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Loving this mod, started in Elektro as well and managed to sneak up and axe an AI with a rusty M16. Took a beating from zombies though because he was firing away and attracted a pile of them. Managed to get patched up and after killing a bunch of zombies I got back and finished looting the bandit. Just finishing up and heard a shot just miss me. I hit the ground and managed to locate the sniper. Crawled to better cover and then flanked the bugger and killed him with my axe. Camo SVD with 2 mags and a tent, sweet! Took a nap for 3 hours and covered the hot loot spots again but now I'm getting very low on health and food is scarce. I'm going to have to venture into the woods to do some hunting. The only thing I'd recommend is to add matches or a tinder box to starting gear instead of the random gun.
Any chance of a walking zeds version once you've got time? Thanks. Wayne |
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Why not? ^^ @Stormforge : gunshots, when you begin the game, are pretty rare since the AI tends to hold fire at night. But you'll hear more gunfights as the sun is rising. ;) @Above : Thanks man, I'm glad you enjoy it! I've always liked dayz 2017 - despite a few glitchy features I chose not to include in this : Tokarev & mosin guns, and the post-apo cars (sadly they do not work with the dayz damage system). To be honest I didn't try the latest version of 2017 (v2.1), but I think the current build up, with the crafting system and the features, works and looks pretty fine. ;) |
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Hey Haleks, any chance of being able to add more color or get rid of the shader? The full tan glow doesn't look so nice on my monitor. :-/ Just an optional thing, not like a main edit.
<Life is only an hour. After that hour, life begins>
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In reply to this post by Haleks
List of the changes I made so far for the next update :
- Removed breath fog for units wearing gas masks. - Ability to place tents inside buildings & on roofs. - Removed SVD Camo from bandits & loot tables; added RPK 74 machinegun to the loot tables. - Dismissed units will go to the nearest town or village, rather than going all the way back to the coast. A short message will display the name of the town the unit is going to. |
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In reply to this post by VodkaEagle
I'll think about it : the color effect is a bit too bright at the moment. Don't hesitate to lower the gamma correction or luminosity, it will look much better. |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
Oh yes, I've had alot of fun. I'd like the cars, but you got a superb balance between 2017 and I will probably reduce the chance of finding good stuff in my BreakingZero, it was really fun not being super geared, super fast. |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
O_O It's too bright!? For me, it's too dark. I play on maxed brightness and 1.0 Gamma.
<Life is only an hour. After that hour, life begins>
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This post was updated on Jan 23, 2014; 7:44pm.
In reply to this post by Haleks
Small update on the upcoming changes :
- Removed breath fog for units wearing gas masks. - Ability to place tents inside buildings & on roofs. - Removed SVD Camo from bandits & loot tables; added RPK 74 machinegun to the loot tables. - Dismissed units will go to the nearest town or village, rather than going all the way back to the coast. A short message will display the name of the town the unit is going to. - Improved snow weather : it won't snow & rain at the same time anymore. Possibility of snow storms. Snow will affect the player's temperature. Winter is coming guys!!! ![]() ![]() |
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Haleks ! what have you done !!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE !!! you brought a stalker world into an already scary world ! you managed to unleash a beast among the peaceful zombies around Chernarus ! well done budy ! very well done ! 2017 combined with 8.0.3 is all we Dayz solo players wished for a very long time !
God Job ! |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
Awesome game.
Bagged me a few ghouls and bandits, and have a fully working Ural now, with lots of guns and ammo. One thing I noticed: Raw goat meat won't cook at fireplaces. Also, not sure if the temperature gauge is working or not. I spawned just before dawn and was exhaling cold breath, but my temperature has never changed. Looking forward to discovering more. :) |
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This post was updated on Jan 24, 2014; 10:40am.
In reply to this post by Haleks
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Great update, now assuming you'll use breath fog since it's winter. In my opinion, you should use the gasmask breath, it's way better than the breathing fog I'm using. *EDIT: Haleks, btw. Would you mind if I use your unlock? I'm redoing "BreakingZero" from scratch, basically. Would save some time if I don't have to figure the unlock. ![]() |
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In reply to this post by twsmith
haleks when will be the next update?
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This post was updated on Jan 24, 2014; 2:44pm.
