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RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v6.11d (25.12.2020)

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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

314 posts
AI's works.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

14 posts
This post was updated on Mar 26, 2017; 12:39pm.
Very good work. It is really apreciated. I havnt came across ant ai yet though
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

14 posts
This post was updated on Mar 26, 2017; 12:38pm.
still found no ai.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

12 posts
keep looking lol youll see some
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

47 posts

When I download the update - the mission file is not compressed so it's all lose files?

'DaiZyNamalskSP_AI.namalsk' i.e it's not showing as a .PBO file...can you please fix?

"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

314 posts
Hi all,
sorry for the long time answer

v4.04 have a FPS problem (at saving games) and AI respawn system must be rewrited
and a lot of work too ...

I will work on Chernarus first to have stable scripts then i will work on Namalsk

About baseBuilding, I will see if I can do something but first this version need a big work of update
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

47 posts
Great, cheers!
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

314 posts
This post was updated on Sep 04, 2017; 10:50am.
v5.01 ready

gearGui 1.88 merged
SpawnAi system of chernarus1987
Lot of features/contains checked/fixed/updated...
now spawned vehicles near roads have loot
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

47 posts
Testing feedback:

Everytime I spawn (for the first time) my character dies instantly. Virtually zero health.

I was a little bummed that you haven't included Haleks apocalyptic skins and the new HUD? Or are you not allowed?
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

2 posts
In reply to this post by Oliv82
I can get the 'campaign' mission to work fine, but i can't get the scenario's to load. either of them. It's odd tbh, but im kind of sad now cause i loved open world Namalsk.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

314 posts
This post was updated on Dec 23, 2017; 6:24pm.

- Same zeds armors values of Chernarus mod

- Radiations:
    - added differents zones (size differs) who emit radiations in accordance of original Namalsk map
    - new "Radiation" icon for dayz GUI (color is adjusted by radiation level, light green to flashy red)
    - new value in ColoredMonitor, "Irradiation" absorbed value in mGy (milliGrays), red if value is > 500mGy
    - added Geiger counter PUG1 model (CfgWeapons object), if you don't have this tool, radiation features will not activate, just take attention of "radiations road signs" and all will be ok :)
    - Geiger counter sounds
    - added "Anti-Rad" pills to reduce faster the irradiation level of the player (tablet of 2 pills max)
    - (it's a game and for the gameplay, player reduce irradiation level also without those pills)
    - "Irradition" text in ColoredMonitor switch to green color if you take anti-rad pill (alternate red/green if still > 500 mGy)
    - Blood lost detection activate the ColoredMonitor (by irradiation and time factors)
    - EVR's bring radiations when it come, so take cover inside houses, buildings to reduce rads levels
    - EVR radiations are progressivly increased (by random values) to max at final blowout effect
    - APSI dont protect you against radiations, APSI protect you for EVR finals effects (just before player become unconscious)
    - EVR script minors logics fix (entities classes around player and APSI off time after blowout)
    - obiously, radiations have effect on player health, those damages are calculated by maths
    - irradiation cause the same visuals ppEffects than loose of blood (value by maths also)
    - ObjectA2 bunker is a very safe place to protect from an EVR
    - SpawnAi conditions updated with EVR time (if EVR start no Ai or Bloodsucker will spawn)

- rscTitles.hpp minor fixes about GUI icons (fracture and radiation idc values)
- Bloodsuckers loot is updated
- player_switchModel.sqf fix player model keep the same name if differents clothes are weared
- vehDamage vars minor fix (+CfgVehicles hitParts fix) no more errors in rpt file
- player_rePosTrash.sqf updated
- Factions init file restored (now bandits spawn !... missed east center sides)
- CarsNearRoads updated (vehicles spawn with loot, loot isnt the same for each class of veh)
- hud.sqf fix (for savegames)
- minor loot chances fixes
- clothes skins values updated (added light rad_protection var. + fixed warm effects)
- skin11 and skin12 are replaced by others 3d models and side values are fixed (no more red tags for friendlies survivors now)
- GL attachment muzzle fix on AK-74 and M16 series

- New "pitch tent" system: player can show the exact position of his tent before pitch (delay:20 sec)
- Tent model follow the "normal" 3dgeometry of the terrain during the pitch anim
- DomeTent 3dmodel is rotate by +90°cw (the entrance is now at front of player)
- object_monitorGear.sqf updated for "DomeTent" (show now max. capacity of Weapons,Mags,Backpacks)
- fn_selfActions.sqf updated for tents actions (disabled "pack tent" high priority, param. is now "false")
- Tents can be inside, on roofs of houses, buildings (worldToModel command fix)
- fnc_SetPitchBankYaw function (by bapedibupa) added
- mark_MyStuff and unmark_MyStuff functions updated (now player can show on map his tents locations)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.04 (10.05.2016)

