great mod wrote
I think i may have fixed the loot and zed issue by putting the player_spawn_2.sqf from the original dayz code and put it in the dayzx mission pbo and changed line 114 in the compiles.sqf to
player_spawn_2 = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\system\player_spawn_2.sqf";
so far it is working with vehicles as well. I hope this helps. I have not tried resuming from save yet
Great share! I will test this, and add it to the update with credits.
Changelog ideas for now (The ones I can think of):
1. Fix glitches.
2. Add and fix the Epoch building system.
3. A new debug monitor I've been working on.
4. Changes to the loot table.
5. Updated to 1.8.1
(or have features from 1.8.1).6. ?
*EDIT: Your fix didn't work for me, but I have some ideas.