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Google translator in Russia badly translates. I will try to find a person who could translate what in Russian into English, but in time.
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thank you klay!
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In reply to this post by Klaycus5555
Let's create a server diskord where we could discuss issues related to mods?
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Okay I sleep, all good night and a great day.
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In reply to this post by 000000
How much time you have now, what today to give you dzai bots and missions of dzms and explain how to install them.
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Who is not difficult let's create a discord server.
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i've never used discord ...
Klaycuss, why don't you start another thread , and start teaching us. We can figure out google translation errors. Like starting from the beginning, how to set up our own SP missions. Then how to start modifying for content we want. That way, you can take time to teach, and not be rushed. We all have work and jobs too, so we know what that is like. ( I attempt to use goggle translation for you.) ------------------------------------- я никогда не использовал разлад ... Клайкусс, почему бы тебе не начать новую тему и начать учиться. Мы можем вычислить ошибки перевода Google. Как и с самого начала, как настроить наши собственные миссии SP. Затем, как начать изменять контент, который мы хотим. Таким образом, вы можете потратить время, чтобы научить, а не спешить. У всех нас есть работа и работа, поэтому мы знаем, что это такое. ya nikogda ne ispol'zoval razlad ... Klaykuss, pochemu by tebe ne nachat' novuyu temu i nachat' uchit'sya. My mozhem vychislit' oshibki perevoda Google. Kak i s samogo nachala, kak nastroit' nashi sobstvennyye missii SP. Zatem, kak nachat' izmenyat' kontent, kotoryy my khotim. Takim obrazom, vy mozhete potratit' vremya, chtoby nauchit', a ne speshit'. U vsekh nas yest' rabota i rabota, poetomu my znayem, chto eto takoye. |
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this could be nice.
i think this way to play it's getting lost over time and we are like such/kind underground players. could be helpfull if we all learn more and we share knowledge. |
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In reply to this post by benevolentdevil
I said that I will help about yesterday, said that I went to sleep. I do not refuse to teach you.
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yes and thank you. yesterday was to late / вчера было уже слишком поздно
i think i have time at weekend, can we make a new thread i think some users want to learn about. |
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In reply to this post by 000000
DZMS missions for single, attention these missions are made for a single game as there is a script for completing missions and self-cleaning missions from the technique of boxes and de-races, that would not clog the card. https://yadi.sk/d/XVEJHVO_3Z7Lzi DZAI bot The best and stable version. [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf"; [] execVM "DZMS\DZMSInit.sqf"; Insert these scripts in the end init sqf Located in the mission's own folder for a single game. |
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In reply to this post by 000000
//Simulation Server DayZ
diag_log "[SPP]: Start Simulation Server DayZ"; allowConnection = true; dayz_preloadFinished = true; myPlayerSpawn = false; isSever = false; isLoops = true; enableRadio true; server_gutObject = {}; server_onPlayerConnect = {}; server_onPlayerDisconnect = {}; server_playerDied = {}; server_playerLogin = { _playerObj = player; _clientID = owner _playerObj; PVCDZ_plr_Login = ["42",[],[],[0,0,0],true,dayz_versionNo,typeOf player,true,false]; _clientID publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_Login"; diag_log "[SPP]: server_playerLogin ok"; }; server_playerSetup = { _playerObj = player; _spawnSelection = _this select 3; _clientID = owner _playerObj; _position = getPosATL _playerObj; waitUntil { //Spawn player on map if (dayz_selectRegion == 6) then { //Random spawn player on map _position = [] call mySpawnPlayerSPP; } else { //Select spawn player on map _mkr = getMarkerPos ("spawn" + str(_spawnSelection)); _position = ([_mkr,0,1500,10,0,2,1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos); }; _validPos = ((_position select 0) != 0); _validPos }; _position set [2,0]; _playerObj setPosATL _position; PVCDZ_plr_Login2 = [[0,_position],[],true]; _clientID publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_Login2"; myPlayerSpawn = true; diag_log "[SPP]: server_playerSetup ok"; }; server_playerStat = {}; server_playerSync = {}; server_publishObject = {}; server_routinePlayerCheck = {}; server_townDeZombify = {}; server_townZombify = {}; server_updateObject = {}; server_updatePlayer = {}; zombie_findOwner = {}; dayz_clientPreload = true; diag_log "[SPP]: End Simulation Server DayZ"; |
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In reply to this post by 000000
this script is inserted at the beginning init sqf for those who want to start making mod on the version DayZ,Or in the case of some problems on
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In reply to this post by Klaycus5555
private ["_dzv","_name1","_tmp","_tmpb","_pos","_baseclass","_baseclassmin","_item","_isok","_bci","_bc",
"_lootpos","_ba","_tmpblg","_tmp1","_handle"]; 0 cutText [localize "SPP_pleasewait", "BLACK FADED",60]; // load string functions null=[] execVM "KRON_Strings.sqf"; null=[] execVM "u_progs.sqf"; null=[] execvm "tpwcas\tpwcas.sqf"; null=[] execVM "DMZ_delete.sqf"; R3F_TIRED_Accumulator = 0; R3F_TIRED_BLACKOUT_LEVEL = 10000; WEST setFriend [RESISTANCE, 0]; RESISTANCE setFriend [WEST, 0]; EAST setFriend [RESISTANCE, 1]; RESISTANCE setFriend [EAST, 1]; EAST setFriend [WEST, 1]; WEST setFriend [EAST, 1]; // DayZ mod not installed, so we can't do anything if !(isClass (configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "DayZ")) exitWith { hintc "DayZ mod must be installed and activated, for this mission to run!"; }; dayz_versionNo = getText (configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "DayZ" >> "version"); _dzv = parseNumber (dayz_versionNo); if (_dzv < 1.7) exitWith { hintc "This mission requires at least version 1.7.0 of the DayZ mod!"; }; _name1 = name player; enableTeamSwitch false; // regular initializations isServer = false; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; isServer = true; myGroupMax = 60; myNoLoot = 0; sparamOk = false; myAmmoSelect = 0; myEquip = 0; myLootKoef = 0.75; myDamageKoef = 1.0; myDayNight = 0; myLootClrTime = 12; myLootCount = 0; // myMapPath = 0; myFriendKoef = 0.2; myTired = 2; diag_log "*** start selectparam.sqf"; _timepb = time; while {!(sparamOk)} do { [] call compile preprocessFile "selectparam.sqf"; }; if(myMapPath > 0) then { [] call compile preprocessFile "spawnbuildings.sqf"; }; // overrides of functions and global vars //Cooking meatraw = [ "FoodSteakRaw", "FoodmeatRaw", "FoodbeefRaw", "FoodmuttonRaw", "FoodchickenRaw", "FoodrabbitRaw", "FoodbaconRaw", "FoodhumanRaw" ]; meatcooked = [ "FoodSteakCooked", "FoodmeatCooked", "FoodbeefCooked", "FoodmuttonCooked", "FoodchickenCooked", "FoodrabbitCooked", "FoodbaconCooked", "FoodhumanCooked" ]; //Eating no_output_food = ["FoodMRE", "FoodPistachio", "FoodNutmix"]+meatcooked+meatraw; //Simulation Server DayZ diag_log "[SPP]: Start Simulation Server DayZ"; allowConnection = true; dayz_preloadFinished = true; myPlayerSpawn = false; isSever = false; isLoops = true; enableRadio true; server_gutObject = {}; server_onPlayerConnect = {}; server_onPlayerDisconnect = {}; server_playerDied = {}; server_playerLogin = { _playerObj = player; _clientID = owner _playerObj; PVCDZ_plr_Login = ["42",[],[],[0,0,0],true,dayz_versionNo,typeOf player,true,false]; _clientID publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_Login"; diag_log "[SPP]: server_playerLogin ok"; }; server_playerSetup = { _playerObj = player; _spawnSelection = _this select 