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00000- Man, if you can do all that editing and fancy stuff, why haven't you just made your own DaiZy mod/mission???
Lol ... Rachel - ... yeah, I could follow 00000's advice and edit the files to remove the aggravating parts. But honestly ... it's just not really worth taking the time to do so. Mostly because I was only really interested in making a cool base of operations out of the epoch building parts ... The whole "survival game" aspect has worn off for me. With-out player interactions ( Co-Op, or Role Play) , I just feel like DaiZy is very limiting , and becomes a grindy "videogame", not really an immersive experience. Sadly enough ... part of my issues is my computer. It's too outdated, and can't be upgraded anymore than I got it ... a laptop is limited in what it can do. With-out Multiplayer capability basically, Arma2 and Arma3 suck ... Single Player is fine for those times you don't feel like having to mess with other people, or be a part of a group and keep up with group demands and locations/ect. > Which can be a pain in the ass in itself at times. However ... when you have ideas , and aren't a russian hacker genius, or know programming ... you get shafted in arma2 Co/OA now. The people that could do amazing things moved on. What you are left with , is old stuff ( most the "cool stuff" is simple arma2 scripts and mods.) ... or things that just do not quite "fit" into what you are trying to do and accomplish. Mostly because, Arma2 Co is somewhat a military themed virtual combat environment ... thats what it was designed for , and even DayZ mod couldn't over-come those basic principles and limitations. Quite honestly ... the best modifications and additions I've seen in Arma games, is the "life-servers" ... Island Life, City-Life, Zargabad Life, Takistan Life ... ect. Some have some amazingly done mods and scripted things , that really push the envelope on arma2's basic limitations ... My thing is ... I really dislike the GrandTheftAuto "play" , or "Dark-RP" aspects of those "life servers". If left up to me, I'd use those systems in totally different ways ... but the best ones, the designers are very stingy with thier code ... which is stupid in arma2 Co nowadays, because once a server shuts down ... and the Devs/admins no longer play ... the scripts and modifications vanish with it. To be honest ... a combination of some of the "life server" systems, and DayZ codes/addons ... would have made a much better "game" ... more dynamic, more immersive. But ... I'm one of the few players that can think "outside the box" ... that sees "possibilities" ... my issue is, I can't make mods, I can't make GUIs/UIs, I can't program , I can't "script" ... I can look at some scripts and such, and figure out some simple things ... but I can't do anything advanced , and I get tired of making things where the "action menu" is full of things for the players to scroll through to get to and use. I get tired of fighting arma2's locked in system ... like changing weapon damages, or backpacks inventory. Try to "populate" a map/island with NPCs , or make places seem more "alive" by having citizens going about thier business ( and not be on takistan/zargabad map) ... even getting attacked by "zombies" or "infected" ... dying/turning into "infected" right before your eyes ( or try to save them) ... again, no easy way to do so ... unless you spend days with triggers, map markers, functions , and unreliable spawn in systems. Then, you get Ai that spawns in, and just "stands there" ... and you spend more days debugging your patrol scripts, building placements ... ect. Things I want to do, are either impossible or out of reach for me. Like I've said before ... I'm dependant on what others provide for DaiZy , DayZ , or arma2 CO in general ... and no one really makes it but how they see it should be played. Like LoD for example ... while it's somewhat configurable ... the person whom made it , thought it was more "fun" to have breaking tools, make it super hard/difficult to "survive" ... thats what was fun for him , and unless you know how to mod scripts ... you are stuck with that design. So ... I've lost heart, and am quickly losing interest in arma2 things. I think I'm gonna go self-teach Unreal Engine 4 game making , and start making my own videogames. Slow process ... but it's the only way my "visions" will go forward I think. |
i like the base of this mod. the only i dont like is the tons of weapons and military vehicles have already. (today i found a tank, wtf!).
i want to leave it as minimal of "unnecessary stuff".- before my wish was find something between daizy 2018 and origins sp. and i think i find it with this mod. (with some modifications of course xd) Im not so good for to make my own SP. i have some cools ideas but zero skills. xD. today i was dying of cold and cut some woods and find some matches and...surprise i need paper and gasoline. for that i love this mod. i died of course. xD |
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could be, someone have refuel? how its work?. i think i need a lot of stuff to make this possible. xD
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but i like it. xD. its fun to play.
In reply to this post by Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
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![]() a lot of "pile wood raw" useless right now, the trees give more raw wood than normal pile wood.but you need the pile wood for building stuff. a super zombie hit me and i have to go fast to the hospital ![]() thx god i found a full box of medicines. |
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In reply to this post by Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
Rach ... yes, I am very non-vanillia expereinced.