314 posts
This post was updated on Dec 24, 2017; 3:05pm.
- added GUI: Geiger counter mesure (in mSv/h) just above radiation icon
- reloadHUD.sqf restored in init.sqf
- crafting with string item restored from Chernarus 1987mod
- removed itemTent from cfgMagazines in dayz_code.pbo (already in config.hpp of dayz_equip.pbo)
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v6.03 (24.12.2017)

Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
This post was updated on Feb 06, 2018; 8:10pm.
In reply to this post by Oliv82
The author has deleted this message.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v6.03 (24.12.2017)

314 posts

Personnaly, I dont use Namalsk Crisis in my mod, files are inside but not activated or merged

You dont have to set/modify or touch anything in the Arma expansion menu, just the beta launcher with .exe start parameters are enough to activate mods folders required
Dont install others mods, no Dayz, no Namalsk Crisis...

All you need to play this mod are in both .rar files i uploaded in mediafire.com, the main file and the patch file, thats all.
I dont understand why you run twice time arma2, you just need Arma2OA, cba files(useless because i prefer vanilla arma2 functions for the moment), main file and patch file for this mod, create a new beta .exe with start parameters, and all will be work

Gamer Rachel wrote
Other ones (Namalsk) seems so hard to install. Cut and paste, add command lines, rewrite codes etc., really?
Modders instructions for modders :p, I dont thrust those kind of instructions, 99% is a fail by this way

Gamer Rachel wrote
And please add an update or something to rebalance the Zombies (DaiZy1761 Factions1987), not the damage resistance that´s good. But the thing that everyone are runners, seeing everything from miles away, like athletics. It ruin the game flow a bit. You ending up playing the game in one and the same way all the time, running away from zombies.The game being to one-dimensional. If the Z´s being fixed you got yourself a top 3 of the best Arma mods ever, just saying!
I slowed down running speed of zeds (10 to 6), it take more time to zeds to rejoin player position
But I recognize Namalsk version is a bit harder than Chernarus version
Mechanisms and var values are close to Chernarus but Namalsk is just a little harder

I took long time to set damage resistance of zeds, tried lot of kind of weapons on them and I think its ok now
I admit zeds can spot you pretty easy from far distances, its just limit OP but values are from original Dayz
I think Dayz devs took long time to set those values too to keep the game hard to play but not too hard

And dayz with lazy zeds is not a real "Dayz", zeds are not humans, you are human and you run wasted all the time so zeds should allways have an advantage...

But if you really want to modify zeds detection values, all is in dayz.pbo/config.cpp
sensitivity = 4;
sensitivityEar = 2;
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.03 (07.05.2016)

Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
This post was updated on Mar 01, 2018; 11:26am.
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
The author has deleted this message.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.03 (07.05.2016)

314 posts
This post was updated on Mar 01, 2018; 6:32pm.
Ive worked to update many things in this mod

- init procedure
- money system (ai's drop money if killed) + weapons trader in ObjectA2
- ObjectA2_poi.sqf (added 17 objects + 4 PNJ)
- sellWeapons.sqf updated for _DZ weapons types
- selfactions.sqf updated
- small fix of useless dialogs in description.ext
- medical codes bugs fixed (about EVR, blood level calc. was calculated 2 times and others tricky things)
- ppEffects (blur effects/blood level, grain effects/radiations) (pp must be actived in Arma2 adv. graphics)
- zeds spawn system (code is simplified to max.)
- no more % chance of heli spawn by editor, new system: 3 heli spawn of each model (6 landPads)
- few commands codes fixed, player voice fix in description.ext
- cargoMagazines improved by ~x1.2 ~x1.5 for some veh and for crate_box too
- zombie_loiter.sqf updated
- local fog and wind-dust are now in functions.sqf
- savegame reload status fix
- mi8 and bmp2 wrecks loots+zeds

I think to add hazmat suits for Seraja Army Base and other irradiated zones for the future

Do you have "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch.exe" in your "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead" folder ?
if not download http://www.mediafire.com/file/qvpzm4gq1xpju5f/ARMA2_OA_Build_112555.zip

After that create new exe by copy paste "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch.exe"
Rename it "DZ_NamalskSP_075_DayZ1.7.6.1_v603" (or like you want)
right click on it and go "properties"
"Shortcut" Tab
in target box add:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@CBA_CO;@DayZ_Namalsk_SP405" -nosplash -showscripterrors
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v6.04 (02.03.2018)

2 posts
This post was updated on Mar 03, 2018; 12:43pm.
In reply to this post by Oliv82
Been playing alot of this wonderful mod, but during my long playthroughs i came across a game breaking bug; after exiting the mission and the game, then returning back via a save, all the original dayz ui elements besides epeen monitor and top right weapon/ammo counter disappear, and i mean the dayz green status ui elements on the side that disappear, I found the way to return them buy going into menu game options and out, but instead they are shown static and don't work at all; like the green ear/eye icons don't work at all same for the other elements below. The only best fix i found to the bug is restarting the mission, but the bug only returns when i restart the game and reload the save game. Please fix the bug, its the only thing turning me away from this mod.