3; _clientID = owner _playerObj; _position = getPosATL _playerObj; waitUntil { //Spawn player on map if (dayz_selectRegion == 6) then { //Random spawn player on map _position = [] call mySpawnPlayerSPP; } else { //Select spawn player on map _mkr = getMarkerPos ("spawn" + str(_spawnSelection)); _position = ([_mkr,0,1500,10,0,2,1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos); }; _validPos = ((_position select 0) != 0); _validPos }; _position set [2,0]; _playerObj setPosATL _position; PVCDZ_plr_Login2 = [[0,_position],[],true]; _clientID publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_Login2"; myPlayerSpawn = true; diag_log "[SPP]: server_playerSetup ok"; }; server_playerStat = {}; server_playerSync = {}; server_publishObject = {}; server_routinePlayerCheck = {}; server_townDeZombify = {}; server_townZombify = {}; server_updateObject = {}; server_updatePlayer = {}; zombie_findOwner = {}; dayz_clientPreload = true; diag_log "[SPP]: End Simulation Server DayZ"; allowConnection = true; dayz_preloadFinished = true; server_hiveWrite = {}; server_updatePlayer = {}; server_playerDied = {}; server_updatePlayer = {}; server_publishObj = {}; server_updateObject = {}; server_playerLogin = { // // [_charID,_inventory,_backpack,_survival,_isNew,dayz_versionNo,_model,_isHiveOk,_newPlayer]; dayzPlayerLogin = ["42",[],[],[0,0,0],true,dayz_versionNo,typeOf player,true,false]; //dayzPlayerLogin = ["42",[],[],[0,0,0],true,dayz_versionNo]; diag_log "*** server_playerLogin ok"; }; server_playerSetup = { private ["_position","_marker","_validPos"]; _position = getPosATL player; waitUntil { _marker = format["spawn%1",round(random 4)]; //_marker = "spawn2"; _position = [(getMarkerPos _marker),0,1500,10,0,2000,1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _validPos = ((_position select 0) != 0); _validPos }; //_position = getMarkerPos "testspawn"; _position set [2,0]; player setPosATL _position; //player setVariable["worldspace",[0,_position],true]; _worldspace = [0,_position]; _state = []; dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state]; //dayzLogin = null; //dayzLogin2 = null; diag_log "*** server_playerSetup ok"; }; server_playerMorph = {}; server_switchPlayer = {}; dayz_recordLogin = {}; //_code dayzLogin_code = compile "[] call server_playerLogin;"; dayzLogin2_code = compile "[] call server_playerSetup;"; dayzLoginRecord_code = compile "[] call dayz_recordLogin;"; //dayzUpdateVehicle_code = compile "(_this select 1) call server_updateObject;"; my_player_spawn_2 = false; building_spawnLoot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz\building_spawnLoot.sqf"; local_gutObject = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz\local_gutObject.sqf"; player_chopWood = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz\player_chopWood.sqf"; check_AI_magazines = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "check_AI_magazines.sqf"; player_eat = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz\player_eat.sqf"; player_convertBloodBag = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz\player_convertBloodBag.sqf"; player_selfTransfuse = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz\player_selfTransfuse.sqf"; [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf"; diag_log "*** start player_monitor.sqf"; waitUntil {my_player_spawn_2}; // end // diag_log "*** start init.sqf"; myC1 = 0; myC2 = 0; myStat = 0; myISleep = 0; myTrace = 0; //mySleepAction = -1; myStatTime = time - 1; myStatShowTime = time - 1; mycourse = 0; myHUD = false; myVeh = []; myBoat = []; myHelyVeh = []; myNewHely = objNull; myMap = []; // за кого играют боты center_0 = createCenter resistance; center_1 = createCenter west; // инициализация групп myHely = objNull; myHelyGrp = grpNull; myHelyTime = time + ((60*60*0.5) + ((5*60) * (random 8))); myFriendGroup = creategroup center_1; //grpNull; myFriendGroup setVariable ["keepalive", 1]; myFriend = leader myFriendGroup; myFriendshiptime = time - 1; myFriendshiptrg = false; myHuntOpen = time + (60*1); myHunterCount = 0; myHunterKills = 0; myBanditKills = 0; myHumanKills = 0; spawnGroup = grpNull; myTents = []; myFlies = []; // цель myTargetGroup = grpNull; myTargetQuery = 0; myTargetCount = 2; // gameplay param myTargetKills = 0; // mySkinHero = ["Survivor3_DZ","SectorB_def","SectorB_defA","SectorB_defN","SectorB_defS","SectorB_defM","SectorB_defGM","SectorB_defGSp","SectorB_defSp","SectorB_defGen","SectorB_defGenG","Sniper1_DZ","Soldier1_DZ","Camo1_DZ","Survivor3_DZ","Survivor3_DZ","Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ"]; mySkinBandit = ["Bandit1_DZ","SectorB_def","SectorB_defA","SectorB_defN","SectorB_defS","SectorB_defM","SectorB_defGM","SectorB_defGSp","SectorB_defSp","SectorB_defGen","SectorB_defGenG","Bandit1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ","Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ","Sniper1_DZ","Soldier1_DZ","Camo1_DZ"]; myWpn1 = [ ["Makarov",8], ["MakarovSD",8], ["Colt1911",8], ["revolver_EP1",8], ["revolver_gold_EP1",8], ["glock17_EP1",8], ["M9",8], ["M9SD",8], ["Ori_APS",8], ["Ori_APS_SD",8], ["Ori_CZ75",8], ["Ori_CZ83",8], ["ori_autocrossbowH",8], ["Ori_Tt33",8], ["Sa61_EP1",8], ["UZI_SD_EP1",8], ["UZI_EP1",8] ]; myWpn2 = [ ["M1014",8], ["Saiga12K",8], ["MP5A5",8], ["MP5SD",8], ["AK_74",8], ["G36C_camo",8], ["G36A_camo",8], ["G36K_camo",8], ["G36_C_SD_camo",8], ["G36a",8], ["G36K",8], ["G36C",8], ["G36_C_SD_eotech",8], ["M110_NVG_EP1",8], ["Sa58V_RCO_EP1",8], ["AKS_74_kobra",8], ["AKS_74_U",8], ["AK_47_S",8], ["AKS_GOLD",8], ["AK_74_GL",8], ["AK_74_GL_kobra",8], ["AKS_74_pso",8], ["AKS_74_UN_kobra",8], ["AK_47_M",8], ["m8_compact",8], ["m8_compact_pmc",8], ["ori_autocrossbow",8], ["ori_ak_camo",8], ["ori_vil_uzimini",8], ["ori_vil_uzimini_SD",8], ["Ori_mosin",8], ["Ori_PPS43",8], ["Ori_Sa48SMG",8], ["ori_shotgun2",8], ["Ori_SKS",8], ["ori_vil_uzi_rozkl",8], ["ori_vil_uzi_sd",8], ["M16A4_ACG_GL",8], ["M16A4_ACG",8], ["M4A3_CCO_EP1",8], ["M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1",8], ["Sa58V_CCO_EP1",8], ["M249_DZ",5], ["M249_m145_EP1_DZ",5], ["RPK_74",5], ["m8_SAW",5], ["MG36",5], ["MG36_camo",5], ["m240_scoped_EP1_DZ",5], ["M240_DZ",5], ["M60A4_EP1_DZ",5], ["Pecheneg_DZ",5], ["PK_DZ",5], ["AA12_PMC",8], ["nsw_er7s",8], ["nsw_er7a",8], ["gms_mp40",8], ["gms_k98",8], ["gms_k98zf39",8], ["Remington870",8], ["M16A2",8], ["M16A2GL",8], ["m16a4",8], ["M16A4_GL",8], ["M40A3",8], ["M4A1",8], ["M4A1_Aim",8], ["M4SPR",8], ["SVD_CAMO",8], ["AK_107_kobra",8], ["AK_107_GL_kobra",8], ["AK_107_GL_pso",8], ["AK_107_pso",8], ["Sa58P_EP1",8], ["Sa58V_EP1",8], ["M4A1_RCO_GL",8], ["Remington870_lamp",8], ["M4A3_ACOG_EP1",8], ["M4A3_EP1",8], ["KPFS_MG56",6], ["FN_FAL_ANPVS4",8], ["RH_M40A1",8], ["RH_M40A5",8], ["Winchester1866",8], ["LeeEnfield",8], ["huntingrifle",8], ["WX_IJA_Type099_LMG",8], ["WX_IJA_Type099_LMG_Scoped",8], ["wx_ija_type099_rifle",8], ["wx_ija_type099_rifle_sniper",8], ["EB_DP28_DZ",6], ["ots_14_03_PO",8], ["ots_14_03",8], ["type89",8], ["gQ_minigun_DZ",8], ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO",8], ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD",8], ["SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect",8], ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper",8], ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD",8], ["Anzio_20_DZ",8], ["SLTS_L128A1",8], ["Mk_48_DZ",5], ["FN_FAL",8], ["HKG3T",8], ["bizon",8], ["bizon_silenced",8], ["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo",8], ["M4A1_HWS_GL",8], ["M4A1_HWS_GL_camo",8], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo",8], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT",8], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG",8], ["BAF_L86A2_ACOG",8], ["BAF_AS50_scoped",8], ["DMR",8], ["M24",8], ["M4A1_Aim_camo",8], ["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo",8], ["SVD",8], ["BAF_LRR_scoped",8], ["BAF_LRR_scoped_W",8], ["VSS_vintorez",8], ["M14_EP1",8], ["ksvk_DZ",8], ["USSR_cheytacM200_DZ",8], ["USSR_cheytacM200_sd_DZ",8], ["M107_DZ",8] ]; myWpn3 = [ ["M1014",8], ["Saiga12K",8], ["MP5A5",8], ["MP5SD",8], ["AK_74",8], ["G36C_camo",8], ["G36A_camo",8], ["G36K_camo",8], ["G36_C_SD_camo",8], ["G36a",8], ["G36K",8], ["G36C",8], ["G36_C_SD_eotech",8], ["M110_NVG_EP1",8], ["Sa58V_RCO_EP1",8], ["AKS_74_kobra",8], ["AKS_74_U",8], ["AK_47_S",8], ["AKS_GOLD",8], ["AK_74_GL",8], ["AK_74_GL_kobra",8], ["AKS_74_pso",8], ["AKS_74_UN_kobra",8], ["AK_47_M",8], ["m8_compact",8], ["m8_compact_pmc",8], ["ori_autocrossbow",8], ["ori_ak_camo",8], ["ori_vil_uzimini",8], ["ori_vil_uzimini_SD",8], ["Ori_mosin",8], ["Ori_PPS43",8], ["Ori_Sa48SMG",8], ["ori_shotgun2",8], ["Ori_SKS",8], ["ori_vil_uzi_rozkl",8], ["ori_vil_uzi_sd",8], ["M16A4_ACG_GL",8], ["M16A4_ACG",8], ["M4A3_CCO_EP1",8], ["M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1",8], ["Sa58V_CCO_EP1",8], ["M249_DZ",5], ["M249_m145_EP1_DZ",5], ["RPK_74",5], ["m8_SAW",5], ["MG36",5], ["MG36_camo",5], ["m240_scoped_EP1_DZ",5], ["M240_DZ",5], ["M60A4_EP1_DZ",5], ["Pecheneg_DZ",5], ["PK_DZ",5], ["AA12_PMC",8], ["nsw_er7s",8], ["nsw_er7a",8], ["gms_mp40",8], ["gms_k98",8], ["gms_k98zf39",8], ["Remington870",8], ["M16A2",8], ["M16A2GL",8], ["m16a4",8], ["M16A4_GL",8], ["M40A3",8], ["M4A1",8], ["M4A1_Aim",8], ["M4SPR",8], ["SVD_CAMO",8], ["AK_107_kobra",8], ["AK_107_GL_kobra",8], ["AK_107_GL_pso",8], ["AK_107_pso",8], ["Sa58P_EP1",8], ["Sa58V_EP1",8], ["M4A1_RCO_GL",8], ["Remington870_lamp",8], ["M4A3_ACOG_EP1",8], ["M4A3_EP1",8], ["KPFS_MG56",6], ["FN_FAL_ANPVS4",8], ["RH_M40A1",8], ["RH_M40A5",8], ["Winchester1866",8], ["LeeEnfield",8], ["huntingrifle",8], ["WX_IJA_Type099_LMG",8], ["WX_IJA_Type099_LMG_Scoped",8], ["wx_ija_type099_rifle",8], ["wx_ija_type099_rifle_sniper",8], ["EB_DP28_DZ",6], ["ots_14_03_PO",8], ["ots_14_03",8], ["type89",8], ["gQ_minigun_DZ",8], ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO",8], ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD",8], ["SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect",8], ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper",8], ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD",8], ["Anzio_20_DZ",8], ["SLTS_L128A1",8], ["Mk_48_DZ",5], ["FN_FAL",8], ["HKG3T",8], ["bizon",8], ["bizon_silenced",8], ["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo",8], ["M4A1_HWS_GL",8], ["M4A1_HWS_GL_camo",8], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo",8], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT",8], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG",8], ["BAF_L86A2_ACOG",8], ["BAF_AS50_scoped",8], ["DMR",8], ["M24",8], ["M4A1_Aim_camo",8], ["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo",8], ["SVD",8], ["BAF_LRR_scoped",8], ["BAF_LRR_scoped_W",8], ["VSS_vintorez",8], ["M14_EP1",8], ["ksvk_DZ",8], ["USSR_cheytacM200_DZ",8], ["USSR_cheytacM200_sd_DZ",8], ["M107_DZ",8] ]; myWpn4 = [ ["M1014",8], ["Saiga12K",8], ["MP5A5",8], ["MP5SD",8], ["AK_74",8], ["G36C_camo",8], ["G36A_camo",8], ["G36K_camo",8], ["G36_C_SD_camo",8], ["G36a",8], ["G36K",8], ["G36C",8], ["G36_C_SD_eotech",8], ["M110_NVG_EP1",8], ["Sa58V_RCO_EP1",8], ["AKS_74_kobra",8], ["AKS_74_U",8], ["AK_47_S",8], ["AKS_GOLD",8], ["AK_74_GL",8], ["AK_74_GL_kobra",8], ["AKS_74_pso",8], ["AKS_74_UN_kobra",8], ["AK_47_M",8], ["m8_compact",8], ["m8_compact_pmc",8], ["ori_autocrossbow",8], ["ori_ak_camo",8], ["ori_vil_uzimini",8], ["ori_vil_uzimini_SD",8], ["Ori_mosin",8], ["Ori_PPS43",8], ["Ori_Sa48SMG",8], ["ori_shotgun2",8], ["Ori_SKS",8], ["ori_vil_uzi_rozkl",8], ["ori_vil_uzi_sd",8], ["M16A4_ACG_GL",8], ["M16A4_ACG",8], ["M4A3_CCO_EP1",8], ["M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1",8], ["Sa58V_CCO_EP1",8], ["M249_DZ",5], ["M249_m145_EP1_DZ",5], ["RPK_74",5], ["m8_SAW",5], ["MG36",5], ["MG36_camo",5], ["m240_scoped_EP1_DZ",5], ["M240_DZ",5], ["M60A4_EP1_DZ",5], ["Pecheneg_DZ",5], ["PK_DZ",5], ["AA12_PMC",8], ["nsw_er7s",8], ["nsw_er7a",8], ["gms_mp40",8], ["gms_k98",8], ["gms_k98zf39",8], ["Remington870",8], ["M16A2",8], ["M16A2GL",8], ["m16a4",8], ["M16A4_GL",8], ["M40A3",8], ["M4A1",8], ["M4A1_Aim",8], ["M4SPR",8], ["SVD_CAMO",8], ["AK_107_kobra",8], ["AK_107_GL_kobra",8], ["AK_107_GL_pso",8], ["AK_107_pso",8], ["Sa58P_EP1",8], ["Sa58V_EP1",8], ["M4A1_RCO_GL",8], ["Remington870_lamp",8], ["M4A3_ACOG_EP1",8], ["M4A3_EP1",8], ["KPFS_MG56",6], ["FN_FAL_ANPVS4",8], ["RH_M40A1",8], ["RH_M40A5",8], ["Winchester1866",8], ["LeeEnfield",8], ["huntingrifle",8], ["WX_IJA_Type099_LMG",8], ["WX_IJA_Type099_LMG_Scoped",8], ["wx_ija_type099_rifle",8], ["wx_ija_type099_rifle_sniper",8], ["EB_DP28_DZ",6], ["ots_14_03_PO",8], ["ots_14_03",8], ["type89",8], ["gQ_minigun_DZ",8], ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO",8], ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD",8], ["SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect",8], ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper",8], ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD",8], ["Anzio_20_DZ",8], ["SLTS_L128A1",8], ["Mk_48_DZ",5], ["FN_FAL",8], ["HKG3T",8], ["bizon",8], ["bizon_silenced",8], ["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo",8], ["M4A1_HWS_GL",8], ["M4A1_HWS_GL_camo",8], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo",8], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT",8], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG",8], ["BAF_L86A2_ACOG",8], ["BAF_AS50_scoped",8], ["DMR",8], ["M24",8], ["M4A1_Aim_camo",8], ["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo",8], ["SVD",8], ["BAF_LRR_scoped",8], ["BAF_LRR_scoped_W",8], ["VSS_vintorez",8], ["M14_EP1",8], ["ksvk_DZ",8], ["USSR_cheytacM200_DZ",8], ["USSR_cheytacM200_sd_DZ",8], ["M107_DZ",8] ]; // myTvehicles = [ "GAZ_Vodnik", "UralOpen_CDF", "UAZ_INS", "Pickup_PK_GUE", "Pickup_PK_INS", "BRDM2_HQ_Gue", "BRDM2_HQ_TK_GUE_EP1", "LAV25_HQ", "BTR90_HQ", "HMMWV_Armored", "Kamaz", "KamazOpen", "MTVR", "V3S_Gue", "Ural_UN_EP1", "Pickup_PK_TK_GUE_EP1", "HMMWV_DES_EP1", "MTVR_DES_EP1", "BTR40_TK_GUE_EP1", "BTR40_TK_INS_EP1", "HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1", "SUV_UN_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_EP1", "V3S_TK_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1", "V3S_TK_GUE_EP1", "UralCivil", "Ural_TK_CIV_EP1", "Ural_CDF", "UAZ_CDF", "HMMWV_DZ", "LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1", "UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1", "UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1", "UAZ_RU", "BAF_Offroad_D", "BAF_Offroad_W", "Zil_screwdrive_troop", "FgS_ZIL131_3", "FgS_ZIL131_4", "FgS_ZIL131_5", "kpfs_uaz451_light_blue", "kpfs_uaz451_blue", "kpfs_uaz451_black", "kpfs_uaz451_gue", "kpfs_uaz451_un", "StollyREME", "Jeep" ]; myTboats = [ "ori_submarine" ]; myTcopters = ["ORI_gunship_helicopter","ori_pragaCopter_green","ori_pragaCopter_yellow","UH1H_DZ","AH6X_DZ","Mi17_DZ","MH6J_DZ","MH60S","MV22","Mi17_UN_CDF_EP1","Mi171Sh_CZ_EP1","UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1","C130J","An2_TK_EP1","OWP_MI26ps","OWP_MI26cg","OWP_MI26cg","OWP_MI26hk","int73_mi6a","int73_mi6rus","LynxM","usec_bell206_2","Scout2","Gazelle1","USEC_ch53_E"]; myVehOffRoad = [ "GAZ_Vodnik", "UralOpen_CDF", "UAZ_INS", "Pickup_PK_GUE", "Pickup_PK_INS", "BRDM2_HQ_Gue", "BRDM2_HQ_TK_GUE_EP1", "LAV25_HQ", "BTR90_HQ", "HMMWV_Armored", "Kamaz", "KamazOpen", "MTVR", "V3S_Gue", "Ural_UN_EP1", "Pickup_PK_TK_GUE_EP1", "HMMWV_DES_EP1", "MTVR_DES_EP1", "BTR40_TK_GUE_EP1", "BTR40_TK_INS_EP1", "HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1", "SUV_UN_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_EP1", "V3S_TK_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1", "V3S_TK_GUE_EP1", "UralCivil", "Ural_TK_CIV_EP1", "Ural_CDF", "UAZ_CDF", "HMMWV_DZ", "LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1", "UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1", "UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1", "UAZ_RU", "BAF_Offroad_D", "BAF_Offroad_W", "Zil_screwdrive_troop", "FgS_ZIL131_3", "FgS_ZIL131_4", "FgS_ZIL131_5", "kpfs_uaz451_light_blue", "kpfs_uaz451_blue", "kpfs_uaz451_black", "kpfs_uaz451_gue", "kpfs_uaz451_un", "StollyREME", "Jeep", "ORI_gunship_helicopter", "ori_pragaCopter_green", "ori_pragaCopter_yellow", "UH1H_DZ", "AH6X_DZ", "Mi17_DZ", "MH6J_DZ", "MH60S", "MV22", "Mi17_UN_CDF_EP1", "Mi171Sh_CZ_EP1", "UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1", "C130J", "An2_TK_EP1", "int73_mi6a", "int73_mi6rus", "OWP_MI26ps", "OWP_MI26cg", "OWP_MI26hk", "LynxM", "usec_bell206_2", "Scout2", "Gazelle1", "USEC_ch53_E" ]; // точки