In reply to this post by Above
I'm already using a breath fog script (day & night), but what gasmask breath are you talking about mate? And I don't mind you using the unlock : you should use the one from this release since it already has the fix for the zombie & loot spawns issues. A couple of words though : you'll most likely have to change the starting backpack to avoid the "bad vehicle" error; I've also removed the part that launches the player UI (I'm launching it from the mission file now). If you just want the unlock without the changes though, use the one from Factions - it works on! ;) EDIT : scratch that : just remembered that this is a customised code. The unlock from 2018 and the latest Factions won't work on; so you'll definitely wanna use the one from Factions or Factions Soon! I'm making sure that the new snowy weather is balanced and behaves correctly. I also have a couple of things to fix with the tents. Thanks, I didn't notice the goat meat issue! And the temperature is working (it will go down quite fast if you stand in the rain in the middle of the night), but the breath fog ain't related to the temeprature function at the moment. |
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First of all, thanks alot for letting me use it. Secondly, the breathing fog from the gasmask that I was talking about, was the breath fog script that they/you used for the gasmask.
And about the vehicle error, it should be in the playermonitor file. Because if you change the spawning config, the playermonitor (or whatever the file is called) will still try to spawn the other backpack. I'll see if I can find the line. And what file do I have to edit in the FACTIONS code to fix the zombies? |
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Look at the player_monitor file and change this :
" while {true} do {" \n " _handle = [false] spawn player_spawnCheck;" \n " waitUntil{scriptDone _handle};" \n " call stream_locationCheck;" \n " sleep 2;" \n " };" \n into this : " while {true} do {" \n " call player_spawnCheck;" \n " call stream_locationCheck;" \n " sleep 3;" \n " };" \n Not 100% sure yet, but calling the spawncheck rather than spawning it seems to have definitely fixed those issues for me. |
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This post was updated on Jan 24, 2014; 3:22pm.
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Alright, thanks alot. What was the actual zombie problem? They didn't attack you, or they didn't spawn? *EDIT: I found this mod. Might fit in 2018? :) |
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Zeds & loot would stop spawning after some time - I think it's a script overload issue. Nice addon btw, but I'm not using the m14 guns right now! ^^ |
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This post was updated on Jan 24, 2014; 6:31pm.
Oh, alright. And nice, as long as you don't buff the loot/weapons in 2018, I'll stay loyal to it. :) |
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In reply to this post by Above
hello Haleks,
J'ai joué un bon nombres d'heures et le spawn de zombie et de loot c'est cassé a 2 reprises. La première fois je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais la deuxième comme je venais de commencer une partie les causes sont plus limitées : j'ai spawn, je me rend dans un village tout proche , la tout est ok zombie et loot , je me fait accrocher par un zombie qui me contamine , je reprend la route vers elektro (ville la plus proche) mais a partir de la plus rien pas de zombie ni loot (j'ai attendu, dormis, parti, revenu) . La contamination pourrait elle briser quelque chose ?? A part cela c'est vraiment plaisant.. peut être pourrais tu réduire/supprimer les haches et couteaux qui loot en très grande quantité (chez moi en tout cas, même constat sur plusieurs partie) ? peut être ajouter aussi ce petit script qui se prête bien a 2018 je pense : http://opendayz.net/threads/release-drink-water-v2-0.13493/ Et du coup réduire les gourdes ;) Sinon j'ai trouvé une seule fois un scrap métal, je commençais a me dire que tu l'avais supprimé. Et pas un seul rotor depuis que je joue ce mod :) Du coup perso plutôt que industriel 0.50 generic 0.50 ; j'ai basculé 0.60 et 0.40 c'est bien mieux sans pour autant être abusé, le chalenge est toujours la :) __________________________________ I played a good number of hours and the zombie spawn and loot it has broken 2 times. The first time I do not know why , but the second as I had just started some causes are more limited : I spawn , I went to a nearby village , everything is ok the zombie and loot , I made hang by a zombie that infects me , I hit the road to elektro ( the nearest town ), but from nothing or no zombie loot ( I waited , slept , party, income). Contamination could she break something ? Apart from that it's really nice .. may be you could reduce / eliminate axes and knives loot in very large quantities ( to me anyway , even finding several part) ? can also add this little script that lends itself well to 2018 I think: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-drink-water-v2-0.13493/ And suddenly cut gourds ;) Otherwise I found once scrap metal , I began to tell me that you had deleted. And not a single rotor since I play this mod :) Character rather than industrial 0.50 0.50 generic blow, I switched 0.60 and 0.40 is much better without being abused , the chalenge is always :) |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
Ok sorry for the full on noob question but can we set up bases in this ? I want to 'borrow' one of the more isolated houses and board it up but im kinda new to the game and i'm not sure how to do it haha, If i cant then that will be why i cant figure it out and the obvious next question is, Will you be adding it to 2018 ? Sorry again for being a noob but i've only been playing dayz for a few weeks and i was after something to play while my mates offline
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