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This post was updated on Jun 11, 2014; 7:42pm.
This is a single player release based on DayZ2017 v2.0.1
![]() Features in this release : - The R3F realism script used in 2017. - Bandits and recruitable survivors AI. - All 8 characters from 2017, plus 10 new NPC models. - Zombies spawning in forests. - Zeds & NPC's spawning while inside vehicles. - Zombies reacting to AI gunshots. - The new weapons from 2017, plus 9 additional weapons. - All 2017 vehicles plus a few more. - Respawning Survivor NPC's. - Improved building script. - Sleeping in tents skips 3 hours. - Optionnal mission file with an alternative storyline. - Epeen monitor available via the Utilities menu (press "0" twice). Additional features :
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![]() ![]() ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS : First of all, don't forget to update your Arma 2 OA to the latest Beta patch! 1. Download DayZ 2017 v2.0.1 using DayZ Commander. 2. Download the Factions 2017 files. 3. Make a folder called "@Factions2017" in your Arma 2 OA directory; inside, create a folder called "Addons". 4. Add all the DayZ 2017 files to the Addons folder inside "@Factions2017". 5. Copy & Paste all the files from the Addons folder of the package you just downloaded into the Addons folder inside @Factions2017 (overwrite if prompted). 6. Add the mission file to your "mission" folder in your arma 2 OA directory. 7. Don't forget to create a new OA Beta Patch shortcut and add "-mod=@Factions2017" in the target line! NOTE : If you have an error message about missing content, you might have to copy the Addons folder from Arma 2 into your Operation Arrowhead folder. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommended Mods : - CoWar Mod : The Lite Version is more than enough for DaiZy SP and offers a lot of usefull features such as AI auto rearm, functionnal supressing fire, better reactions and so on... It's worth spending some time reading the documentation files if you want to customize DaiZy to your likes. A must have since it greatly enhances AI units skills. And since I'm using some Arma 2 units, make sure to have this file in your addons : "glt_opa_backpacks4all.pbo" You can also use the rMod if you don't want the CoWar mod. NOTE : There's a glitch with the bayonnette knife mod : it spawns NVGs in the player's inventory. List of recommended files :
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- LandTex (included in CoWar mod) : greatly enhances landscapes textures. - The J.S.R.S Sound Mod : replaces Arma 2 sounds; you can also configure it the way you want (just follow LordJarhead's instructions to remove sound files). Please note that the following file conflicts with roadflares & other throwable objects sounds : "jsrs_grenade_c.pbo"; I advise removing it. - The Community Base Addons are required to run the above mods. Known issues : - Do not save & reload while inside a vehicle! The thirst & hunger features currently don't work in vehicles. CREDITS : AboveDayZ, Fedus_87, Niceonegunit, DayZ_SP, Unknown, ZedHunter & Haleks. Shinkicker and the OpenDayZ community. Special thanks to Icewindo, the author of the post-apo units! |
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Oh my!
Just as I'm going to bed too! I can see what I'm doing tomorrow night then :-) Looking forward to playing this!! |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
WHat map is this?
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Chernarus lol is there a different map
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This post was updated on May 30, 2013; 12:35pm.
Yeah, Chernarus. Again. That's currently the only map for the 2017 mod; nonetheless, Fedus made a Namalsk 2017 mission some time ago and it was really good. I might try doing the same for another map... Or merge it with Above's current Namalsk (if he's up to it). I didn't have time to actually play - but this is sooo much better than regular DayZ - even without the choppers & helicrashes! And it's so nice to see those "survivor skin" zombies! XD |
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In reply to this post by Haleks
sounds really cool, never played 2017 before. i go and give it a try! Thx again haleks!
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This post was updated on May 30, 2013; 11:58am.
In reply to this post by Haleks
![]() ![]() This is difficult! I like it! There must be at least double the usual amount of zombies roaming around and they hurt you a LOT more too! I spawned in at SW Cherno which was nice, so I slowly but surely made my way across the southern region to the big red house near the dock area.There was, from what I could see, 3 bandits working together capping zombies around them. One of them was giving hand signals to the squad which was cool to see. One of the bandits strayed from the team and came near the house, so I ran out and hit him in the face with the hatchet (of which I had to classically reload) and collected his CZ 550. Took a shot at another bandit, but missed and they turned around and ran away for cover! Zombies heard the shot though and surrounded the house, must have been about 20-25 of them. They deal damage from a greater distance it seems, and even before they've initiated their attack animation too, so I quickly got to probably 5-10% blood. I crawled ALL the way to the hospital in the hope of blood bags (not realizing there is no self-bloodbag script at the time), and I found nothing but empty tin cans! Died from a single cheap zombie hit through the wall! I will definitely have another go at this, it is great to see all the new skins for the zombies. Strange how there has never been a female zombie in ANY of the DayZ versions! Edit: Also sometimes when you kill a zombie this message comes up: http://i.imgur.com/ZMzI9mV.jpg I guess it is something to do with assigning an item for the zombie's loot maybe? |
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This post was updated on May 30, 2013; 1:15pm.
Hehe ^^ There's no bloodbags in 2017 :P They removed them in v2.0.1 ...but I might work on creating a bandit base - heavily guarded and filled with unique items. It would be the only place in Chernarus where to find bloodbags (I will of course add back the self-bloodbag script). About that error, I have yet to find the file responsible for it : most likely one the files in dayz_code related to zombie damage to the player. Will try to fix it ASAP. I might also fix the hatchet so you don't have to reload it ;) EDIT : Just found out what was causing the error; going to do some tests and maybe upload a fix. |
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I like the sound of that, kitting up ready to take on a base to get more loot!
Something is definitely up with the zombies attacking me in this. Their damage is pretty much instant, just by running near me. In default DayZ and your DaiZy Factions etc, you can run backwards leaving a bit of a gap between you and a chasing zombie, giving enough time to hit it with the hatchet... but in this it's almost impossible to do that. Any zombie aggro caused means I simply have to find a building pronto to even have a possible chance at remaining alive. Is it supposed to be like this? |
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This post was updated on May 30, 2013; 2:48pm.
It's been a long time since I played 2017 MP; but if I'm not wrong they lack some fixes from regular DayZ - the zombie attack distance being one of them... If I can find out how they resolved this on DayZ, I will try a fix for Factions2017. Also, I'm uploading a new dayz_code : missing icons and FX added back, and no more error message when being hit by a Zed ;) EDIT : done, but I couldn't fix the hatchet reload thing :( |
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a fast question....are bloogbags still present in the mod or they are literally absent ? cause i'm planning to add the "self bloogbag script" !
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I think there totally gone, so without the" Self Bloodbag Script" the only way to get health back is to eat a SHIT LOAD of cooked meat
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OMNYOMNOMNOM ! go for the Cows hunting ! |
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As Kryptic said, the bloodbags are totally gone.
Good luck surviving the future! ^^ |
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It's gonna be hard to keep the screen colored ! Feel me bro? ;-) |
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In reply to this post by mp5lng
60 cans of beans later...
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Eat healthy food and don't forget to wash your teeth,
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In reply to this post by Haleks
I just saw that a typo in the bandits sequence was keeping them from spawning down South... Sorry fellas! ![]() |
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No worries ! Less bandits means few more minutes to live ! :-)
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So how are things going on the bloodbag thing ? We really need it ! I'd like to help but i have no idea :-p
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