запроса цели myAntenna = ["Land_Vysilac_FM", "Land_telek1","Land_vys_antena","land_antena_vetsi"]; // места вечеринок //createLocation ["NameCityCapital", getMarkerPos "party1", 500, 500]; // точки спавна mySpawnGroup = nearestLocations [getMarkerPos "center", ["VegetationFir","VegetationBroadleaf","VegetationPalm","VegetationVineyard","Hill","NameLocal","NameCityCapital"], 50000]; mySpawnFriend = nearestLocations [getMarkerPos "center", ["VegetationFir","VegetationBroadleaf","VegetationPalm","VegetationVineyard","Hill","NameLocal"], 50000]; mySpawnTent = nearestLocations [getMarkerPos "center", ["VegetationFir","VegetationBroadleaf","VegetationPalm","VegetationVineyard"], 50000]; //позиции спавна // для авто и байков _tmp = ["FlatAreaCitySmall"]; //_ign = []; //_ign3 = _ign1 + _ign2; //{_ign = _ign + nearestLocations [getMarkerPos _x, _tmp, 500];}forEach _ign3; _tmpb = nearestLocations [getMarkerPos "center", _tmp, 50000]; //_tmpb = _tmpb - _ign; myPbike = []; {myPbike set [count myPbike, position _x];} forEach _tmpb; // для вертолетов _tmp = ["FlatArea"]; //_ign = []; //{_ign = _ign + nearestLocations [getMarkerPos _x, _tmp, 500];}forEach _ign3; _tmpb = nearestLocations [getMarkerPos "center", _tmp, 50000]; //_tmpb = _tmpb - _ign; //_ignc = nearestLocations [getMarkerPos "center", ["NameCity","NameVillage","NameCityCapital"], 50000]; //_ign = []; //{_ign = _ign + nearestLocations [position _x, _tmp, 500];}forEach _ignc; //_tmpb = _tmpb - _ign; myPhely = []; {myPhely set [count myPhely, position _x];} forEach _tmpb; //для сломанных вертолетов + _tmp = nearestLocations [getMarkerPos "center", ["FlatArea","VegetationFir","VegetationBroadleaf","VegetationPalm","VegetationVineyard","Hill"], 50000]; myPcrashhely = []; {myPcrashhely set [count myPcrashhely, position _x];} forEach _tmp; // для лодок myPboat = []; for "_x" from 0 to 20 do { _tmp = getMarkerPos format["boat_%1", _x]; if ((_tmp select 0) > 0) then {myPboat set [count myPboat, _tmp];}; }; // для палаток myPtent = []; { _pos = position _x; _pos set [2,0]; myPtent set [count myPtent, _pos]; } forEach mySpawnTent; // // формируем списки зданий // _baseclass = [ "Default",//0 "Residential",//1 "Office",//2 "Church",//3 "Industrial",//4 "Farm",//5 "Supermarket",//6 "Hospital",//8 "Military",//9 "MilitarySpecial"//10 ]; _baseclassmin = [4,4,4,4,4,4,4,1,1,3,3]; myBuildings = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; for "_i" from 0 to (count (configFile>>"CfgBuildingLoot"))-1 do { _item = (configFile>>"CfgBuildingLoot") select _i; if(isClass(_item)) then { _isok = false; _bci = -1; while {!_isok} do { _bc = configName(inheritsFrom(_item)); if(_bc != "") then { _bci = _baseclass find _bc; if(_bci >= 0) then { _isok = true; }else{ _item = inheritsFrom(_item); }; }else{ _isok = true; }; }; _item = (configFile>>"CfgBuildingLoot") select _i; if(_bci >= 0) then { _lootpos = [] + getArray (_item >> "lootPos"); if((_baseclassmin select _bci) <= count _lootpos) then { _ba = myBuildings select _bci; _ba = _ba + [format["%1", configName(_item)]]; myBuildings set [_bci, _ba]; }; }else{ //player globalChat format["%1>>%2", configName(inheritsFrom(_item)), configName(_item)]; }; }; }; myGetBuildings = { private ["_res"]; _res = []; {_res = _res + (myBuildings select _x);}forEach _this; _res; }; // режим 0 + // города //_hospital + _industrial + _church + _supermarket + _office + _residential + _farm + _military; myBregim0 = [0,8,4,3,6,2,1,9,10] call myGetBuildings; // режим 1 + // деревни //_hospital + _industrial + _church + _farm + _office + _residential; myBregim1 = [4,3,5,2,1,0] call myGetBuildings; // режим 2 + // одинокие строения //_farm + _industrial + _residential; myBregim2 = [5,4,1,0] call myGetBuildings; // режим 3 + // милитари myBregim3 = [7,9,10] call myGetBuildings; // режим 4 + // лес myLregim4 = ["VegetationFir","VegetationBroadleaf","VegetationPalm","VegetationVineyard"]; myBregim4 = ["Land_Misc_deerstand"]; // режим 5 + // тусовка в черно myBregim5 = [0,1,2,3,4,6,8,9,10] call myGetBuildings; // режим 