Been on these forums for a while now, seen almost every problem people have had along with the remedy to said problem lol
In reply to this post by Above
I have a question about Breaking Zero. I have version 3.8 installed an I've started playing the Podagorsk NOAI mission. I got about an hour in and my car got shot at and a helicopter came out of nowhere and lit me up. I thought the NOAI mission was supposed to not have AI spawn at all. Is there a setting I need to adjust? I tested all the missions (timecycle and regular) on both Pod and Cherno and they all have AI.
Any light you could shed on this will be helpful. Thank you. |
Any fix to no loot/bandit/zombie spawning after using a vehicle?
I'm sure it will be fixed in the update when Above releases it. some people have reported disabling the + and - keys have solved the issue, so give that a try.
In reply to this post by longjohnt
Cant say I have heard of someone getting attacked by AI on a NOAI mission. have you got any mods installed? if so, you could try disabling some, see what happens. Only other thing I can suggest is to re download the mission files.
The only addon I have is SOW that I used to get rid of the spider arms glitch. I will reload the mission files. Do you mean the + and - keybinds? I don't see how that effects anything, but I'll give it a shot.
Is there something in the mission file I can look for and disable? @Chincher - I entered and exited vehicles several times with no noticeable effect on spawning. Second question; What do you adjust to increase zombie damage and make them headshot only? I made them walk, but I want them to be hard to kill and do some damage if they catch you. |
Disabling the + and - time acceleration keybinds has completely stopped the no loot issue. I had the no loot issue with about 4 different mods and after i disabled those keys i have played alot of hours and no problem, i use heli's and cars all the time with no issue.
In reply to this post by longjohnt
the + and - key-binds control the time acceleration setting, increasing the speed time goes accordingly.
as for the zombi damage and headshot only thats something that would have to be edited in the configs i imagine, Above would know more about that then me im guessing |
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
I figured it out. It is the 3.8 version. I overwrote the mission files with the 3.5 files and there is no AI in the NOAI mission. I have only done this on the non-timecycle Pod and Cherno.
In reply to this post by Above
how would i add a towing script to this? i tried adding one but then the mission didnt show up and i thought that maybe it dealt with me doing something wrong or maybe its the mission but idk. and if so adding a towing script in the next update would be nice :)
R3F used to be added in an earlier version, but it got removed in this new update to make sure everything was compatible. Fingers crossed it will be added back in, but thats all up to Above. sometimes an addon like that can cause more problems than its worth sadly :(
In reply to this post by longjohnt
@longjohnt Could you elaborate more on how to make the Zombies walk? |
Unpack dayz_code.pbo (make sure you back it up).
In the compile folder you will find a file called control_zombieAgent.sqf. Open with Notepad++. Ctrl+F (find) the word "forcespeed". Everywhere you find the word forcespeed, change the variable to 2. Save and close. In the system folder there is a file called zombie_agent.fsm. Open with Notepad++ and do the same thing you did in the previous file. Save and close. Repack dayz_code.pbo and play the game. If the zombies still run, it will be because the pbo wasn't packed right (happened to me a lot). The easiest way I found is to edit these files and get them to work properly is to open dayz_code.pbo in PBO Manager, expand the folders, and copy the aforementioned files onto your desktop. Edit and save them there, then copy/paste them back into the folders in PBO manager. If you open them straight out of PBO Manager it will act like it is saving, but nothing will be changed. |
Thank you I will get started on this and let you know how it turns out. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Rabidgerbil
say im trying to add it right now how would i do so because i followed the steps on R3F's website and it ended up saying that i didnt have something in my addons folder for R3f.. so i was wondering if you could help me figure this out so that it may be in the next update or just so that i can use it in the update that is out now.
In reply to this post by Above
Hey above, been following your releases for a long time, thank you for still supporting this mod and those who play it!
Can you make non-cheat version as well? and also, any update on the Epoch building system + traders? (those would make the game so awesome) Thank you!! great work |
In reply to this post by iiTake Triicks
Unfortunately I cant help you add it, Im not too sure on how myself. Above had to do a bit of work to get it working with the mod, so your best bet is to ask Above
In reply to this post by akjohnny
In reply to this post by Munnster
Is anyone else having very low FPS in some areas of BreakingZero ?
Yes. I figure it's the fact that your computer has to do everything the server normally does like spawn zombies and loot. I get a big hitch as I roll up on a new area and everything spawns; especially in cities with lots of buildings (Tavianna gets bad). Every building spawns about 1-5 zeds and has 2-10 loot spawns.
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