It's easier to enjoy it after multiplayer. Because you realize how hard it gets to survive, esp on your own. The bots on SP has quite some food, so it becomes alot easier. |
This post was updated on .
It's a good mod... Nice work, Fedus_87... But the main problem is Chernarus isn't as devastated as it should be. These models would probably be better suited to Namalsk that has a better post-apocalyptic feel than standard Chernarus. This is why I can't believe Shinkkicker wants to use Celle as the "official" DayZ 2017 map when that is even more modernized than Chernarus! Celle may be the most hardware friendly map in all of ArmA 2, but that's because it's not that detailed and more or less just flatland and scattered towns. It's like the forested version of Takistan, or Zargabad. |
thanks alot DayZ_SP and i agree on the map chernarus works and all but i would love to see a chernarus appocalypse edition lol that will never happen though. i agree on namalsk also i wouldnt mind combining the 0.72v of namalsk with this 2017 mod would be so hardcore and creepy at night with the bloodsuckers around. but unfortunatly me or above dayz have yet to find a soloution for the custom loot in namalsk 0.72
When problems like no loot spawning on custom maps comes up, you really need to know how the mod (DayZ) and ArmA 2 works at the code level, so you can at least narrow it down to possible causes.
This way, you can know whether or not you may have to go in and alter some files, replace some files, etc. This is why releasing custom SP maps isn't as easy as it sounds. You also need to be able to provide good post-release support because that's what gets users to trust your releases, not just the quality of the initial release. So, for Namlask, you are going to have to decompile every .pbo and see where the problem might be because most of these custom maps come with functions the people porting them to DayZ wanted that are not necessarily compatible with normal DayZ which compounds isolating problems and fixing them. This is what I went through when porting the first version of Namalsk... |
If the map comes with it's own DayZ files, use those... Enable SP in the menu... And don't replace them with stock files.
Sometimes, you will find what the map porters will simply use an older version of DayZ, but update certain files and change the version number to match the current release. This is not how it should be done, but they do it to reduce downtime between versions for server admins. This is why Namalsk may (still) be running 1.7.3. at its core, even though it says This is also the reason it takes a while for maps to be updated whenever a new version of DayZ is released and why some are a version behind (because the custom features don't work with the new version and they have to find workarounds). You also have to know what Kronzky did to give us SP missions from the original MP version. This is why you should also set up a private test server and see if things work they way they should in a virtual MP environment because this can give you a clue why things aren't working in SP. |
i do unlock the code that way i know that custom loot for most other maps aside from namalsk have the loot spawned from the dayz_code.pbo and so i always use the code from the original and just unlock it if needed
and yea i noticed that about namalsk also i would love to know alot more than i do at this point what i really want to know is how to edit loot tables if anyone has any links on this i would love you long time, sucky sucky fy dolla i wish i did know more about what was done to create sp. but unfortunatly i only know what i can understand just by looking at the code lol. and teaching myself but i have fun learning everyday and i appreciate all of you that have helped me in gaining the knowledge i have at this point so so thank you all alot and thanks for the tip btw i will have to remember to try to use a server to test if i ever need to |
What Kronzky did is not complicated at all:
He just set up a "virtual server" with the code... Which is how ArmA 2 works normally. Even SP missions in regular ArmA 2 are basically "private server" missions on your (local) computer. The (isServer) declaration is what determines if it is a hosted LAN mission. (isServerDedicated) is of course, a dedicated server that runs 24/7. The whole game is built around client/server and designed mainly for LAN... Not internet... Because the base engine of ArmA 2 is for real world military training who use closed LANs. This is why the anti-cheat was so lax before "DayZ" became so popular; There was no need for it on a closed LAN with (adult) professional soldiers and others. You also need to know how mission files and servers interact and what files are loaded in what order. If you know these basics, trouble shooting is very easy because when something doesn't work, there is either something blocking the flow of code, or an omission (hole) in the flow that needs filling in order for things to function properly. This is why I told AboveDayZ if he is going to be releasing maps... He needs to understand the game inside and out, how the engine works and other things and not just how to port a map to SP because it goes beyond just copy & paste a lot of times. He needs to know these things because this is how he (and you) can give post-release support for those who are less tech savvy and especially when bugs are reported that need fixing. Keep up the good work ![]() |
In reply to this post by fedus_87
I'm going to keep asking this every time a new SP mod comes out until I get answers.
Is it possible to remove bandits and survivors? To me it's pretty annoying when I go into any town and have 4 survivors and bandits spawn on me when I'm just trying to play on my own. I basically want it to be like I'm the only one on a server. |
I agree with you, this is how I want to play SP too.
There are currently 2 maps available without AI, Chernarus and Lingor. I would love to see more though. |
In reply to this post by UprootedEagle
I replied on your lingor post, and uploaded a version without AI. |
In reply to this post by yatoub
You guys will have to see what Fedus_87 and AboveDayZ have to say about this.
I handle Chernarus, and have done everything that can be done with the mod until the stand alone comes out. As noted, there are AI-less versions of Chernarus & Lingor available, so that will have to tide you over until you get a response from the other two... |
In reply to this post by Above
Sorry, I must not have seen it. Thanks! |
In reply to this post by UprootedEagle
i updated the original post with a no ai version but i did leave 2 sets of bandits. 1 on the nw airfield and the ne aifield i hope this is not a problem for you. i just think it is more like MP this way but if you really dont even want those bandits on the map just let me know and i will remove them for you.
no ai version |
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