101 + // цель _tmpblg = [ "Land_A_Castle_Gate", "Land_A_Castle_Bergfrit", "Land_A_Castle_Stairs_A", "Land_ruin_01", "Land_Church_02", "Land_Church_02a", "Land_Church_05R" ]; _tmp1 = nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "center", _tmpblg, 50000]; //_tmp_ign = nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "ignore1", _tmpblg, 1000]; //_tmp = _tmp1 - _tmp_ign; myBregim101 = []; {myBregim101 set [count myBregim101, position _x];} forEach _tmp1; /* 0 "Default", 1 "Residential", 2 "Office", 3 "Church", 4 "Industrial", 5 "Farm", 6 "Supermarket", 8 "Hospital", 9 "Military", 10 "MilitarySpecial" */ myHelyTest = 0; // просмотор конфига армы //_Actionid = Player addAction ["Cfg-Explorer", "CfgExplorer\CfgEStart.sqf"]; diag_log "*** waiting change player name"; waitUntil {_name1 != name player}; diag_log "*** kill dummy"; dummy1 setDamage 1; dummy2 setDamage 1; //player globalChat format["kill %1", _name1]; // 0 cutText ["", "PLAIN",60]; /* myGroupMax = 60; myNoLoot = 0; sparamOk = false; myAmmoSelect = 0; myEquip = 0; myLootKoef = 0.75; myDamageKoef = 1.0; myDayNight = 0; myLootClrTime = 12; myLootCount = 0; // diag_log "*** start selectparam.sqf"; _tmpb = time; while {!(sparamOk)} do { [] call compile preprocessFile "selectparam.sqf"; }; */ _tmpb = time - _timepb; _tmp1 = (_tmpb - floor( _tmpb )) * 100; for "_i" from 0 to _tmp1 do { _tmp = random 1; }; [] call compile preprocessFile "playerequip.sqf"; player setVariable ["unitype", 0]; player setRank "CAPTAIN"; // myMinCars = 0; myMaxCars = 20; myBanditCar = 10; myMinHely = 0; myMaxHely = 10; myMinBoat = 0; myMaxBoat = 1; myMinTent = 0; myMaxTent = 1; myVeh = []; myCars = []; myBCars = []; myHelyVeh = []; myBoat = []; myTents = []; myCheckBCarsTime = time + 120; [myTired] call compile preprocessFile "R3F_Realism\R3F_SetMode.sqf"; [] execVM "R3F_Realism\R3F_Realism_Init.sqf"; [] call compile preprocessFile "respawnvehicles.sqf"; [] execVM "mymonitor.sqf"; [] execVM "spawnpatrols.sqf"; [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf"; [] execVM "DZMS\DZMSInit.sqf"; allowConnection = true; [] ExecVM "WAI\init.sqf"; //Tow and lift execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"; [] execVM "Scripts\kh_actions.sqf"; myEquipSost = 1; myLastSavePos = getMarkerPos "hely1"; if(myEquip > 0) then { myEquipSost = 0; enableSaving [false, true]; }; // //[] execvm "getall.sqf"; diag_log "*** end init.sqf"; |
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In reply to this post by 000000
this is an example of how I
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In reply to this post by 000000
in the folder dzai will be the folder init in it dzai config. That you put your skins weapons for bots rucksacks equipment and the number of patrols on the map.
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In reply to this post by 000000
DZMS missions setting up the missions themselves on time, spawning techniques on it, etc. There is in the folder DZMS in it we find the DZMSConfig.In folders ExtConfig are for the file one is responsible for loot for missions in boxes second for the skills of bots and their weapons.DZMSAIConfig Here, setting skills and their armament skins backpacks and stuff.DZMSWeaponCrateList What loot is going on on missions.
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In reply to this post by 000000
Tools that will help you.
PBO extractor and pac pbo files. https://yadi.sk/d/GjFI838N3Z7PVD Which personally I use it is convenient to try regardless of the system. 64 bit sistem https://yadi.sk/d/LUwhgF2s3Z7PVM 86 bit sistem https://yadi.sk/d/IAILbCK93Z7PVF Unrap To decompress bin files. https://yadi.sk/d/ViDmtUQ23Z7PVP Tips for beginners to write scripts. https://yadi.sk/d/vEiy63sC3Z7PVR |
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This post was updated on Jul 12, 2018; 9:23pm.
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In reply to this post by 000000
I'll post a clean version of the mod so that you can learn it is simple and reliable in use. And it weighs a little.
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