Ok, after 12 hours of gameplay this is my review.
The mod is clean and fast, only one issue during loading (for me), Community configuration project e is missing and that means that i am forced to restart the mission if i ever choose to leave. loot spawning is great and although i have been finding endgame weapons directly after spawn (The town near the bridge you added is OP).
There are still too many bandits and i ended up having one of the biggest fire fights ever at spawn. What if you scrap the current system and just spawn some bandits randomly around the map and tell them to go somewhere (City, town, ect) and if there are none nearby spawn 2 within 1000m of the player (it would be nice if they looted the places that they go to too once lootcycles are introduced).
It is almost bug free but there are a few, take clothes stays on my scroll selector (you know about this) and when i crash a plane into the ground (or trees) i dont instantly die.
Can you make the vehicle spawn better, they most if not all spawn with no fuel and everything is broken. Can we have a bit of fuel and just a few parts broken (1 wheel poped, glass shattered) but it all needs to be random.
Over all the mod is great and just needs a bit more polish.
Cheers, BossMann