I did play on one for a few days, and at that time ... that version base building was not available, vehicles ... were practically untouched by most. Some "coveted" ones like the Urals were taken ... or large trucks with large cargo capacity. You kind of had to get off the coast to find a vehicle , most were damaged and needed repaired. North of Zelenagorsk though, i found a working motorcycle ... all I needed was fuel, and I was less than 800m away from a fuel station, a barn nearby had a fuel can and hose. SO I zipped over to Stary Sobor ... and found out , that everyone playing on the server was more into helping each other, instead of the usual "bandits everywhere" ... I got my legs broken, because I steppe doff a porch the wrong way. One guy came to my call for aid, gave me morphine ... I seen a few others, but they did not stop , never talked or typed in chat , ignored and ran away from anyone approaching. While in Stary still, I found a tent. So I hopped on my moto , loaded down with canned food, water bottles and , I had a machete , hunting knife, matches , and a winchester ( which is a decent DayZ weapon to be honest.) ... I zipped up to the lake by the dam, stashed my moto nearby, and set off to find a location to put my camp that wasn't obvious. Day 2 - ( I had to log off for a few days) ... I resume my "search" ... and came across another player's camp ( the guy whom gave me morphine) , in the exact same spot I had in mind ( and was my usual place to build larger bases in Epoch, lol ) ... He had many tents, a Ural, and a couple of cars ... and everything was full of all the supplies one would need. I waited around for him, got tired of waiting after a few hours ... and I went back west, on the other side of the lake/dam area to set up camp in the woods for myself. While doing this, I had one guy try to nab my motorcycle ... I spotted him , he didn't see me. I followed him to my motorcycle , I let him put fuel in it ( was almost empty hahaha) , and then I confronted him ..., after a bit of awkward moments ( I was just about to shoot him dead for theft ) , he informed me he didn't know I had taken the Moto from Zelenagorsk area, drove it up there, he thought he found a fresh spawn ... ( I damaged it a bit and ran it almost out of fuel , so it did look like a DayZ spawned vehicle lol) He was gonna fix it , and use it ... so I just gave it to him . I hadn't set up my camp yet, so it wasn't like my location was comprimized really, no harm done. Day3 - I log in, set up my tent. Stash my food. I run down to some towns and to Devils castle ... , I find a cammo net , another tent there. I stocked up on more food in cans , and discovered by accident I didn't need an axe to cut wood, the machete did it to. So, now I figured out I could make fire, and cook my own hunted food. Went back to camp , chopping zombies along the way. Re-Death by Machete lol ... Then I see the guy I give my moto to, dies. Not long after, he dies again. Not long after, he dies again. I ask him by typing, why he's dying ... and zombies kept killing him. He ran out of bullets, and was in Cherno ... which meant lots of zombies spawning in. The guy with his camp to my immediate east, also was paying attention, so he came over picked me up and we went to "rescue" the guy I gave the moto to. He wrecked the moto, and on his second death, it de-spawned , so it was lost and gone. We got the guy fixed up, gave him some supplies, I showed him how to use the hatchet to silently kill zeds with , he didn't even know how to sneak around properly, lol. We dropped him off somewhere around Electro area, and went back up to the lake. The guy driving , took me to his camp, ( I didn't tell him I already knew it was there ) , and because I was nice guy and tried helping the newer guy, he loaded up one of his trucks ... good weapons, ammo, more tools , and some extra food , and a fishing pole. I didn't even know fishing was a "thing" in DayZ until then. It was kinda dumb, but you couldn't fish in the small lakes , you had to go to the coast to fish. I don't know why ... but thats how it was. But I spent probably the next week ... just fishing and hunting, cooking the meat. I filled up one tent full all food , I boiled water from the lake nearby ... The only real "issue" I had , was getting cold when rainy. Nothing over my head immediate, a small run to the barn by the Dam was best I could do there. It had Zombies lurking around it always though, because they spawned at it, and the dam in that version. So it was never truely "relaxing" when needing to go dry out, mak e afire in the barn to warm up/wait for rain to pass. ( It rained A LOT!!!! ) ... So then I was like ... I'm set, this is it. I got storage, I got a ride, I got supplies, weapons , somewhat can get to shelter ... all the water I need, and all the food I could ever eat ... I don't "need" anything else. I didn't have to go to towns, or loot. Because there weren't any bandits to kill or defend off ... it got boring. So, I just quit playing vanillia then, went back to Epoch/Overpoch. --------------- Yeah, I kinda like more "faster-gains" in some ways. But yes, the LoD mod, is a bit too extensive on just simple things. Especially in Real Life , when I know making a fire doesn't take but some tinder, and kindling and two sticks making friction fire ... no paper, no gas, not matches, lighters, ect ... I'm surprised he didn't script you needed to