dave616 wrote
Is there an online base-building & crafting guide for this?
And Above, top work buddy :thumbs:
I had to deactivate the building system, where you can craft house-stuff. However the DayZ 1.8 crafting system got a crafting recipe guide when you open the crafting UI.
The reason I had to remove the building systems was mainly because it would give you the "you must have the exact amount...." when trying to place stuff that you crafted. And also because I'll be looking into the Epoch building system soon.
I got 1 concern about the Epoch building system, though. And that is that there's already alooooooooot of loot in this SP. So there will be alot of items spawning, wich makes it harder to get what you want. I guess that's a good thing, though. It will leave you with something to do for longer. :)