You can't order a pilot to land in Arma 2; wich is why I recommend using the "heli_extras" addon provided with CoWar mod : it will allow you to plan a landing, disembark or pick up soldiers on the fly. Quite useful ;)
Oh? I knew I've seen people manage AI pilots, so I have just been assuming it was a part of A2. ^^ This sounds like a fun and useful addon. |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
I have that but how do I actually use it? Where is the menu for it and/or how do I activate it? |
In reply to this post by Above
I tried the going into water thing, you are right, it works... then in day 2 when it started to rain, I seen it change again. I haven't given the thing a chance to get me sick. I have pretty much everything I could need except I haven't found all the parts to fix the body of my first vehicle. I'll have to find out how to make something bigger than the 2 small stash I have made is that basically using more than 1 sandbags? I sniped the pilot out of a chopper, but when it crashed I couldn't find any loot (it makes sense that there wouldn't be much loot due to the explosion and fire, but I read that there is supposed to be loot. Did I blow it up and lose the loot that way or does it take time? It seems as if the only way I can find vehicle parts is to kill bandits, logic would say that bandits would have to have found the parts where loot spawns that part (if it were a scavenged part somewhere in the world). I have found just 2 parts and I have traveled inland as far as Stary, that was at night (using NV) a wheel, and fuel system. The rest come from killing bandits.
In reply to this post by VileThings
Someone commented on this, but removed the comment. I do not remember exacly what he said, but something about using your F keys, in his case F2. And from there you could order the pilot to move to your cursor area (meaning, wherever you point your crosshair). I hope this helps, it's all I got. |
There seems to be a problem with the building script. Every second it counts actually takes 10 seconds. So to build something you have to remain still for 50 seconds (not 5) and it takes 5 minutes (300 seconds) to build, not 30s.
When you have a building item (tank trap, wire fencing kit, sandbag, scrap metal, frag grenade or woodpile) in your main inventory just scroll your mousewheel and it should give you a blue option for 'building recipes'. Clicking it will open a bigger menu where all the recipes are listed - what they look like and what you need to build them. The stashes are actually part of the DayZ mod. A crashed helicopter is not the same thing as a heli crash site. Heli crash sites are placed randomly around the map. They give off a huge smoke plume and zombies spawn around them. I haven't seen any in this mod so far though and I have travelled quite a bit. I get almost all my equipment and about 50% of the parts from dead bandits. They don't actually scavenge for them, they just have a random part on them when they spawn (every vehicle part and building material plus bear traps). You can usually find vehicle parts and building materials in industrial zones. Refer to the yellow markers on this map: That was me. It worked sometimes but more often than not the pilot would just ram the heli into some trees or go chasing after imaginary landing zones hundres of meters away. From what I understand I have to designate a key for the heli_extra command menu to open in the userconfig, but no matter what key I designate, I can't get it to open ingame. |
That was me. It worked sometimes but more often than not the pilot would just ram the heli into some trees or go chasing after imaginary landing zones hundres of meters away. From what I understand I have to designate a key for the heli_extra command menu to open in the userconfig, but no matter what key I designate, I can't get it to open ingame. Oh, haha! Awkward! Well, good thing is, you know more than me. Bad thing is, it's not enough. I do have some ideas, how do you type your bind for the addon? I'll see if I can help you, by downloading and testing myself. *EDIT, are you using the heli addon that came with CoWarMod, or did you download the latest one? This might also help. |
I'm using the one that came with CoWAR. I'll try downloading it seperately :) |
Alright, because 1.3.7 was rewritten to work well with the later beta patches. So that might be it. :) |
No luck. I just can't get the dialogue menu to appear ingame ![]() |
Hmm, I'll de-pbo the addon and see what I can come up with. I'm assuming the original bind isn't working either? |
Unfortunately not. Appreciate the help though ;) |
In reply to this post by VileThings
Yeah there's a problem with that currently... I will try to push a small update, maybe this week-end, wich should fix a few small issues. But we won't have the loot cycling script yet - didn't have time to work on it :/ |
Don't worry about it. There is plenty of loot to be had off bandits. I really like how you get the lone, 8-slot backpack bandits with the shotgun and AK's at the coast and the 24-slot backpack, ghillie-suited bandit packs with night-vision, M107's and M24's in the north. I once ran into at least seven bandits on my way from Berezino to Duborvka (I found seven corpses, but there were probably more my companions killed) it was an epic battle. Another time I had to force myself to get out of Grishino, because I was locked in an endless bandit-loot-cycle. I even lost track of all the corpses I wanted to loot, because new bandits would appear and all the time and add to the number. I wish bandit groups would fight amongst themselves though and have less of a sniper-vision. I almost never see them first. An increase in industrial spawns would be nice. Especially vehicle and building parts. Scrap metal seems absurdly rare. |
In reply to this post by Haleks
Just use the loot system from Origins? ;o |
What kind of script is it? I've been working on something to emulate server reboots; you know, having the whole map cleaned up of all loot piles every x hours. |
That's nice, the Origins script removes loot when you're X metres from a town, for X amount of time. And marks the buildings as "not looted", so you don't have to sit abouts for 10 min. This is how it have worked for me. I didn't read much in the script, apart from the whatever metres from town, then delete objects etc etc. |
Just some random thoughts about the mod:
Item spawns need adjusting (as mentioned in another post before). Especially for industrial parts, but also equipment. I basically get all my equipment off dead bandits. The damage level of spawned vehicles needs adjustment. Make them not completely wrecked. This would also help with the above mentioned problem, as you would need fewer parts to fix vehicles up. Right now it takes forever to fix even one. Also more vehicles. Maybe just make them all spawn in from the beginning so the player can take his pick. Maybe the salvage script from Taviana/Epoch, which enables you to cannibalize vehicles and also the ability to tow stuff. This is probably just a dream, but an option to clear roads by salvaging/removing wrecks and barricades. The AI seems able enough to drive on roads, but they can't steer around obstacles. This way you could clear paths for them. Maybe even go so far as to have bandits and/or survivors patrol the roads once sufficiently cleared. Random occurences like a few bandits guarding a truck or supplies in a city. Basically Wasteland-style missions without the missions. Some pre-placed bandit and survivor bases for the player to assault/capture would be nice as well. Gives you something to do. |
In my opinion, fixing a car should take as long as possible, since everything in DayZ takes no time. AND, it's singleplayer, so there's no threat really, and you can chill abouts. |
It just feels like artificially lengthening the play time, especially coupled with low part spawn. Anyway, that's just my opinion. I do appreciate that the gratification is greater the more work you had to put in ;) |
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