really a "survival" aspect in place with the mod. Not eating, not drinking ... no vodka, lol. Can't place tents for storage , backpacks have default Arma2 slots. I can get the Stalker shotgun to spawn in , but seems it's ammo is missing from the resource ... The Real Survival Pack is somewhat "working" , the icons do not work though ( I finally tested that ) , and RSP is made more for MilSim-RP , than it is a "survival" modification ... and it will not work with every mod or addon either. So it's not perfect ... and, well to be honest , no one cares about Stalker in the DayZ spotlight anyways. ---------------------- Real Stalker ... I havent gotten Call of Chernobyl mod to unzip, tried three times ( 3gb, one download ) , kept saying I was missing content, could have been corrupted. ---------------------- I actually like the DayZ inventory , over default inventory. The one for Origins online , is even better ... but of course Origins adds in hats, gloves, mask , quite a bit more " customization". I like the melee/rifle switch myself, it seems more realistic to me, than "packing" rifles into a backpack lol. |
Now i remember why I stopped playing CoP ... the gun-play is horrible!!!
Reminds me now, why I decided to try and use Stalker mods on Arma2 OA ... alright back to the drawing board. |
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