mine rocks to make a fireplace as well .. . lol. In fact, it needed to be scripted that you could make fire many ways ... if you had gas, you don't need paper or kindling , lol ... just matches or lighter. If you only had matches , then maybe woodchips and wood ... ect ... not ALL of that mess just to make a fire ... it took something vital you need to do, and over-complicated it. Yes, your tool box will break. I broke 4 of them repairing two wheels , also broke my crowbar twice , I had to find a hand pump and screw jack as well ... Also needed spark plugs, battery , a manual to repair the engine ... I forget what else. But yes, the box breaks ( I think it says " You have Toolbox broken" , instead of your "tool box broke" .. and you will have to go find all the tools that go in another empty toolbox. Lucky for me, I kind of figured it'd break, so I packed two , stashed two in my tent, then went and packed another two, one on my belt , one in my backpack. -------------------- It's the grindstone ( at least for me, the hardest thing to find. ) ------------------ But no, I don't particularly like tedious. I don't have the patience really ... I understand what you mean, " you don't want end game in a few hours" ... I don't exactly want that either , but I also do not like having to constantly "grind" just to do simple things, and make it all tedious. LoD , while great concept ... just becomes too "grindy" in that sense. Too much for me anyways. Such reminds me of those crappy made "survival games" , where your food and water run out really fast , day and night and season change every few hours ... where all you do, is seek out those basic things to keep your hunger/thrist up, forcing you to ignore or pass up other features ( like construction of a hut/house/base) ... It also reminds me of DayZ Standalone ( I'm fairly sure much of it is the same in LoD , the fireplace reminds me of the overly complicated system in Standalone. ) ... Standalone is much WORSE than Vanillia , no cars in Standalone. No Base building ... there are barrels and tents , good luck "hiding" those though. So ALL of Standalone is looting/grinding , repairing your stuff , or shooting other people. Some things in standalone is cool ... like, right at the beginning, spawn on the coast, you search the ground for rocks , out of that rock you find, you craft a makeshift knife. With that one "knife" , you can make a bow, arrows, fire, firebow, a spear ( well you need bone , and chicken feathers at least for some of that) ... from animals you can get meat, cook on the fire , ... all you really "need" is water/drinks from there. But , that's as "simple" as it gets in Standalone ... everything else is just aggravation ... you get "infected", you have to treat it the right way, and there's like 12 different types of infection, all needs a different treatment. Good luck getting bloodbagged ... you need to know your blood type , and if you find a test kit, you better be a doctor in real life, to understand it's results. Not that your ever gonna find a compatible bloodtype , a kit to do injections thats "clean" ... or someone to give you the bloodbag. No one is "nice" in standalone ... all will try to murder you, or at least try and rob you blind, leaving you with nothing, and still not bloodbag you. So it too is just to tedious, and grindy ... some "systems" don't make sense , even if others are very cool. Thats why LoD reminds me of it ... same thing, just different stuff to be overly tedious with is all. ------------ I would rather have the option to set my own "pace". Like base building for example ... it takes a bit of time , just to craft wood from trees into lumber and plywood , for wood structures. Then time to make those into walls, a full wood wall, means you need enough materials to make 3 smaller walls and combine them together ... Thats just for one wall. I'm not even gonna remark on the cynder-block walls, and what that takes ... lol. That process is more than enough time consuming as base "epoch" set it ... and just because you make a base quicker, doesn't always mean you reached "end game" ... you can always "improve" or make additions ... Once you got a good base, and supplies stashed up ... why not go set up some out-post along the coast? Or go make a beach condo? Or a Lake side Cabin somewhere ... or a hunting lodge up in the hills? Or if desire to be REALLY creative, why not craft up a small "villiage" somewhere, complete with fences and walls to keep the zeds out? Yeah, you might not ever get any civilians to come live there ... or AI to set up a "civilization" ... hahaha, but you could build it ... if everything wasn't so time consuming and tedious and breakage such a pain ... You are always gonna use up food and drinks ... most likely some ammo to ... , eventually if you get a working vehicle, it'll need gas at some point ... , "end game" with a game system that honestly has no real "end" ... just death end it ... is subjective to one's point of view, I think. |
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Not in LoD , or only remotely related, but I seen this and thought it was an awesome Epoch building ... it does need some "work" , a few more secure parts , and a location no hills over-looking down into it ( avoiding snipers) , but great looking , and interesting building design non-the-less.
Circle shaped base |
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