Also iv noticed the complete lack of any bandits in namalsk even any gun shots in the distance but so far not a single friendly or bandit ai besides some zeds, I really liked the moderate amount of bandits in Chernarus mission and wish that Namalsk had the same tense bandit encounters at least some gunshots in the distance, maybe have them spawning around some non-radioactive areas, or raise their spawn a little bit.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v6.04 (02.03.2018)

314 posts
This post was updated on Mar 03, 2018; 7:53pm.
Saves states are a nightmare for me, (not about dayzGUi only, but for all others hided working scripts) I dont understand all about this point,

I wiil try to explain the SP system (what i know at least):
Start the game, play etc etc .. all is OK... no bug
There is a check script: "checkHUD.sqf", this script check UIdisplay (DAYZ_GUI_display) every 30seconds
When you reload a save, wait 30 sec and dayzGui must be reloaded (ear and visibility icons too)

This script is activated in init.sqf file and use a loop "while{1==1} do {..."
I verified thousand times and this loop is still active after reload a savegame, so it should be work for you..
thats all I can tell you about that...

NightStalker.cz wrote
Also iv noticed the complete lack of any bandits in namalsk even any gun shots in the distance but so far not a single friendly or bandit ai besides some zeds, I really liked the moderate amount of bandits in Chernarus mission and wish that Namalsk had the same tense bandit encounters at least some gunshots in the distance, maybe have them spawning around some non-radioactive areas, or raise their spawn a little bit.
Maybe the spawn zone is too large,
in "DaiZyNamalskSP_AI604.namalsk\scripts\mission\fnc\doSomething_bandits.sqf"

line 36:
_pos = [_pPos, round(random 180), 150 + round(random 100)] call fnc_randomPos;
150 + round(random 100) => 70 + round(random 50) //spawn zone nearby player pos. (_pPos)

Those values are from Chernarus map, Namalsk is smaller so maybe this modification should be better idk just a suggestion for your game experience :)

You can also set the respawn delay in "DaiZyNamalskSP_AI604.namalsk\fixes\player_spawn_1.sqf"
Check the "dayz_townTimer" var for each locations types (villages, Towns, wasteland, etc etc..)

If you want to quick set this var, line 79
dayz_townTimer = dayz_townTimer + 1; // dayz_townTimer + 2 (respawn delay 2x faster for all locations)

About friendlies Ai's %chances:
in "DaiZyNamalskSP_AI604.namalsk\scripts\mission\fnc\doSomething_bandits.sqf"
line 3:
if (random 100 > 94) exitWith {... => reduce 94 value will increase the % chance to spawn a friendly AI instead of a bandit
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v4.03 (07.05.2016)

Eric the Viking
337 posts
In reply to this post by Rachel-gamer(gaming and more).
Rachel-gamer(gaming and more). wrote
Hello there Eric! I´m back!!!
Hi there Rachel, glad to see you back, you just seemed to disappear there for a while. :)

Rachel-gamer(gaming and more). wrote
Just curious if u manage to run  it right?
No, I didn't at the time and I haven't tried this mod since: but I know that Oliv82 has done a heap of work on it so it's due for another look. Namalsk is such an eerie place.
Rachel-gamer(gaming and more). wrote
don´t like the other ones ai-system. Think they works on "akt-on" like the one u having i ur editor (trigger/akt-on/bluefor). Olivs is much more dynamic u never know
Yes, I agree. I like the uncertainly of AI being around, it adds quite a lot to the atmosphere.
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Re: RELEASE: DaiZy FACTIONS Namalsk v6.04 (02.03.2018)

314 posts
In reply to this post by NightStalker.cz
I had able to reproduce the dayzGUI bug after reloading savegame

I think if you start the mission from main menu, dayGUI will not refresh, idk why for the moment
All my test was from the map editor menu (ctrl + Y) and thats why i didnt shown this bug

If You dont want to restart a game, you can use the cheat menu

in "DaiZyNamalskSP_AI604.namalsk\cheats\TEST_OBJECT.sqf"
in this file there is a lot of test commands (just used by me for debug)
This script is normaly activated by the "Utilities" => "Recover Uncons." cheat function
So somewhere in this file you have "[] spawn fnc_usec_recoverUncons;"
Desactivate this line by add // at the beginning like that:
//[] spawn fnc_usec_recoverUncons;

Add the dayzGUI command:
[] execVM "reloadHUD.sqf";

Back to your savegame and activate the cheat menu "Utilities" => "Recover Uncons." function
(double press "0", the number after "9")
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